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Duel of the century, starts!

Mays stood alone in the ring. The ring was exceedingly large. Normal dueling rings only span several meters but this ring spanned for at least one kilometers. All five of his spirits were outside the ring, staring at him with a worried look. At the other side of the ring, hundreds of spirits were standing firmly, devoid of movement. Their discipline were top notch.

Soon after, a pink colored meteorite landed in front of Mays. On closer look, that was actually a person. A human female covered with pink colored armors. Only her sword was crimson in color while her shield was a mixture of crimson and pink. She was the pink flash who shoot toward the sky previously.

"Prepare yourself noobass! I don't know who told ya that secret but yer gonna forget about it right away!"

The knight in pink shouted as she leapt toward Mays. Rainbow aurora followed after her as if she was some kind of deity. That was totally the effect of Blood Devouring Sword. The best one handed sword available in HeavensTale. Mays might had two out of three of them but the last one was owned by her.

Facing this kind of heavenly defying opponent, Mays showed no hint of distress. He was totally relaxed as he parried one heavy swing after another. Stardust were scattered all over the ring after their swords clashed. As for the female knight, she smiled when she slashed her sword without any reservation.

Mays was a dual wielder. Both his illusion sword were moving with the flow as if he was dancing in the middle of the battle. His movement was smooth and enchanting. Almost all of the spirits were shocked by the way Mays's fight.

Swordfights in HeavensTale never was that awesome. It was actually a basic hack and slash added with some sword skills occasionally. Mays's swordsmanship of the other hand was a total wonder. Even Ria who was facing him was shocked beyond belief.

Mays never disclosed this to anyone but back in his former world, he was actually a martial artist. He spent more than five years training under the tutelage of his grandfather. He was never good with the swords as he practiced free style martial arts but due to the sword skills he had, he managed to combine the both of them which produced his unique swordsmanship.

"Damn yer good. I won't hold anything back then."

Ria was clearly enjoying the fight. It had been more than five years since when she got dragged into this world. During the chaotic time, she did battled a lot of other players and bosses alike but none was this thrilling to her.

Other players was basically no match to her since she had a secret class. The other secret class never tried to fight her either. As those elites of the secret class walked different path after the Great War five years ago, Ria left the battle zone and led a carefree life on top of this mountain, devoid of worthy fights.

As if she had gone berserk, Ria's strike got fiercer by the second. The flow of battle started to shift as Mays were pressed into defensive stance without any opportunity to strike back. Ria really did gave her all right now.

"Will master be okay?"

Aloha was clearly worried.

"Hard to tell, Lady Ria was someone master acknowledged after all."

Damia gave a reasonable comment. She did look up to Ria as fellow knight.

"It's okay. Master will definitely win. I can feel it."

"What can you feel you delusional freak. You don't have any spiritual connection to master at all."

Right after Syaitona voiced her opinion, she got rebuked by Mira. These two really resembled cat and dog for sure.

"Shut up and focus!"

Silvia who was irritated by those two smacked their head soon after. They both nodded and once again focused their sight on the battle in front of them.

Minerva and the other three general from Ria's side were also watching the fight attentively. It was such a rare sight even for them to witness a fight on this caliber.

The situation was dire. Even with both his sword, Mays couldn't find any opening to attack at. Not to mention, Ria got a huge shield blocking most of his attempt. Together with her mystic element skills which belonged to her unique class alone, she dominated the fight brilliantly.

Even with all the advantage, Ria never really had a chance to critically injure Mays either. Thus far she only managed to graze him as he miraculously evade her blade with elegance. Finally, her chance came when Mays accidentally lost balance during an evasive maneuver.

"Void Thrust!"

A spatial void appeared and hundreds of sword thrust surrounded Mays in an instant. There were way too many swords for Mays to parry.


Mays was sent several meters away as a result of that previous clash. Dust were scattered in a straight line where Mays were sent flying.


All five spirits under Mays shouted in unison. They never would have guessed that their master would be the one who took the beating instead.

