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43.42% The Rise / Chapter 33: Plan E

Chapter 33: Plan E

"It'll just feel all the more sweeter when you win." said Justin trying to comfort Leon - but as he looked at Leon he noticed a maniacal smirk on his face.

"Leon?" said Justin

Leon stopped smirking and turned to Justin

"Sorry, what?" said Leon

"Never mind, it was nothing" said Justin


Layla and George were sitting backstage and lunch was nearly over. The students already left the standup comedy event, making their way towards class. Layla was given the results of the polls.

"The favourite always wins, huh?" said George

"I still don't think it's good enough" said Layla looking at the results "He's not going to give up easily, he knows he can't win unless he changes the rules."

"You're right, it's too naive to think we can just ignore him. This election is going to be different, so either I adapt or lose. I think I'll have to play by his rules, sooner rather than later." said George

"We're going to have to change the entire speech then" said Layla

"Yes. He must be certain I won't ever play the policy game until it's too late. This will be the perfect time for a sucker punch." said George getting up preparing to leave to class.

"Don't forget tomorrow 4pm sharp for the cover" said Layla

"Are you sure it's okay" said George

"The vice principal said you can't talk to the media, she didn't say anything about being on the cover of a magazine. The worst that'll happen is a warning - it's technically her fault for not being explicitly clear." said Layla

"Okay" said George as the two smiled at each other.


The fourth period had started and there were some students in P.E.. As they were setting up the volleyball nets some of them began gossiping about the elections.

"Did you see the polls?" said one of them as if shocked

"Yeah, what's the big deal, everyone knew George was going to win anyway" said another

"I know, I'm talking about how Leon has less votes than the number of people that abstained." continued the first student

"I'm secretly hoping for an upset, I want Sinclair to win" said another student

"What? Why? I want Leon to win, he's actually trying to make changes" said another one holding a basket of volleyballs

"ATM machines? Really? When's the last time you thought 'Oh, I could really use an ATM machine right now' while in school" said the one supporting Sinclair

"Come on, the food is trash here and every time we order takeaway, I'm always short on cash and the deliverers never take credit. And screw the ATMs, I want tablets instead of carrying five bricks for books around - I hear schools in the south* are already doing it" said the Leon supporter

"It doesn't matter if they're great ideas, he doesn't have the power to make them happen - Vivian might've been joking today, but he's right, empty promises don't mean anything" said the first student

"Well I don't care who wins, this is just fun. It's only the first day and everyone's talking about the election. I'm so excited for tomorrow's speeches." said another student

A flying volleyball is suddenly served in the direction of the group of gossiping students. They all turn their heads around afraid.

"Stop messing around!" commanded Jessica Twint - the captain of the girl volleyball team.

They quickly scurried to continue setting up the net and one them whispered fearfully to the others

"But I feel like if we don't vote for Jessica, she'll kill us" causing the others to snicker slightly.


In between the fourth and fifth class, Leon was called to the Vice Principal's office. Leon knocked on the door and then heard a 'come in' from Elizabeth. As he entered the bright white room with modern art glass pieces scattered around he noticed a tidy Elizabeth with her glasses looking straight at him with a cold expressionless stare. Her office was a minimalist design that looked like it came straight out of a sci-fi movie.

"Well?" said Elizabeth to Leon

"Well what?" said Leon confused, yet half aware of why he was called to her office.

"The placement of the white board at the entrance, the timing of producing the crowd, the chants - every little thing was done on purpose Leon. And don't think it went unnoticed." said Elizabeth with a stern look

"I said at the beginning of this election, I will not play favorites. One more stunt like that, and I will not hesitate to suspend you. The setting up such an inconvenience at school and without permission, blocking a fire exit and disturbing the peace, these are punishable offenses. So detention for you after school today." she continued quickly dismissing Leon with a sharp wave of her hand.

Although Leon expected this kind of reaction from Elizabeth, he didn't think she would be this tough on him. It made one thing clear, although she works for the Cottonwoods, he won't be receiving any special treatment. Leon notices a glass framed photo of his grandmother on Elizabeth's wall.

"Why did my grandmother choose Jessica?" said Leon to Elizabeth refusing to leave just yet.

Elizabeth looks at the photo that Leon was staring at, then looks back at Leon.

"Leon. I've already dismissed you, get back to class." she said

"How can she not pick her own grandson?" said Leon persistently

Elizabeth shakes her head and decides to humor Leon just this once.

"Do you really think winning this election is her plan A against the royalist? Your grandmother is so ruthless because she attacks an enemy on several fronts, without expending too much energy. On the list of importance, winning this election would something of a Plan E."

King_of_Crowns King_of_Crowns

* When they talk about 'the south' think about it like a cultural difference, like when people talk about 'the west' (i.e Europe, America, etc.). This fictional nation is technologically advanced like its counterparts but they are first and foremost traditionalists - valuing culture. Which means many people aspire to be like 'the south' which only cares about productivity and technology with no interest in cultural things.

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