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Increasing Intelligence

Chapter 4: Increasing Intelligence

<Cultivation Art: Six Solar Petals of the Lunar Lotus. Rank: [Growth] Epic (I) Identification: An art that was written by an Immortal Cultivator. The art was derived from the cultivation art, Blazing Sun and modified the flaws. Effects: Using HP or MP, the cultivator can burn down the opponent's HP (1:3 Conversion). Using Vitality, the cultivator can burn down the opponent's Vitality permanently (1:3 Conversion).

+6 Vitality +3 Dexterity +3 Strength for every minor breakthrough and +60 Vitality +30 Dexterity +30 Strength for every major breakthrough. Regeneration effect: +6 HP & MP per second for every minor breakthrough and +36 HP & MP per second for every major breakthrough.

Note: The cultivator's burned vitality can be regenerated through sexual intercourse with the opposite sex who is cultivating an art that was derived from the characteristics of the moon or the moon itself (+1 up to +6 Vitality and +6000 EXP). This Epic Art can be level up: +20000 EXP to Epic (II).

Required: 96 Intelligence and 69 Stamina>

The old man was dumbfounded as how valuable the information that he was reading right now. It was much much..much more valuable than to the skills that he presented to him. Even though the level of the Epic rank is at 1, the best thing is that, it can be level up. Plus, the effect of using the ultimate skill can now be recovered. He could tell that it was the improved and refined version of the cultivation art that was given to him. It was somehow on par with the Emperor of the Sun Empire itself. He could not help but dread as to what he have on his hands right now. This art can cause a war between kingdoms and the Empire's greed. He could not help but burn it right away as he memorized the cultivation to prevent any leakage even if it is in his own hands.

"Keep tracks of that young man always. However, lets not spy at him as it would attract any attention from other kingdoms or from the empire itself." The old man uttered this as if he was talking to someone, and indeed, he was talking to someone as a graceful looking woman in a ninja-like costume appeared on his shadow.

"As you wish." The woman replied. "It is surprising that you did not even asked his name and kept addressing him as young man. You really are an old man, indeed."

The old man face palmed at this realization. No wonder the young man kept referring at him as an old man also. "I am not old, you know."


"It's a shame that I wasn't able to complete the old man's quest." Ai Zhen sighed as he thought back to what happened. He is in front of the town hall right now thinking that he wouldn't have to proceed on initiating a conversation with the town's lord as he heard some players talking about how complicated the process in order to have an audience to the town lord itself. Plus, he already did it with the old man.

'If only I have finished the quest that the old man gave to me.' Ai Zhen sighed as he thought about this, but then again, it was below his pride, cultivating that kind of an Epic (fail) ranked of a cultivation art. Brighting up his mood, he remembered the EXP that he gained that's why he excitedly opened his system panel and there he saw his character status.


Name: Ai Zhen

Level: 9

HP: 450 / 450

MP: 450 / 450

SP: 4200 / 4200

EXP: 8355 / 9000

Title: Grandmaster [Epic]



Realm: NA

EXP: 0 / 0

Stats Points: +81

* Strength: 0 (+9)

(Boost your attack and defense power)

* Intelligence: 0 (+21) (+9)

(Boost your comprehension power)

* Dexterity: 0 (+9)

(Boost your attack, skill and movement speed)

* Vitality: 0 (+9)

(Boost your HP and MP)

* Stamina: 33 (+9)

(Boost your SP)


Ai Zhen allocated all his free Stat points to the Stamina because he still believed that he would achieve something grand if he keeps raising it for a certain period. Thinking about it made him feel giddy as other players were staying away from him for being a creep.

Stats Points:

* Strength: 9

(Boost your attack and defense power)

* Intelligence: 30

(Boost your comprehension power)

* Dexterity: 9

(Boost your attack, skill and movement speed)

* Vitality: 9

(Boost your HP and MP)

* Stamina: 42 (+81)

(Boost your SP)

"Hey, Yun! What do I need to do in order to finish my last quest?" Ai Zhen asked with uncertainty if whether Yun would provide him with some clues or not. Thankfully, Yun responded.

