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The brothers reunite

Mira was chasing after Syaitona while Aloha and the rest were looking at them from a far. Obviously, Syaitona did something which made Mira mad but that happened so many time already where Mays would never bother with it anymore.

Currently, Mays was sitting at the glass table near the side of the yard, enjoying his tea. Sitting on the opposite side of him was Sanortep, his brother. They were currently inside Sanortep's residence inside Dream City.

"So bro, you just come into this word around two month ago?"

"Yeah. I accidentally come here man. I never thought that the reason for your disappearance was this game."

Mays answered with his normal indifferent tone. He was still staring at the face of his younger brother who was unexpectedly older than him right now. He was twenty five years old while his younger brother was twenty two when he had gone missing last month. But now all of a sudden, his younger brother became two years older than him. This felt extremely weird.

"What about the police? They didn't do anything at all? There must be tens of thousands of people who went missing am I right?"

"Ugh San… The police can't do shit. At least, not yet. Remember what I just told you. In real world, time flowed differently. You have only been missing for five weeks. I've made a report about you after one week yet I got no notification from the police since. You expect those people to do what?"

Mays had been explaining whatever he deducted to Sanortep hours ago. They had been in deep discussion for hours.

"There was no adventurer guild in this world?"

"Hehe yeah. Disappointed ain't ya? I was like that at first. I even dream of being an S class adventurer right away but that dream was shattered when the people here didn't even know what an adventurer is."

"Maaaaan, that's so lame. I thought it was a must for every fantasy world to have it. What about the monsters then? Who killed them?"

"Even the army of the local feudal lord was enough to kill them. The only monster that appeared here in human continent were those low level one."

"Ohh I see."

Sanortep also explained about every notable events which happened since he came here to this world including the events of five years ago, the Great War.

"Mister San, someone come here to see you."

Mira shouted from afar. Nobody knew when did she moved toward the front door and received someone.

"Who was it?"

San shouted back.

"He was that guy from before. His name is Jace."

"Ahh okay. Let him in."

Jace knew that Sanortep who left with Mays previously would totally be in his resident. After he properly finished his job at the headquarters, Jace immediately rushed toward Cloud City to meet this duo, Mays and Sanortep.

Prior to this, he already heard the fact that Sanortep and the Red Wargod was blood brothers in real life. It was normal for the two of them to be together and catch up with the current affair.

"I hope I didn't interrupt you guys."

Jace started talking as he saw both Mays and Sanortep stared at him from their seats.

"Nah it's okay. Come here and take a seat."

Sanortep offered Jace a seat beside him. Apparently, there were a total of four chair around the glass table they were seated. Since only Mays and Sanortep were there at the moment, the other two chair were free.

"Huhu Jace. Never had I expected that the weakest of us eight legendary figure would one day be the leader of humanity."

Mays commented sarcastically. Their relationship with each other ain't bad, but it was not that good either. Mays only got to know this guys because one of his friend was a member of SwordOfLight. That person quitted HeavensTale months before him though.

"It can't be help ain't it? Someone need to stand up and take the helm."

"Yeh bro, cut him some slack. He did his best after all."

Jace gave a forced reply while Sanortep stood up for this friend of him.

"I know. I just never thought that someone meek like you really could do it when you try."

Mays sipped his tea again. He was totally calm while Jace kept fidgeting after meeting his gaze.

"I have to. I can't stay useless anymore after Evan perished in the war."

The current Jace was twenty three years old. He was young. He was still younger than Mays even after spending five years here in this harsh world. But one could see that his eyes were full of determination. In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, this young master had been fighting monsters and demons alike days after days.

Jace got teleported in this world when he was just eighteen. Evan was his butler, his real butler even back in real world. Jace was a son of a rich oil sheikh back in earth. And this very Evan who did everything for his young master had actually perished in the Great War back then. This was what triggered Jace to become the man he was. A just and dependable man.

"Sorry for your loss. But you did mature thanks to that. My gramps always said that everything happened for a reason."

Mays tried to console Jace using his own way.

"When did you start talking like gramps? Wait bro, didn't you hate gramps?"

Sanortep rebuked as he stared at Mays. He knew well how Mays hate their gramps to his bone.

"Syhh… Once a while I also wanted to say those cheesy novel like line. I do hate that old man though. He only cared about teaching martial arts after all."

The three of them burst into laughter soon after. Jace was actually a decent guy who was easy to get along with. Prior to this, Mays never tried to befriend him so he never knew. Since his younger brother was on good term with this guy, he had no reasons to not befriend him now.

"For real? Ria did that? Hahahhahaa."

"Of course duh. Its Ria after all. She beat every man who look at her. Even this Jace couldn't look at her in the eyes right? Hahahahha."

"Well yeah. She was too unrefined. I just can't deal with her at all."

One topic after another, the three of them were absorbed in their conversation without any regard of the passing time. Night passed and the sun rose up for the next day yet the conversation of these three people was still ongoing.