"It's okay, I'm all good. No worries."

Mays replied after several seconds. All of them let out a relieved sigh when they heard it.

"Whoaa… Yer a good one. That was one of my best attack and you withstood it. But still, I got more. Just don't disappoint me ya piece of shit!"

As she got excited, her mouth kept spouting vulgar words one after another. That was her nature after all. Even back in HeavensTale, she kept cursing those who crossed path with her. This was totally the main reason why she was never in a guild.

"Well well well. How about I get serious then?"

Due to the dust from previous attack, Ria currently couldn't see Mays clearly. She could only see his silhouette from her location. She barely saw Mays tossed away his current weapon and also the grey cape he had all this time.

"Heh, stop spouting nonsense. Just wait till I beat you into a pulp then you can brag all over like a bagworm you are!"

As she walked toward Mays, she felt some chill down her spine. She hesitated as she walked slower and slower. She didn't really know the reason but she just felt something was amiss.


Mays suddenly appeared in front of her. There were at least around one hundred meters of distance between the two of them a while ago. More and more dust scattered all over as the two of them clashed swords nonstop.

"Shield Bash! Dream Piercer! Darkness Envelop! Seven Star Strike!"

Ria used one skill after another. The ring were flooded with stardust as the clash between those two became more frequent. The audience was long ago stunned by the sight of this overwhelming duel. Ria was clearly at a disadvantage right now. She didn't know what Mays did previously but his current power level was totally beyond comprehension.

Ria had used most of her skills yet she could barely fight on par with Mays. Even she realized the fact that Mays was not fighting with his all. He never used any skills during their fight.

"I admit that you are strong but don't underestimate me asshole! Take this! Chaotic Apocalypse Slash!"

[Chaotic Apocalypse Slash] was Mystic Knight strongest skills. Even back in HeavensTale, that skill used half of her MP when casted. Now that the current world had no concept of HP and MP, one need to be skillful enough to unleash skills of that caliber.


Once again, all the spirits under Mays shouted out loud. This time, it was way desperate than before. These spirits knew how strong that attack was.

For Ria to use this kind of skill, she surely was left with no other choice. Heaven shakes and thunder roars as the space around Mays started to distort. This attack surely was out of the world. As if Mays was made of glass, parts of his body started cracking as he was trapped inside that attack.

"Even I can't cancel this attack once I casted it. Please don't die."

Ria was the type who rushed head on without strategy. Thanks to her good mechanic, she could clear most of the dungeon in HeavensTale without problem.

Right after she casted this deadly skill, she regretted it. This person in front of her never did anything bad enough deserving death. He only made her recalled some embarrassing secret and that was all. But due to her short fuse, she accidentally used the skill she never used on others since she came to this world.

"Elemental Resonance!"

Four over worldly sword strike shoot out from the center of the space distortion. Everything within hundred meter radius were blasted away together with the sword strike. Even the ring tiles were blasted away as a tornado was birthed from that clash of ultimate skills.


This time, it was those four general of Ria who shouted. They were obviously worried about the well-being of their master.

Ria who was exhausted were sent flying by the impact. She was currently stunned by the existence in front of her. She didn't even noticed when Mays leapt toward her and embraced her, shielding her from the gust and all the debris which flew all over.

The thing that stunned her the most was not the fact that Mays dispelled her ultimate skill, but the identity of the person himself. [Elemental Resonance] was Magic Swordsman's ultimate skill. It was normal for an ultimate skill to negate the other. But again, everyone who played HeavensTale knew that there was only one Magic Swordsman.

As the dust and debris dispersed, Mays's gallant figure was clearly visible with his crimson cape fluttered along the wind. Crimson red armor sets, stardust dripping crimson dual swords and lastly the metallic crimson red cape. Yeah, he was the legendary Red Wargod, Mays.

"Mays? I'm not dreaming am I?"

"You're not, Ria. It's me in the flesh."


