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29.72% Spirit memories / Chapter 11: The Wheel

Chapter 11: The Wheel

Pyros:" Wake up breakfast and same training schedule like yesterday"

Kite: "Where is Lyna ?"

Pyros :" She trains outside with another don't worry about her"

3 days later

Kite: My corpse start adapting to the training, ten more meters and i can cross this pond training.

For the rest that's now very easy to do before today...

Pyros:" You will now wear this weight on you after the pond training" sending them to me

Kite:" How many the total?"

Pyros :" We start with a small amount forty kilo to start"

Kite: This men he call that a small amount....nevermind if i complain he will add more weights...

2 days later he adds twenty more kilos, the pond always resist me.

One week later i finally manage to cross the pond without fall, finally bye bye the Baby Eel!!!

Pyros:"You have taken your time to do this, go eat and start run."

Kite: this guys i want to beat him hard, i now wear a hundred twenty kilos.

This evening i can't do anything but release my joy, i have done this pond train nothing can be more painful !!!

"Spl" Before the water touch me i jump out of the bed.

Pyros:" let's go to the pond, training phase 2 "

Kite: Pha..Phas...Phase 2 WHAT!!! . Crossing the pond a structure have been made, 1 pillar on each side and one more who reach the top of the 2, above the water a big wheel are connected to this pillar.

Some hooks are in this wheel each hook have a rope which lead to a bag.

Some of these bags are on the height at my head,over to my chest and some to my leg.

Pyros:"This bag are full of iron better to not received it, the wheel move with the help of the wind."

Kite: FFS i have to cross the pond inside this!! The hooks with the winds have a aleatory pendulum moving effect on these bags.

This man are Lucifer's reincarnation, bye Lyna see you in our next life.

"Bam" in the chest -15, that hurt "BUZZZZZ", "HAAAAAAAA" -5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5,-5


Electrik Eel : lv10 1 star



Living in the river and pond the Eel kill her target with his electric emission


"PYROS!!! I will kill you f**** b*** HAAAAAAAAAAA" this crazy man he laughs, i nearly faint from the pain.

Somewhere in the mountain.

Lyna: My dad what did this man do to him ?.

??: Better you don't know, you can be thankful to Balmung for calling me.

Kite: I faint in my bed can't think of anything, the bath will stay tomorrow.

Two week later a man can be see going to a pond,his eyes fill with blood.

His body full of muscle not a hint of grease can be see.

Switch his head go down a bag passing on top of it, switch his body curve back a bag passing near his chest.

Jumping to escape a bag on his leg, like a feather his leg land on the log, with fluid motion he cross the pond chaining evasive movement between the bag.

Reaching the other side he raises his right hand in a victory sign , then lift the same hand toward another man.

He close his fingers leaving only his middle finger up, of course this man was kite.

Pyros:" Hahaha not bad 2 weeks to complete this pond training."laughing a smile on his face.

"You can relax today training are finish."

Kite: I rush to the bath really need it ,relaxing in it i check my status.



Name Kite Alignment Neutral

Class Spirit discover Title

Species Human Gender Male

Level 4 Fame 0

Endurance 170

Strenght 180

Stamina 155

Agilite 200

Charisma 10

Intelligence 38

Luck 25

Wisdom 37





Increase the read speed and time to memorize it.

Wisdom +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 1



Wandering around the world and explore dungeon improve your body.

stamina +1 , strenght +1, agility +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 1



The desir to discover mysterie and artefact help them.

Increase luck to discover secret room and dungeon.

Increase langage knowledge

Intelligence +1, wisdom +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 1



Knowledge about the tree and flower.

intelligence +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 3



Ability to cultivate and raise wild monster.

Reduce stamina cost when farming and gathering ressource.

Apprentice:Level 3



Ability to combine and refining resosurce be careful with experiment.

Apprentice:Level 1


Wild crafter

Use the element and world ressource to craft what they need.

Apprentice:Level 1


Spirit World.Unique

the ability to create your own world.

Apprentice:Level 1*Sealed*


Mana gathering.

Increase passive mana regen, +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 4



Identify the object, dependant from skill level

Apprentice:Level 1



Reduce the stamina cost.

Increase mineral knowledge

Apprentice:Level 2



Ability to work and craft with wyre.

Apprentice:Level 1


Leather amour.

