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35.13% Spirit memories / Chapter 13: The Glyph

Chapter 13: The Glyph

On the road i found some Nigella and three sanguine amanite, one hour later i have found nothing more.

I start turn around when i see on the right 3 green halos, that's a flower i don't know.


Fragrance eater: grade 4

The sap of this flower have a neurolictic effect. This sap smell are very nice.

The insect can't resist the smell when they touch the flower, they become her food.


A grade 4 my 1rst !!! i collect them carefully this neurolitic effect can be dangerous.

With this i start to return to my house by a different path, ten min before reaching my house i hear a heavy buzz.

Lifting my head i see a strange object i use identify on it:


Honeycomb: grade 1

House of the bee, the queen live here.


That's my luckyday i need it, i can produce some hydromel with their honey, and most important they can help my medicinal flower to expand in my garden !!!

I need some preparation to take it let's go home.

Recalling the bee-keeper book i have read i take some plank and start construct a hive.

I made it with a height of three meters, now the most dangerous part put them to sleep.

If they all attack me an excess of sting can be mortal, i take a log and ignite it waiting for the smoke to take effect.

Twenty min later i don't hear the buzz, have to work fast i climb to the tree and carefully take the honeycomb.

Then i put it inside the hive and open my Spirit world, Pyros see me enter:

"What are inside this?"

Kite:"A honeycomb need it for my garden" putting the hive in the garden in the same time i put one sanguine amanite and one fragrance flower.

Pyros: " Rabbit,bee, poisonous mushroom and flower what next a unicorn?"

Kite:" I don't want to die unicorn are in the magical beast specie....i go lot of work to do"

Don't staying for his reply i left and close it, i now have what i want the night will fall in two hours.

Instead of start construct the defense i take a branch cut a small line in my coil of spider silk.

Then use my Wild skill to craft a small hook, a fishing rode made in house .

I go to the river and use small part of bread for bait, fishing is really relaxing.

Three min later i have a touch i pull without waiting, my 1rst fish in my life!


Salmon: grade 1

A fish which live in sea and come to the river for reproduce


I will eat something that i have only read in book, putting in aside i resume my fishing for one more hour.


Obtained salmon*7


Going to the kitchen i use my knife to take out the tortoise and edge of the salmon.

Then using a branch i rost it on a woodfire, eating it my tear almost felt, so delicious.

I go sleep five more days to prepare.

Like yesterday the birds awake me, no time to lost i take my shovel and start .

The 1rst line defense i want it's a trench around my camp, i dig it with a four m height and 6 m length.

If something like the T-Rex come, i don't want it to pass easily.

This step take me eight hours, i build a drawbridge with two log and the twist spider silk.

The 2nd step will need some wood pillar, i go cut more tree at the end of the day i have fifty wood pillars ready.

Exhausted i fall asleep. Four more day remaining.

Step 2 begin , i start use the wood pillar to make a double palisade between the trench and my house.

I use some plank to create a path between the double palisade on the top, with this i can shoot my enemy from the top.

This step take me all the day, when i awake i start by brew the poison potion for the step 4.

Then i collect all the branch from the tree that i have cut before and pack them .

Closing my eyes i start use my wind affinity and imagine it removes some wood on the top to take the form of spike.


Obtained small wood spikes * 345


This method are really fast but cost a lot i have used all my mana have 5 points remaining...

Taking the spike i dive the top of them in poison potion which consume five of my eight potion.

Then i go in my trench and place all the spikes inside, with this i hope to reduce the number of monsters who can attack the palisade.

Fishing one hour the time to regen my mana i start the step 6, taking twenty lingots with me i close my eyes.

Using my fire element i start a wire with lot of piercing tip on the wire. Then use my water affinity on it.


Obtained Barbed wire *2 (length 50 meters each)


Taking some more copper lingots this time i use my Wild skill to create some copper stick.

Going on the external side of my trench i start put in the earth the coper stick,i let three meters between each.

Then i take one barbed wire which i have dived before with a poison potion and attach it on the pole.

The 2nd barbed wire i attach it on the top of the palisade. "Ding"


You have build a small fort alone for you hard work the system give you a reward.

Construction skill obtain

Construction skill.

Help to build more advanced building.

Reduce the stamina cost when build something


What the system can do this type of reward too!!!

With this i have finish my daily preparation, 3 day remaining.

