Ever since I was born..... They always said it to me...
I was their hope..... (they was cursing me)
(.why.... )
They (human) always asked me to protect them from them (demons),
They always asked me to protect (kill) them, they wanted me to Save(murder) them....
They always wanted protection... And always crying for help.. ... ...
To protect someone...
(.why... )
God give me their blessings ( curse)..
(.why.... )
. I heard and read their(humans and demons) minds...
(.why.... )
I can read the despicable human thoughts....
God always told me to become humanity protector.... Fighting together with human....
I need to kill..... It's to protect so I need to kill.....( Is they were deaf and can't heard it)
(Why.... )
It couldn't be helped
....i kill them...
(Why..... )
I kill, again, again, again, again and again..... always asked me to Save them, so I kill them, Again
I couldn't remembered how much I kill....
But I know I must kill, kill
When I came From one battlefield.....
I can heard my name got called from town...
" the goddess of Victori has back"
" Freya, Freya, Freya, Freya, Freya. ... "
(Why.... )
This is the usual routine... I would smile towards them while waved my hands.....
People would make parade.... Because humanity win the war ( because I killed The most of them ) They always looked at me, and give their hoped to me.. As if I was the godde.... No maybe grim reaper..... That's more likely.....
They always did that ... They always thought I will save them from Demons....
(...why.... )
It couldn't be helped.....
[ I hate this.... ]
My childhood friends who usually I played with..... Right now they always lowered their head whenever they see me.....
When I back from battlefield, the next battlefield waiting for me...
(....why.... )
(...why..... )
....i always dreamed it
A life.....
... Without blood and sword.....
(...why... )
... My beautiful home... ,... my [athuria].....
.....I miss you
My home...
Why I am live
Why I am human
( pov Freya von vraja)
This is not the ##### heroine.....
Wait for a little bit more....