Ability for tane and work with the leather

Apprentice:Level 1


Pain resistance

Grant the user a resistance to the pain.

Reduce the chance to spell being interrupt.

+1 % spell and physical damage reduce by level

Apprentice:Level 7


Iron skin

Natural armor to the body + 25 armor by level

Apprentice:Level 4


Thirst for blood

Emmit a baleful aura

(Passive)Greatly reduce the aggressivity for people who have a level below yours.

Active: Reduce ennemy damage and speed by 5%, reduce your armor by 10%

Duration: 2 min cooldown: 10 min




Can sense the movement around: range 50 meters +10 meters by Level.

Apprentice lv 5




Recover the target health +10 health by level.5sec cooldown

Cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 8


Freeze bolt

Reduce the target speed by 15%(max 40%) for 10 sec +1% by level.20 sec cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1



Burnt the target and deal 10 damage +1 damage each second for 10 sec.

+5 damage , +1 dot damage , +1 sec by level. 30 sec cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1


Earth Spike

Impale the target dealing 10 damage and a bleeding effect.

+10 damage and increase the bleeding effect by level. 1 min cooldown

cost: 15.

Apprentice:Level 1


Wind Shoes

Increase the target speed by 10% for 20 sec +1% by level(max 50%). 1 min cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1



Allow the caster and his party to teleport to a previous location. 1 day cooldown

cost: 100.

Apprentice:Level 1



put the target in a deep sleep high luck for this spell to fail.5 min cooldown.

cost: 50.

Apprentice:Level 1


This Pyros he is crazy but i can't tell something about the result, i have learnt than each level grant 50 point so for now my Agility can't raise more.

The more later in your level you start train these stats, the more hard that's be to win them.

Pyros:" I will late you relax for one week before the next step, pushing your body more than this

without stop will be detrimental to your progress."

Kite: " Thank i need it, have question did a market are near this mountain?"

Pyros:" Why do you need a market?"

Kite: " I need to try something for up my intelligence and wisdom, and up my alchemist.

Can you loan me 5 gold too, i will reimburse you with the potion sell."

Pyros:" Alchemist hu, you don't take the more easy job, this five gold i will offer them to you for your hardwork.

And for the market no need to move" He takes a whistle from his pocket and breath in.

Kite: I hear nothing what are this do?

"Wooosh" "Wooosh" a heavy wings sounds can be hear and in the horizon a bird come to us.


Gryffin: lv ?? 2 stars

Hp: ??

mana: ??

This bird fly very fast and can carry a man without problem.

His claws are very sharp.


Kite:" What a beautiful monster."

Pyros:" that's a gryffin they are mount commonly used but are hard to tame, they have high intelligence.

That's Balmung personal mount put a list of what you need and the money in the bag on his back.

The guild will buy it and this gryff will deliver it"

Kite:" Hu it's really of to use Balmung mounts like a donkey?"

Pyros:"Don't worry they can carry a lot of weight do it."

Kite: I do like he told and the gryff take the city direction." i will go mine a bit, call me when he back please"

I enter the mine and start work on the lumilight ore, with one hit a clump fall.

It seems the training have improved my mining ability, drill mode go pah pah pah i start mine like a fool.

Two hours later Pyros call me, i take all the lumilight in my world.


Lumilight ore obtained *586


Well next time have to restrain myself a bit, i unload the chest on the back on the gryff.

To thank him i take out of my world one chicken, till the begin of the train i don't have time to pay attention to them.

To my astonishment i have twenty of them, what a fast reproduction rate.

" Chump" he swallows it ,well no need to pen it.

I take the chest in my world, this skill are a little cheat.

Don't need a room to work, i can work when i want in any place, and no risk of thief no one can enter.


Empty bottle set * 30

Nigella *100

Purple Apple *100

Tailoring set *1

Tanning set *1

Monster species book*1


Before i start my experiment i check my "medicinal garden", the tree have start grow he has a one meter height.

The nigella are grown too but don't seem to expand, maybe they need a pollination help.

Have read about that on earth, insect like bee, butterfly and some bird specie helping the flower to expand.

Will have to search about that later, time to brew i have one week before Lucifer send me to another hell.

Recalling the mining skill, instead of use the skill system brew i start do it manually.

Ten min later "Boom" the potion explode on my face -20, well a fail i guess.

