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57.14% Rebeller of Destiny / Chapter 4: Student Welcome Ceremony (03)

Chapter 4: Student Welcome Ceremony (03)

"Highest D rank assassin and one of the worst criminal from previous generation. The man that called as student slayer. Not just he only kills student who entered the gate,he also enjoy make a video at the last moment and put it online and show how he kill those student. He just recently found dead 6 years ago inside grade school.Well The dead itself was mysterious as he prepared himself to kill every student there. I never expected for 'him' to be included. It's sure pay off to bought this training dungeon."(Head teacher)

While the head teacher smiling,Solace mother give her a smug look.

"Well,I won this time. So It's your treat at that famous restaurant next time."(Solace's mother)

"Huh,are you sure your son will won?You know that assassin is specialist in killing human ."(Head teacher)

"Because it was him who killed him."(Solace's mother)

The head teacher rolled her eyes as she didn't believe her and then turn around to watch it instead. While solace's mother just shrug her shoulder for not believing it,after all she won't believe it if she didn't see it with her eyes. But Deep inside Solace's mother,she hope Solace didn't use power at all. That girl behind him is one of that infamous 'Princess'.The princess that always bring disaster because she can't control her power and yet she never can't control it,which make the government classified her as SS rank class dangerous being and house arrest her. For nearly whole her life she never step foot outside of her house. She didn't know why Lily just let out like this even thought she is still very dangerous right now.But...Right now Lily have interest in Solace because Solace can withstand her power . Depending on what she said ,Solace can be forced to be friend with her and at worst if his real 'Power' is found out ,Solace can be forced into marriage. After this entrance exam Over,She will make sure Lily separate from him. While she was thinking about this,the situation changed and Solace's eye patch is sliced apart and his right eyes is shown.

Solace who noticed this immediately do a big swing again the criminal who cut his eye patch to make him step back,Then the durandal or the living armor monster walking toward him and swing its sword toward Solace. A blood that Solace absorb before is sprayed toward the durandal head. The durandal take step a back because of the surprise. The durandal then move aside to dodge it,but at the same time Solace dash toward durandal and then aim at it's head and cut it into two. The criminal then appear behind him and try to stab his neck with knife,but just it before it hit solace,Solace already appear beside him and then shot him . Both of them then disappear like air. Which concluded that the fight is over,Solace then put back his sword in his sheathe,but the, he noticed Ice covered the whole area and freeze his foot.

"Your name is Solace. Am I wrong?"(Lily)

Solace then take out his notebook and write something and show it to her.

"That's right?What's about it."(Solace)

"Why don't you say something?I know you can talk!!You save me 3 years ago!!!You are the one who give me will to live."(Lily)

Immediately Solace write another sentence but Lily then appear in front of him and grab his right hand and freeze the pen. Solace who saw this immediately sighed inside of his heart.This why other people so annoying. Solace immediately broke from her grasp and then unfreeze his pen. He then write another sentence.

"I save you because it's an order from my mother.That's all."(Solace)

"Lies,You are lying.After all you said -"(Lily)

"Couple quarrel?"(??????)

Lily who is shocked immediately make an ice wall near her and at the same time,Someone broke through the wall and grab her neck. It's someone with full armor made of dirt ,based on his perception unlike the previous one which is illusion,This one is real people and he have dual N-gene with unknown rank. The reason he can beat illusion easily because it's just an Weaker version of the reality and it's controlled by computer make them easy to beat. But the person in front of him not just stronger,He also have sharp mind. Just by strength alone,He is upper D tier and is defensive type. This the worse type of opponent he could face.

"What's wrong,why didn't you move?Do you want to let her die?"(??????)


Solace didn't move and only kept watching him,Lily trying broke free,But she noticed she can't activate her power at all. It's is Absolute zero ability it negate every ability near him. Yet there is something strange,after all for the Absolute zero can't negate SS rank ability that is a fact even toddler will know. Yet It able to negate Lily ability,just who is he?Solace already pointed his handgun toward the core of dungeon and prepare to shoot it anytime.No matter who Lily is ,It doesn't matter to him.

"Indeed ,shooting the core means end of test. Of course you will pass if you do it,but will you sacrifice everyone for yourself?"(??????)

Heard that ,Solace ignored him. He pull the trigger and at the same time Lily who was choked said in small voice.

"Cael,I am sorry.."(Lily)

Heard that Solace gun swayed and the bullet missed the core of the illusion dungeon. The guy who see this immediately felt confused,but his confusion immediately turned into surprise at the next moment,after all Solace appear before him and kick him away . Lily immediately released ,Solace them immediately catch her,he then let her stand up on her own . Lily doesn't understand why he suddenly help her,she then asked.

