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50% The Hunter / Chapter 12: Training his ability

Chapter 12: Training his ability

After receiving guidance from Sister Christina, Reid starts to train his power. He follows Sister Christina advised not to show his ability to the people, so he training his ability at night when everyone else already sleeps. First, he trains his teleportation ability in short distance for the beginning. The destination is between his room and Sister Christina office for the start. After he has grasped how to use this power, Reid starts to increase the distance, now he tries to move between his room and the orphanage yards. This training took over two weeks for Reid to move smoothly between places.

With Sister Christina guidance, Reid also training his other ability, that is telekinesis. For the starter, he told by Sister Christina to move small objects like pen or glass from the desk. The first try, the object didn't bugle an inch even Reid already focusing his mind on the object.

Second try…failed

The third try … failed

Forth try … failed

The tenth try … failed

Seeing Reid failed many times, Sister Christina gives her advice to Reid

"Reid, try other ways than before. Don't stay on the same ways that proven didn't work. Rather than make the object move by your stare, try to grasp it by your hand from afar, try to make a pull of the object to your hand"

"Okay Sister"

Reid takes a deep breath. He is standing around five meters from the pen in the desk. He slowly reaches out his right hand toward the pen. He stares the pen sharply, his right hands shaking like an enormous energies passing through his right hand. One minute's passing by, the pen that lying still in the desk suddenly shaking and shift its position from the desk. Bit by bit the pen moved to the edge of the desk, and finally with a roar from Reid, the pen flying toward Reid's right hands, and grasped tightly.

Sister Christina clapped her hands after seeing Reid succeeded to pull the pen to his hand.

"That's great Reid, you've made it. Next training tries to use bigger object and longer distance. Also, try not just pulling but also push the object. Remember my advice, don't reveal your ability to anyone and don't use it before you completely mastering your abilities"

"I understand that Sister" Reid nodded with acknowledgment

"Good. Now keep training and don't hesitate to ask me if you have difficulties. Although I'm not the knowledgeable person about this matter, maybe I still can one or two bits of advice"

"I will"

Reid continues his training with a further distance from the desk. Days by days passed by, Reid ability to move object also increased. Now he can make an object with weight less than one pound to fly into his hand. For the heavier object, like chair or table, he only can drag it closer to him. But Reid keeps on training no matter how the result, and within two weeks, along with his progress in teleportation, Reid also succeed to lift the chair and make it floating in the air for some minutes.

Fortunately, in these two weeks, the weather is raining heavily, make not many people do activities outside their houses. That makes Reid can training his ability without anyone notice him. And without they realize, this weather condition also prevent those scumbags from Sunrise real estate to execute their plans to burn this orphanage.

Time flies fast, its third weeks since Reid start training his ability. As usual, in this late night when everyone in orphanage already sleeps, Reid start training his ability again. His favorite place to move is the orphanage rooftop and big tree in the yard. The weather was fine that night, with almost full moon make the night isn't too dark. Reid is standing in the rooftop, watching the scenery from above. His attention shifted to a car that stopped near the orphanage. There are two men inside that car, after waiting for a while they both get off from the car and stand at the roadside watching the orphanage.

From the place he stands, Reid can see the face of those two men but can't hear anything from there. So he moved to the rooftop of a building near those men standing. He'd training hard these three weeks and move to this distance isn't difficult for Reid right now. From his new standing point, Reid can hear what they talking about.

"Boss, Is this the place you want me to burn?"

"Yes. That place is your target. Can you do that?"

"With the right price, you can order me to burn anything boss, even if you ask me to burn White House I'll do it if the price is right hahaha"

"I hire you because you're the best in this field. As long as that place flat with the ground you'll get your payment. I don't care what methods you'll use for that"

"Don't worry boss, you hired the right person for this job. So, when do you want this job to be done?"

"The faster the better. We don't have much time dealing with this orphanage"

"Okay. I've seen the target. I'll prepare some tools for that"

"You see enough? Don't you want to see its surrounding too?"

"Nope. I'll do it myself later"

"Alright, let's head back then"

Both men get into the car, start the engine and leave that place. Reid, who listen to their conversations secretly feels his blood like boiling. How dare they want to burn the place he loves so much? Unconsciously he rubs the scar in his cheek, he can't imagine if fire really happen again in the orphanage and there's a kid who will suffer like he had with this scar.

Cold night winds reminiscent him where he standing at. In that place, people can see him clearly if they look above. After taking a deep breath, Reid decides to return to his room to think about what should he do to prevent this upcoming disaster.

Should he inform Sister Christina about this? Or should he report to the police about their plan? The latter choice seems impossible since he doesn't have any proof at all about their plans. Inform Sister Christina only make her worry and maybe make her do unnecessary things. After thinking hard and consider any consequences of each option that he has, Reid finally decides to handle this matter by himself.

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