Dusk was falling rapidly around Neverrain Mountain. Every single spirits which reside on top of this mountain were all present inside the main hall of the Spirit Society main building. Mays and the others were also inside the main hall, treated as the esteemed guest.

"Mira understand that we are here for a celebration but why is this person sitting here?"

Mira sulked as she voiced out her thought to Mays while she hugged Mays from the back.

"Yeah! I demand an explanation too. I just can't stand this kind of farce!"

Syaitona was the same as Mira. She was enraged by the same fact too.

"Err…. Can't we just be nice to each other?"

Aloha tried to deter the current situation but it was obvious to all that she had no power to do it. She just got ignored and shyly moved toward Damia who then patted her head. Silvia just stared at the whole scene without saying anything.

"It's all right isn't it? Mays didn't seem to mind at all hehehe."

The cause for this current commotion was Ria. Currently, she was sitting by Mays's side, hugging his arm. There was a wide smile on her face, totally satisfied with her current situation.

"It's not that master didn't mind but he didn't want you to lose face hence he act thusly."

Damia who also couldn't stand the situation finally said something.

"Yeah yeah that's right. Master was just too nice that he won't tell you off even if he dislike it. See his face, he is totally disturbed by your action!"

Mira added. She felt good when someone backed her up.

"Is it so?"

Ria who started to felt some guilt asked Mays directly. She noticed the discomfort on Mays face but she pretended not to notice. Mays on the other hand was distressed because of different reason.

"For now, just let go of my hand. I'm not mad at all so don't worry."

Ria reluctantly released her grip on Mays hand as ordered. She had been holding his hand ever since she woke up. She hugged him and not letting him go away for hours. Despite her headstrong personality, she turned docile when she faced her loved one. She had a crush on Mays even back when they were playing HeavensTale. Mays already knew about that since Ria told him about it multiple time already.

Mays was not someone who would be categorized as handsome. He was just someone who was slightly above average in term of looks. At the very least, he was still quite good looking compared to the other people around him. But Ria, she was totally on a different level.

True, he did look at her picture back then, but that was when she was still a kid, a teenager at most. That time Ria was barely seventeen or eighteen of age. She was at the spring of her youth. But now, after five years, Ria had bloomed into a godly beauty, even on par with these spirit beauties present. And this godly beauty still had feeling toward him. How could he not be bothered by that fact?



"Do you like me?"

"Of course!"

"Not just like, I mean like… love? With all your heart sort of feeling?"

"Yep I do. I'd gladly accept if you want to marry me. I won't even mind if you just do whatever you want with me hehe... ouch!"

Ria got flicked right at her forehead. Mays couldn't bother to listen to her carnal desire any longer. He already confirmed what he needed to know. He couldn't even tell how deep the love this naïve girl had for him.

"Ok enough. I'm not some lust indulged beast so stop it right there."

"Tehehe sorry. You already know how much I loved you even before this but right now I loved you even more after I knew you were damn awesome. A freaking martial artist wachaaa… oouch!!!"

And again her forehead got flicked for talking nonsense. Her mood was about to turned sour after getting flicked two times but Mays suddenly patted her head and consoled her. Her mood took an instant twist and she turned cheerful within seconds.

Back then, she literally knew too little about Mays. Only superficial information which everyone else knew. Something out of the norm was never talked about by Mays. She did heard about Mays's awesomeness from Sanortep but she didn't really believe it. After experiencing it first hand and also confirmed by Mays himself, now she believed.

Mira, Syaitona and the others also joined in the conversation soon after. Since Mays already approved of Ria, these spirits which served him had no reasons not to play along with him. Food were served soon after and everyone merrily stuffed their belly with the feast.

"Maaaan… If only everyday was this enjoyable and free of worry, I won't mind living the rest of my life here."

As he was stuffed full, Mays let out a relieved sigh.

"I don't mind either, as long as I could stay by your side as your wife."

Ria giggled as she stared at Mays's flushed face. Ever since they entered Spirit Society main building, Ria had been observing Mays nonstop. Sometimes she would even grin by herself. Nobody knew what she was thinking inside that mess up head of hers.