"Seriously Jace, you're not bad considering your age."

"Well, he got the look bro, the look! We got nothing in that aspect hahahahha."

This time their topic was the number of people who confessed at Jace. It was an undisputable fact that he was handsome. Coupled with how high his current status here in this world, hundreds of girl dreamed of becoming his concubine. But of course, none of them knew that this supreme leader of humanity was still a virgin.

And so on, time passed by. The sun was already on top of the head signalling that the time was around noon. Maidservant who worked at Sanortep's residence walked toward the trio who were still engrossed in their talk. The maidservant pushed a cart with a full set of lunches ready to be served.

"Sir, the lunches are ready."

"Leave it there. We will eat later."

"Okay. I'll excuse myself."

After the maidservant left, the three of them continued their conversation without even taking a look at the meals served on the cart.

"Uh Mira never knew master talked so much! Mira was booooored!"

"Can't help it. That guy was his blood brother after all. There were lots of things they need to talk about."

Syaitona who also had nothing to do sighed together with Mira. They could only wait patiently until their master decided to leave.

"Let's get inside and eat. That maid already prepare the meal in the dining hall."

Aloha was told by the previous maid to bring the others into the dining hall. As Mays was still busy, they walked toward the dining hall without even informing him.

"By the way Mays, I don't know if I should ask you this but… why did you launch an attack on The Alliance headquarters yesterday?"

That question from Jace made Mays startled for a bit.

"Yeah bro. I can't think of any valid reason for your action either."

Even Sanortep was clueless. He knew that his brother was someone who always planned several steps ahead. Someone that never did anything without reason.

As both their gaze focused on Mays, Mays let out a wry smile as he replied.

"It was a trap."

Mays spoke with a small voice.


Both Sanortep and Jace were dumbfounded. Trap for what? Trap for who? What kind of trap? More question popped out after they heard Mays's vague answer. Unable to come up with what might be the possible answer, they once again stared at Mays.


Mays let out a small sigh. He would never ever revealed the real reason for that attack. The image he built over the years of playing HeavensTale would crumbled in an instant for sure if it was leaked.

"Do I really need to explain?"

Mays asked in a serious tone. It was as if he looked down of those two for not able to figure it out by themselves.

"Yes please."

They both replied in unison. Mays had no other choice since they really wanted to know that badly.

He couldn't tell them that he gave an order on impulse. He just thought it might be a good show for Mira to get beaten. He knew that Mira had close to no chance on winning against his brother in a duel.

What he didn't expect was that Mira would immediately flew toward The Alliance headquarters right away and wreaked havoc there. Thanks to magic caster's [Space Jump] and [Flight Acceleration], Flamence who already exhausted its stamina flying across the continent couldn't catch up with her. The moment Mays arrived at the scene, the fight had already escalated beyond his expectation.

"It was for that low chances. The chances of the real demon lord to awaken. Think about it."

"Why haven't you people sent back to earth even after winning the Great War and killed the demon lord? Don't you guys find that weird?"

Mays started spouting nonsense. This was actually a problem Mays had been thinking after he heard the story from Nej back then. He felt like this was a good time for him to share this idea of his. Obviously this was better than telling them that his spirits acted beyond his expectation.

"You for real bro?"

"Mays? Really?"

Both of them showed a shocked face. Mays already predicted that these two would totally laughed at his point. What he said was totally far out of stretch even for him. It was his intention to let it passed by as a joke. At the very least, he wouldn't be blamed for the previous attack.

"I was just being cautious. Nothing wrong with that right? Hahaha."

Mays tried to brush it off with a laugh.

"Whoaa!! I never expect you to calculate things that far, bro. You only had been here merely a few month."

"Uh, even I never thought that the Red Wargod was this meticulously calculative. No wonder I was nothing compared to you back then."

"Err… Ahh… yeah."

Mays was at loss of word after listening to those heartfelt comments. Those two actually believed all the nonsense he threw at them without any doubt. How sincere were they? Mays started to feel bad but he wouldn't go as far as revealing the truth either.


The Bloodhound Dukedom was currently in an uproar. The rumours about the attack on The Alliance's headquarters had already reached there despite that event happened only yesterday.

"The Alliance's headquarter was attacked?"

"Yes sir. That happened yesterday. The one responsible for the attack was the Red Wargod!"

"The Red Wargod is here? You sure that this information is legit?"

"Yes. This information come from one of my spirits, it is ninety percent legit."

Stan, Whacko and the other two of their close friend were in deep conversation yet again. The other two was a skinny, wicked looking red head named Bean and a fat, meek looking blonde named Danny. They were both around the same age as Stan and Whacko.

The one who talked earlier was Bean. He had one of his low level spirits stayed close with The Alliance so that he could easily gather information from them. He could easily talk to his spirit using the spirit rod which he had abundant of.