<The last quest for the tutorial phase that you have is about cultivating. In order to learn to cultivate, one must possess certain amount of Intelligence depending on the rank of the Cultivation Art.>

"Needs a certain amount of Intelligence huh.." Ai Zhen pondered as to what Yun's response. "It seems that I can't cultivate the Epic Art that I gave to the old man as of the moment..even though I have already learned it."

"Tell me, Yun, how do you raise your Intelligence aside from allocating your free points?" Ai Zhen asked but Yun didn't replied as if it was saying that, <It's for me to know and for you to find out.> As he was contemplating about this, he saw a huge building that was far bigger than the town hall at the other side of the sector that he was in. When he saw this view, he nodded approvingly as he walked towards it.


Minutes only passed by walking from the town hall down to the simple huge white building that was made by piled stones and thick woods that was carved with a scholarly feeling designs on it. He was in front of the gate of Hidden Leaf Academy. He was admiring the building as he went near to the gate. Some players were looking like a fool at him and was ready to mock him from his ignorance because one needs a permit to enter the academy, and the only way to get the permit are through certain quests or from the mayor himself.

There were two guards with haughty and indifferent look on their faces as they patrolled and observed the people who are going in and out of the building. When they saw Ai Zhen who was about to enter the gate, they automatically exude their aura in order to intimidate him as there is a process for someone like him to enter in the academy grounds.

However, when Ai Zhen was near enough for the two guards to identify him, they stopped themselves from doing something inappropriate and warmly welcomed him, "Welcome, Grandmaster! I apologize for our inappropriate actions that we were almost about to do. Please come in!" The two guards uttered these words in synch as if they have rehearsed this for this kind of occasion for a hundred times.

The other players who were loitering around was deeply shocked of what they've seen. Some of them have tried to enter the academy but they were stopped as they needed to have a permit first before they were allowed to enter. Not only the guards didn't stop the young man but they have also warmly welcomed him and called him as a high noble.

"Maybe he was able to luckily obtain a unique title that can bypass these kind of prerequisites." A player was trying to deduce a wild guess which he opened it to the others.

"What? That's impossible! This game had just barely started." Another player was shocked with this not so impossible speculation.

"Yeah but, didn't you hear what the guards said? A Grandmaster! Isn't that unique enough?" Another player persuaded.

As players were starting to talk about this finding. Rumors begone to spread around the town about the one who have achieved on obtaining the unique title.

In a certain pub called Maple Leaf Pub in the outer area of the town, a woman with an alluring face was drinking beer besides the man with buzz cut hair that has a sword hanging on his waist.

"Do you think that he's that kind of player, boss?" The woman asked the man who was staring at his glass of beer.

"Not sure, but.." The man replied solemnly. "Even if he's not that kind of player, he still sure is capable." Once he was done with his conclusion, he downed his glass of beer in one gulp and stood up, about to leave. "Come on, lets meet this expert."


Some of the conversations from the players were caught by Ai Zhen, however, he didn't mind it that much since this is all just baseless rumor. But the fact that they overheard the guards about having a title will surely give him troubles even if it is a good thing or a bad thing. and as much as possible, he was too lazy and doesn't want to deal with it.

The purpose why Ai Zhen entered the campus was for the public library. The campus was made up of four buildings at each side and in the center was three-floored pagoda. Each building was housed by each grade where the students belong, and while the central pagoda was the the Public Library.

The two floors of the pagoda were occupied by the academy's library. The books on the first floor can be accessed by the public while the second floor can only be accessed by the students, NPC nobles and unique title holders like Ai Zhen. As of the third floor, it is for the cultivation trial.

With that kind of arrangement, Ai Zhen went straight to the second floor where a guard was blocking the stairs. The guard only greeted him with reverence as he ascended up the stairs. This, again, greatly surprised the players who were on the ground floor.