I don't have more idea to improve the fort so i go outside to install some trap.

Using the axe i cut some tree then work on them to create some spike log.

I take my spider silk and attach it to the log spike, then i climb a tree and pass the silk on a branch, after that i stretch the silk with 2 tree has a three meter height.

I repeat the operation all around my fort , i am near to exhaust all my precious spider silk what a waste...

Now the last step my equipment but i need to ask something to this devil...

Opening my world i go to see him.

"Can i ask a question?"

Pyros:" Ask i will see if i can reply it"

Kite:"how the wheel on the pond training turn with the wind without something to help.

At this time the wheel has turned very fast but the wind was not fast"

Pyros:" Why do you want to know that?"

Kite:" Want to try something "

Pyros:" The wheel has a glyph that i have print on it, this collect and use the wind element around."

Kite:" Can you teacm me?"

Pyros: " that's not cheap how you want to pay am not interested in money"

Kite:" You see the hive? When the honey are ready i will offer you some bottle of hydromel"

Pyros: " Ho that's interesting alright wait 1min"taking a paper he starts write on it.

"Here but you will need to learn something else if you put it on a equipment,

or this will not work i will not tell you what find yourself"

Kite:" Thank i will go " Time for experiment i take some lingot coper.

Closing my eyes i use the fire element , the 1rst item was a small rectangular box the inside are empty with only a small wheel and the two side have no metal too.

The 2nd part was a small blade with the 2 side curved in the inside.

The 3rd part was a chain where one side was fill with small sharp teeth, each tooth ha a length of twenty cm.

The last part was a guard in a T form , the two branch of the guard where empty of metal.

Taking the small box i reproduce on it the glyph sign, then i go fishing the time to regen my mana.

An hour later i am ready to the try i hope this work.

Closing my eyes i start imagine how each part combine with each other,the box going in the guard the chain passing inside the box on the wheel and in the curved side of the blade.

The blade going in the guard ,i have finish imagine all then i use my water element an open my eyes to see the result.


Strange copper blade


durability: ??

A strange blade without cutting edge. Unknown purpose to what the creator of this want to do.


Yes assembling complete, this description and stats...well now i have to find what i need for this work.

I know the glyph collect and use the Wind element, so the best response is to provide it with Wind element.

I have to think how to use my element like when i use the Wild skill but with my eyes open.

I can't fight with close eyes.

Brainstorm session, 1) the mana is everywhere not only inside me, 2) when i close my eyes and calm myself i can use it.

Taking the sword, i start breath slowly calming myself, then imagine a green light coming from y heart and going to the glyph inside the guard.

"wizzzzzz" success that's it. 'DING'


copper scythe blade (rare)


durability: 25


damage : 25-30

effect ignore 20 % armor

Cost: 5 mana /sec

A saw blade with cutting teeth. With her rotation speed can slaughter and cut some armor


Now i wait you, you will receive the human ingeniosity in your face "HAHAHAHAHAHA" (it seems the sun are hot.)

I now need a ranged weapon if flying monster come i have no way to damage them, i will explore the forest tomorrow in case i can find something helpful.

Using the last plank i craft two tonnel i fill one with water and put it in my house.

Taking the 2nd with me i fish all the day , filling the tonnel with water and the fish, i have enough food reserve for several days.

Time to sleep, two days remaining.

Today objective find something to create a bow, i can't use this wood, with my strength am afraid to break it.

I take the south direction the only one i have not explored, on the road i find some Nigella,fragrance and sanguine mushroom.

Five hours later i find a clearing in the forest, in this a group of ten animals sleep.

They have brown fur and one of them have 2 horn on his head which converge on the middle of his head:


Deer: lv5 1 star


mana: ??

Male of this specie and the leader always only one by group



Doe: lv2 1 star


mana: ??

Female of the specie. Always under deer protection.


Another earth specie i want them alive will be hard to capture some, i will catch a female in 1rst.

Crawling i go near to one of the Doe then before she can react i open my spirit world and push her inside.

The deer awake by the sound stare at me with blood in the eyes.

Putting his head down he starts charge at me, i don't want to die .

I joke at the moment his horn are near to touch me i jump to the side and he goes straight inside the vortex.

Peaceful capture done., casting haste on me i enter and launch a freeze bolt on the Deer.

Pyros help me to control him don't want to hurt him need to take his horn.