"Why?Why you help me?"(Lily)

Solace immediately took out a notebook and then write something and make her read it.It is written..

"Why you know that name?Answer me!"(Solace)


Lily is surprised,but Solace write another line in flash and This time in bigger font.

"Cael!!The name you said before!!"(Solace)

"How dare you igno-"(???????)

Solace give a sharp glare,then at the same time a bullet is fired. The guy immediately block the bullet with his armor,But it exploded and destroy partially of his armor made of dirt.The guy or the examiner is surprised.He never know he encounter someone with great talent like him,he doesn't use his power yet he is far stronger than his peer. Looks like wasting his money to buy the illusion dungeon is worth it.

Solace then clicked his tongue ,after all the bullet he shoot is his last one and his last trump card for not using his power. Lily,who were on his side then take out a pendant that is frozen.

"Cael,no...Solace. I am sorry for being late to return this after a long time."(Lily)

Lily immediately handed it over,Solace who have his pendant back become careless as the examiner take it and then crush it with both of his hand.Solace who heard this is freeze on his spot while Lily who saw this tried to activate her power but she can't do anything. It's is the first time she felt the was the most useless person in the world.On other hand the examiner do it purpose to make the student in front of him get serious,to begin this is an illusion and it doesn't matter what happen here as it won't affect the real world.But Solace then open his mouth.


As the examiner heard that a gray flame burst from both of his hand and it slowly become a pair of twin sword. Gray flame,Flame of Smithing able to make anything and have solidified form once it's finished created ,Stronger than iron and can be absorbed back for recovering half of the lost stamina upon using it.

Slowly The sword brightly enveloped in red flame and didn't burn like normal flame,Rather it become swords layer. Solace who finished creating it immediately dash toward him and then swing his sword toward the examiner with full of intent to kill. The examiner didn't dare to block and dodge it,but the wall behind him is sliced apart like butter sliced by hot knife. It's The flame of enhancement,It's increase the heat of other flame and increase the effect of other flames. While the examiner watch this gulped as he never expected for the student in front of him to have dual ability,But the next ability he activated surprised him the most,There is a chain appear below the examiner.It's a golden chain that made of flame and it cancelled her armor...Ability Eraser?The examiner want to rise his hand to surrender.But Solace already thrown his sword toward him...But just it before it hit the examiner .

Suddenly he back to the gym hall and back to his previous seat,bit by bit everyone wake up and There is previous principal who give them welcome speech stand in front of them.Then the headmaster who seen all of the student is back ,Immediately flick her finger and small explosion is created and make everyone look toward her.

"Now,Now the student welcome ceremony first part is officially over. Please go check the class on the board near the entrance and wait at your own class. Thanks for participating."(Head master)

Once the head master gone,Solace's phone immediately vibrate and he take it out from his pocket. It's have message from his mom to bring both of Lily to the principal room before going to class.He then look toward Lily who take out the frozen pendant and let out breath of relief .

"Thanks god, It is still here."(Lily)

Solace then slipped paper and pass it toward Lily,A paper to told her to go to principal room with him. Solace with Lily then go toward principal room,even thought Lily kept try talking him,but solace didn't respond. Once they arrived in principal room someone immediately run toward Solace and hug Solace.It's her own mother.

"Sorry to make you worry like that,It's your mom fault to let those examiner to do that to you.You forgive mommy right?"(Mom)

Her mother kept saying that ,but solace instead didn't show any emotion . Instead his eyes look around and found there is principal ,A woman that he didn't know and The examiner from before.

All of them is stronger than him,looks like he is too reckless to attack the examiner.

"Ignicia ,Please regain your senses. I know you dote on your children but surely your son is troubled."(Principal)

"Eh,Solace you are not troubled right?Right?"(Solace's mother)

Solace can't replied as his mom hug him so tightly,lily who watched from side is jealous of solace.The principal noticed and immediately tap her desk twice.


"Yes,yes~~"(Solace's mother)

Once her mother let go,Solace then noticed everyone eyes are at Lily.Then The examiner then coughed and said.

"Today's matter is extremely blessing for our school,for us to have a student with enormous potential yet with kind heart. I as teacher can't be more grateful."(Examiner)

Solace didn't have interest and look toward The principal instead and take out his notebook and write something.