When Ai Zhen reached the second floor, he noticed that is was designed in a U-shape where you can view the center of the ground floor which mostly the reception is all that can be seen. On the left side which he was in now, and the right were two long tables and chairs filled the spaces, and on the middle is where the twelve long bookshelves was placed which were divided into three — Basic Knowledge, Intermediate Knowledge and Advance Knowledge. With each shelves divided into four— Cultivation, Skills, Alchemy and Smithery.

He first approached the bookshelf of the Basic Knowledge about the Cultivation and when he took one of the books out from the shelf, Yun's monotonous voice sounded.

<Book name: The Basics of Cultivation. Would you like to learn it?>

"Yes." Ai Zhen replied immediately.

<Learning book, The Basics of Cultivation..loading..Complete!>

<Congratulations! You have learned, The Basics of Cultivation. You have spent -15 SP. You have gained a total of 9 EXP.>

In an instant, knowledge that contained from the book flowed through and attaching it in his mind. Ai Zhen was elated from this discovery. Seeing these shelves of hundreds of book around him, he thought he would vomit from reading it one by one. He thought of just accumulating enough Intelligence, but it is only a mere fantasy because he can only gain 1 or 2 Intelligence after reading 10 to 15 books. Thankfully, with the System's help, life has became easy for it is the one's that uploading the knowledge into his mind. Strangely, most of the contents are aligned to the knowledge of his previous world. As he thought more about this, it was why the system was able to process the Cultivation Art that he gave to the old man.


Almost five hours have passed since the time he entered the library, Ai Zhen's SP was about to run down to zero. With that, he was also able to feel the fatigue. However, it all became worth it in the end. He was able to finish all of the 1,234 books to be accurate within the 12 shelves. These books gained him 11 levels and 95 Intelligence.

It was ridiculous to think that a player would read 1,234 books. No other players could do what Ai Zhen did, even if they would try, they would not able to do it because of the lack of Stamina. Even Ai Zhen's SP wasn't able to finish it in one sitting. He has to rest for an hour when his SP gets depleted.

The average level of the players at this time would be just around level 7, it would really still be impossible if they would crazily allocate all their stats in Stamina like what he did. That's why increasing Intelligence in this way won't be feasible for normal players and those who are exceptional are the ones who can only do this.

However, despite all of this conjecture, Ai Zhen was still complaining about it to himself for he thought that the game was stingy for giving Intelligence, he occupied the available desk and sat down on the chair to rest as he checked his character status.


Name: Ai Zhen

Level: 22

HP: 1,100 / 1,100

MP: 1,100 / 1,100

SP: 13,500 / 13,500

EXP: 20,695 / 20,700

Title: Grandmaster [Epic]



Realm: NA

EXP: 0 / 0

Stats Points: +108

* Strength: +22

(Boost your attack and defense power)

* Intelligence: 42 (+95)

(Boost your comprehension power)

* Dexterity: 22

(Boost your attack, skill and movement speed)

* Vitality: 22

(Boost your HP and MP)

* Stamina: 135

(Boost your SP)


Ai Zhen could not help but feel satisfied as he looked at his amazing character status. The zeroes that he saw on his SP made him mesmerized as he got addicted on allocating all of his free stats points in Stamina again.

*Stamina: 135 (+108)


The other players who were on the ground floor were now curious as to why he was still in the premise even though, five hours have already passed. For what they knew, even though there is no time limit on accessing the public library, but Stamina would limit them because it gets depleted and fatigue would accumulate as they started to read and learn.

A player asked about this and one of the receptionists explained that one can rest here as long as you have the permission to access the second floor and as long as it is within the operating hours. she also warned the player to mind one's limitations on seeking knowledge. The player and the others can only accept this kind of treatment.

Three hours have passed, when Ai Zhen fell asleep right after allocating his free stats point in Stamina. It was already past afternoon where the sun was ready to set down when he was forcefully woke up, tearing him away from his dream of million Stamina stats.

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