2 Nd try another fail, Pyros who see me like that can stop laughing "You don't need my help to improve your resistance continue"

At the 3rd try i finally brew it successfully.


Low Health potion: grade 1+

A nice quality potion restore 75 hp.


Grade 1+ ?? the potion heal 25 more hp,so crafting manually without help improve the item quality!!! "DING"



You have discovered one of this world mystery.

Intelligence +2, Wisdom +1.


Discovery ho discovery i love you, i resume my brewing session no time to lose.

Eight potion later i check my status and i have win two point in Intelligence, my theories work.

If you use the skill system help to craft you win nothing, in several potions my skill will up i am certain.

Forty potion later i reach alchemist lv 2, i fail one time for ten potions not a bad quota for a beginner.

The last two days i have working without stopping mining copper and lumilight for four hours and the rest of the day brewing potion.

I am now mining lv4 and alchemist lv 4, taking the book i start read it manually when i finish it i have win two point in Wisdom.

I have to ask Pyros to call the gryff to sell the potion, i send him with eighty-eight Health potion and eighty Antidote potion have fail a lot of them.

He come back with 4 gold and 26 silver the grade 1+ sell for 30 copper!!

I take the four last days stuck in the library reading all the book , legend, stories, species, flowers.

All i see i read, tomorrow i go to hell. One month Lyna train outside, i wonder how she is without me.



Name Kite Alignment Neutral

Class Spirit discover Title

Species Human Gender Male

Level 4 Fame 0

Endurance 170

Strength 180

Stamina 155

Agility 200

Charisma 10

Intelligence 93

Luck 25

wisdom 76





Increase the read speed and time to memorize it.

Wisdom +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 5



Wandering around the world and explore dungeon improve your body.

Stamina +1 , strength +1, agility +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 1



The desire to discover mysteries and artifact help them.

Increase luck to discover secret room and dungeon.

Increase language knowledge

Intelligence +1, wisdom +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 1



Knowledge about the tree and flower.

Intelligence +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 3



Ability to cultivate and raise wild monster.

Reduce stamina cost when farming and gathering resource.

Apprentice:Level 3



Ability to combine and refining resource be careful with experiment.

Apprentice:Level 4


Wild crafter

Use the element and world resource to craft what they need.

Apprentice:Level 1


Spirit World.Unique

The ability to create your own world.

Apprentice:Level 1*Sealed*


Mana gathering.

Increase passive mana regen, +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 4



Identify the object, dependent from skill level

Apprentice:Level 1



Reduce the stamina cost.

Increase mineral knowledge

Apprentice:Level 4



Ability to work and craft with wire.

Apprentice:Level 1


Leather amour.

Ability for tane and work with the leather

Apprentice:Level 1


Pain resistance

Grant the user a resistance to the pain.

Reduce the chance to spell being interrupt.

+1 % spell and physical damage reduce by level

Apprentice:Level 7


Iron skin

Natural armor to the body + 25 armor by level

Apprentice:Level 4


Thirst for blood

Emit a baleful aura

(Passive)Greatly reduce the aggressivity for people who have a level below yours.

Active: Reduce enemy damage and speed by 5%, reduce your armor by 10%

Duration: 2 min cooldown: 10 min




Can sense the movement around: range 50 meters +10 meters by Level.

Apprentice lv 5





Recover the target health +10 health by level.5sec cooldown

Cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 8


Freeze bolt

Reduce the target speed by 15%(max 40%) for 10 sec +1% by level.20 sec cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1



Burnt the target and deal 10 damage +1 damage each second for 10 sec.

+5 damage , +1 dot damage , +1 sec by level. 30 sec cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1


Earth Spike

Impale the target dealing 10 damage and a bleeding effect.

+10 damage and increase the bleeding effect by level. 1 min cooldown

cost: 15.

Apprentice:Level 1


Wind Shoes

Increase the target speed by 10% for 20 sec +1% by level(max 50%). 1 min cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 1



Allow the caster and his party to teleport to a previous location. 1 day cooldown

cost: 100.

Apprentice:Level 1



put the target in a deep sleep high luck for this spell to fail.5 min cooldown.

cost: 50.

Apprentice:Level 1


amylhia amylhia

Since the site don't accept colour i need an idea to make the new skill/stats appear more clear in the sheet.

Can be boring for the readers to reread the full sheet all time if you have any idea post it in comments :)

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