Pyros:"Brat you know that's your solo training"

Kite:" I don't want to kill him he has done nothing bad!!!!"

Pyros: 'Sigh' he moves on the deer and punch him on the head, the Deer collapse.

"Do what you want to do fast, he will awake soon"

Kite: Taking my Blade i infuse mana in it and slowly come to the horn base then start cut.

Pyros: " WTF are this blade !"

Kite:" Personal customisation before you ask i don't sell it"

Pyros:" You think i need a copper blade"

Kite:" Thank for the help his horn will regrowth." Before leaving i go to the chicken and collect all the feather i can find.

Closing my world i take the path to return to the fort, nothing happen on the road.

Time to create this bow closing my eyes i start uses the earth element and slowly form the bow shape in my head.

I choose tu creates a longbow they have a high fire range, for the rope i use my twist spider silk .


Wild Longbow(rare)


Fire range: 30-150 meter

arrow damage +15

armor piercing: 5 %

Made from a Deer horn and a twist spider silk.


I create some copper arrow head with my Wild skill then combine the head,with branch and the chicken feather.


Copper arrow


obtained copper arrow *100


And for finish i made a quiver with a wolf fur. All preparation done can't think of anything to add.

I go sleep and pass my last holiday in fishing, with all this work my stats and skill have up a bit. Last quiet night.


Name Kite Alignment Neutral

Class Spirit discover Title

Species Human Gender Male

Level 4 Fame 0

Endurance 190

Strength 185

Stamina 165

Agility 200

Charisma 10

Intelligence 105

Luck 25

Wisdom 83


Skill Level



Increase the read speed and time to memorize it.

Wisdom +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 6



Wandering around the world and explore dungeon improve your body.

Stamina +1 , strength +1, agility +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 2



The desire to discover mysteries and artifact help them.

Increase luck to discover secret room and dungeon.

Increase language knowledge

Intelligence +1, wisdom +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 1



Knowledge about the tree and flower.

Intelligence +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 4



Ability to cultivate and raise wild monster.

Reduce stamina cost when farming and gathering resource.

Apprentice:Level 3



Ability to combine and refining resource be careful with experiment.

Apprentice:Level 4


Wild crafter

Use the element and world resource to craft what they need.

Apprentice:Level 3


Spirit World.Unique

The ability to create your own world.

Apprentice:Level 1*Sealed*


Mana gathering.

Increase passive mana regen, +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 4



Identify the object, dependent from skill level

Apprentice:Level 2



Reduce the stamina cost.

Increase mineral knowledge

Apprentice:Level 4



Ability to work and craft with wire.

Apprentice:Level 1


Leather amour.

Ability for tane and work with the leather

Apprentice:Level 1


Pain resistance

Grant the user a resistance to the pain.

Reduce the chance to spell being interrupt.

+1 % spell and physical damage reduce by level

Apprentice:Level 7


Iron skin

Natural armor to the body + 25 armor by level

Apprentice:Level 4


Thirst for blood

Emit a baleful aura

(Passive)Greatly reduce the aggressivity for people who have a level below yours.

Active: Reduce enemy damage and speed by 5%, reduce your armor by 10%

Duration: 2 min cooldown: 10 min




Can sense the movement around: range 50 meters +10 meters by Level.

Apprentice lv 5



Reduce the stamina cost when cut tree

Apprentice lv 3



Ability to smelt and forge

Apprentice lv 2



Help in the build of complex construction

Reduce the stamina cost when building.

Apprentice lv 1





Recover the target health +10 health by level.5sec cooldown

Cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 8


Freeze bolt

Reduce the target speed by 15%(max 40%) for 10 sec +1% by level.20 sec cooldown

Cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1



Burnt the target and deal 10 damage +1 damage each second for 10 sec.

+5 damage , +1 dot damage , +1 sec by level. 30 sec cooldown

Cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1


Earth Spike

Impale the target dealing 10 damage and a bleeding effect.

+10 damage and increase the bleeding effect by level. 1 min cooldown

Cost: 15.

Apprentice:Level 1


Wind Shoes

Increase the target speed by 10% for 20 sec +1% by level(max 50%). 1 min cooldown

Cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1



Allow the caster and his party to teleport to a previous location. 1 day cooldown

Cost: 100.

Apprentice:Level 1



Put the target in a deep sleep high luck for this spell to fail.5 min cooldown.

Cost: 50.

Apprentice:Level 1


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