The main topic of their conversation this time was none other than the emergence of the Red Wargod. They knew who that was way too well. He was a nightmare for every member of their guild after all.

"Now that he was here, I think we should hasten our plan."

Danny looked troubled as he blurted out what he thought.

"Yeah. Nobody knew what he would do now that he came. His intelligence was something we shouldn't disregard."

Stan agreed. He knew how fearsome Mays was in term of planning. Two players with the aid of less than ten spirits could make their whole guild suffer tremendously. That kind of things couldn't happen with just top tier mechanical skills alone.

"Then why are we still dallying? Let's claim the Demon Lord's Altar right away!"

Whacko shouted. He stood up and started doing some stretching. He never was good with thinking but he was confident with his battle prowess.

"Soon brother, soon. Our preparation is almost done. We can't just go there blindly. The altar was in the center of demon empire after all."

Stan tried to persuade Whacko. He knew best when to strike. He was the brain of their guild. Whacko was the brown. They were the infamous Black Death Duo whose name once instilled fear back in HeavensTale.

That, was a story from ages ago. They were beaten senseless by Red Wargod and Pink Demon once. It was in a fair 2vs2 PVP match even. If not because of the help from Silver Bullet, nobody knew what the ending for the war between their guild and those two people would be. They stayed under the radar since then and only bared their fang after they got teleported here into this world.

"How long? I'm tired of waiting."

Whacko snorted. He really was eager to get into action. It was in his blood.

"One week at most, please bear with it. It was also confirmed that the dragon princess met the requirement as the sacrifice."

"Fine then. Just one week."

Whacko agreed to wait just a little bit more. The only reason he listened was because the suggestion came from Stan himself. If it was other people, he wouldn't even bother listening. He walked out of the room soon after.

"Bean, I want you to lead fifty of our elites and go scout the surrounding area of DragonKeep Dukedom. I need to reconfirm if there was any changes with the terrain, military prowess and everything important about that dukedom in three days."

"Consider it done."

Bean was an assassin. He was also good with scouting jobs. He could be considered the third most influential person in the guild after Stan and Whacko.

"Danny, make preparation for our travel next week. Make sure everything is perfect so we don't have any menial problem along the way."


As for Danny, he lacked fighting talent. He was an archer back in HeavensTale, but his skills was mediocre. He was good in other things though. With his side class as a merchant, he did a perfect job managing logistic and other non-combat related stuff.

Stan nodded as everyone was acting accordingly. He put his absolute trust of the three of them. He wouldn't be who he was if not for those three people who believed in him and executed his orders without any question.

"Just you wait, people of The Alliance! I will make you regret chasing us out four years ago!"

As he tighten his fist, Stan swore that he would get back to everyone who chased them away. This had been his dream and also the dream of all his guild members since they got chased away from human's continent years ago.

After receiving their order respectively, both Bean and Danny walked out of the room. Stan was left alone since the meeting room was actually his study room. He spent most of his time in that room, reading every books available to widen his view of the world.

"Red Wargod. I hope that nothing would go wrong with your sudden appearance."

Nobody knew why Stan was totally concerned about this particular guy nicknamed Red Wargod. True, he was one of the people who destroyed them back in HeavensTale, but he was not invincible. Even back then, there were multiple occasions where he would be dying if not for the help of his companion.

Not even Whacko nor anyone else in DarkMonarch knew that there was actually a history between Stan and Mays. That was a story even before he founded DarkMonarch.

Stan spent most of his time online with Whacko but it didn't mean that he never have any other friend he hang with online. Coincidentally, Mays was one of those online friend. They became acquaintance with each other not from HeavensTale but due to some job outside the game.

Stan was wicked. He had a twisted mind. Even back on earth, he was a hard core drug dealer and a legit criminal. He was really good at using his brain though. Manipulating people and swindling others was his daily routine. On one occasion, he paid Mays to do one of his bidding hence he once witnessed Mays's awesomeness in hacking.

Starting from that time, they had several dealings with each other. Mays never really cared as of who he worked with as long as he got his pay check. In that case, Stan was a good customer since he always paid in advance and never bother with pointless talk. Mays liked that professionalism the most.

Since the both of them profited from each other, they kept their good relationship moving. Stan who planned to backstab Mays at first decided not to because of how perfect Mays did his work. Not long enough, they acknowledged each other as a worthy business partner. Mays was the master hacker while Stan was the wicked criminal.

They even played chess against each other on occasion but they always ended at a stalemate. That proved just how great they were at reading each other and how calculative the two of them were.

"If only that event didnt happen, maybe we would still be on good term. Nobody was more dependable than him as a partner but as an enemy, he was the worst nightmare. Can't be helped."

Stan sighed.

He really hated the fact that he and Mays were not on the same page anymore thanks to a certain incident in HeavensTale. Now that it was fated for them to face each other, they could finally determine who the better between them was.

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