"What do you want?Speak."(Solace)

Just based on his words ,you can say Solace didn't give any respect toward the principal. Solace's mother,Ignicia always know about this and say nothing. Toward someone he didn't have relationship with,He won't give an inch of respect. The principal didn't mind as she already heard from Ignicia and she liked the student who is frank like this.

"Solace,Regarding your power you should know how powerful is it .Even thought some people praise you for it,Majority of people will try to force you to join their family or silencing you. Right,now you are still to weak and you don't even have good family background. Even thought Your parent,Ignicia and vulkan are very strong.But in the end..they are just 2 people no matte-"(Principal)

Solace cut in middle as he write something on notebook and then show what is he written to principal.

"So you want to silenced Lily?"(Solace)

The principal who read that can't say anything but nod her head. Solace immediately go toward in front of her and push her to his back.

"Solace!!!"(Solace's mother)

The principal only look at his eyes and change her opinion about him. Before,Solace never intent to protect her and only do as his mom ordered to protect others. But after Lily return his pendant,Solace start calling her by her name .Also,He even thought he pretend he just sit and do nothing,but he use his ability to protect lily in secret,His reaction is also quite fast. On other hand the head teacher examined him and give him point plus and plan to make him made with her daughter. If this thought is known by her friend,Ignicia. She will strangled her to death.The principal then said.

"Hold it,Solace how about we make an agreement."(Principal)

Solace didn't say anything and only kept glaring at him with his hand on the sword handle on his waist.The principal didn't mind such a thing,while Solace's mother really worried about him. She didn't understand why Solace go this far just for stranger.Lily then said.

"Solace,you don't need to protect me,after all I come here only to meet you.Principal,It's fine for you to exile me now."(Lily)

"Is it that fine with you? you still have 10 days left you know,you still have 10 days left for you to enjoy the school,before my ability runs out and your magic run amok again."(Principal)

Solace heard that noticed why her ability didn't affect the examiner before .Even thought he have Absolute zero ability,It won't be strong enough to negate Lily ability who have SS rank. So the principal have ability that weaken Lily to certain extend. Even so,No students can approach B rank below can't even approach her as they will get frostbite just by go near her.

"It's fine. It's more painful if this keep going,that's why it's better for me to stay at my own home."(Lily)

Solace point in front of her and make her stop from saying anything. He then put his sword aside and write something on notebook. Which is written.

"Is that what you truly want?"(Solace)

"Stop it,Stop it Solace. Please stop. I don't want to get my hope anymore."(Lily)

Solace then add another sentence.

"I will ask you again. Is this what you truly want?"(Solace)

"Yes.That's why-."(Lily)

Solace didn't listen to her and instead turn around . Then he write something at his notebook and throw toward the principal. Which make her catch it,It's written.

"Sorry,I think the room will froze if I failed."(Solace)

Read it,the principal immediately look toward Solace,but Solace already have the golden thread on Lily hands and cancelled the whole effect on lily,The room temperature sharply declined,but it stop at 10 Celsius. but 5 meter area around lily is completely frozen. Everything become ice sculpture except Solace. But solace clearly found trembling,but he stay unmoved..

"Sister!!Please do-."(Lily)


A white flame appeared in front Solace,together with Gold,red and yellow. It's slowly being mixed and then slowly a scarf being created. Once 30 minutes passed,The scarf finally done and Solace moved toward Lily and put in on her. The room temperature slowly rise and the ice near lily finally melted. Then Solace turn around and walk toward the principal then take his notebook back. Then he write something and make it enough to everyone read it.

"It's solved,Now Lily can go to school right?"(Solace)

Everyone was completely shocked. Solace's mother especially,the white flame that he used...It's one of strongest arsenal that solace have since it could mix flame attribute,before he used it to create huge sword that divided the whole school into two and kill the criminal who underestimate him. Before she didn't bring any tool to check his rank,but right now she have it and turn it on since beginning. She immediately check it and found SS,C,D,E,SS in different time . Still for Solace have different rank altogether make her realized. She underestimate his own son. The head teacher and the examiner is completely shocked,while the principal who saw this ,look on different location instead. It's a tool to check how much N-power he have ,which is shown.


It's out of the limit of D rank,but the -1,Make The principal stand up as it means that solace overused his power.It's just she realize it too late.As Solace already on floor with both of his eyes closed.

"Quick,call ambulance!!!"(Principal)


It's the last word that he heard before he passed out,then once again he opened his eyes and found himself in unknown room sitting on chair.A room with table and two chairs,There is single girl across his tap tab repeatedly.Once she noticed solace ,her face immediately become joyful.

"Welcome back,Cael"(????????)

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