"Do you like it here?"

"I don't mind anywhere as long as I'm by your side."


"Hehe sorry. Truth be told, after spending five years here I do feel attached to this place. My previous home was no good anyways. But really, I meant it. I don't mind as long as I'm with you."

Ria said that with a straight face. She was really bold and true to her feeling. Mays stared at her face full of admiration. She did get flushed after Mays stared at her face for quite some time though.

As the banquet came to an end, everyone left the main hall one after the other. As for Mays and his spirits, they were escorted by Ria herself. The Spirit Society main building had countless room for lodging. These lodging area were split into two distinct area, the common and the luxury suite.

Mays was the esteemed guest for the Spirit Society. It was a given for them to use the luxury lodging area. Ria allocated two of the biggest room for them, one for Mays and the other one for the rest of them.

Mira insisted Mays to join them in their room but Ria was against it. After much consideration, Mays accepted the room allocation and walked toward his room soon after.

The inside of the room was grand. The decoration would let anyone stunned for quite some time, admiring the lovely sight. The utility inside was almost perfect as this room was designed by Ria herself, using houses from Earth as reference.

"Maan… This sure felt nostalgic."

As Mays lay down on his bed, he muttered.

Even back in earth, he never have the opportunity to live in a place with such luxury. Chandelier light. Fancy looking bed. Glittering mural decoration. Everything present in this room was the exact definition of luxury itself.

"So, how do you like my design?"

"You! Since when were you here?"

Mays never noticed when Ria came in. He was quite shocked when Ria's voice popped out so sudden. He didn't put his guards up since this was Ria's base. Nobody would sneak attacked him here for sure.

"Tehehe I was here the whole time. I just pretended to get out earlier."

Ria tried hard to look cute as she mimicked a puppy look. Mays who intended to flick her forehead decided not to do so. No matter how dense he really was, he already realized how genuine Ria's feeling toward him.

He realized that back on earth but he never planned to have any serious feeling for her. They were after all, literally worlds apart. Nobody would turned serious over some internet friends. But upon seeing her face to face, his barrier faded and he started thinking about the possibilities.

"Mays? Something wrong?"

Ria felt awkward when Mays didn't retort to her. Even back in HeavensTale, Mays would retort to her every time she made an advance on Mays. This time, something unexpected happened as she saw Mays absentmindedly stared at the ceiling without saying anything.

"Let's get back to our world together."

"Together? You mean…"

"It just crossed my mind. Even though your speech was way too inappropriate for a lady, deep inside you're a nice girl. We have known each other more than two years and I am certain of that. Not to mention you're one hell of a beauty too."

Ria's face turned redder by the second. She couldn't hide her embarrassment any longer. Even though she was always the one who made the first move, she never get the reaction she wanted from Mays.

"Then…. Then…. Please be gentle… Ouchh!"

Ria was about to undress when Mays flicked her forehead again. Mays immediately grabbed the dress which had been lowered by Ria and pulled it up again.

"Seriously, you need to fix that side of yours. I'm not going anywhere so that kind of thing can wait till we made it back to our world. I promise you I will definitely marry you okay."

Ria couldn't contain her happiness any longer as tear started flowing out of her glassy eyes. It was totally a dream come true for her. Her knight in shining armor which she had been imagining for years had finally approved her. Nothing would make her happier than this. Mays who was also embarrassed by what he just said immediately wiped Ria's tear.

"Okay enough. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."

After one last look at the maiden face, he pulled his blanket and pretended to sleep while ignoring the sobbing Ria.

"As if I could make any move on you right now when there were obviously some intense stare coming from the other side of the door."

Mays muttered to himself.

Ria who was lost in her delusion never noticed that there were actually several pair of eyes watching over their action from the other side of the door which were slightly opened.

"Heh knew it, she won't just leave master alone."

"Syhh… Master already approved of her so no comments."


MrMays MrMays

that's it for this week, the other chapter will be posted next week after i'm done with editing :p

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