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DarkMonarch's evil plot

More and more people came to the headquarters building and the crowd expanded in no time. There were lots of players among the spectators. This was a town under the direct command of The Alliance after all.

After several exchange with Sanortep, Mira had revealed almost all of her card. She still had not gained the upper hand though. She already tossed away her cape long ago in the heat of the battle revealing her gear entirely to the crowd.

"That girl was somewhat familiar."

"That flaming staff was also a famous item. It's the legend rank Flame Emperor Core Staff!!"

"That armor sets she wore, it must be the Heavenly Divine Cloth Armor set if I'm not mistaken!"

"How come someone with that godly equipment stay low up till now?"

The crowd whispered among themselves trying to figure out who this girl was. Nobody actually recognized who she was. This was actually something weird. Someone who had full set of legend rank gears shouldn't have been some nobody. None of them had ever thought of this girl to be a spirits upon seeing how grand her gear was.

In the middle of the duel, Sanortep who was dominating since they started suddenly turned sluggish. It appeared as if the effect of Blood Sacrifice had wear off. His attack became less deadly yet he still grinned while looking at Mira. Mira was no fool either. She wouldn't let a chance slip by even when that chance was a trap laid by her enemy.

"Flaming Chain!"

"Icy Fire Annihilation!"

Chains of dark flame appeared from the depth of underworld as it chained all Sanortep's limbs, stopping him from moving. Not only that, a huge flame pillar even shot down from the sky, directly burning Sanortep who was unable to dodge that killing move.

"That was a sure kill magic caster combo. Even Sanortep wouldn't survive unscratched!"

Someone from the crowd commented. He was a level hundred player, one of those so called god by the people of this world. He had experienced this combo lots of time back in HeavensTale's PVP matches so he knew how deadly this combo was.

"Heh… Good! Now it's my turn!"

Sanortep was a berserker. He fights head on with his blood as a catalyst for his attack. He became stronger as he piled up more injury from a fight. The more he bleed, the stronger he got.

Now that his injury was a step away from fatal, nobody could discern how strong the buff he got from his passive skills. Without anyone noticing, San immediately appeared directly in front of Mira, giving her an uppercut out of nowhere.


The Astral Shield that Mira had been keeping up was shattered in an instant. Mira herself was sent flying several meters due to that one attack. At the very least, she still remained conscious even after taking that attack head on.

The crowd was once again shocked beyond belief when they saw what just happened. That attack just now was not a skill from HeavensTale. Even Leet and Jace was astonished every time they saw Sanortep used that move.

As for Leet and Rose, they had no confident in facing that attack despite being on the same level as him. Jace on the other hand could still fight against Sanortep since he was the legendary secret class, Elemental Lancer.

"Ugh… That hurts so bad! Mira was caught by surprise."

As more and more guards coming to the scene, Mira was surrounded without any escape route. Not to mention, she couldn't even move her body right now. She tried to stand up but her effort was in vain. She couldn't even lift up her arm.

"Stop trying. You can't move for sure after taking that attack. The strongest person here could only move sluggishly after taking that attack head on. Am I right, Jace?"

Jace could only smile wryly as Sanortep glanced at him. What he just said was the truth after all. Leet and Rose finally realized that despite how lame and slovenly Sanortep had been acting so far, it was without a doubt that his strength was only second to Jace in The Alliance. Combination of real life martial arts and game skills from HeavensTale was totally something impressive.

"So tell me, who are you? You are not a godkin are you? A spirits of someone who just recently entered this world perhaps?"

Sanortep asked once again. He really wanted to know the identity of this mysterious person who came this time. For their spirits to wear a full legend tier equipment, the master would be someone famous for sure.

"That's enough. The fight was good but as expected, you lose."

"SS… sorry."

Mira could only apologized as she heard her master's voice. Not just Sanortep who stood in front of Mira, even Jace, Leet and Rose were also shocked upon hearing that voice echoed out of nowhere.

Soon enough, a Crystal Flame Dragon revealed itself on top of the headquarters' building. It was not known how long it had been hiding there but nobody around the area noticed before it revealed itself.

Atop the back of that dragon, a person walked out as he soon stepped down from the sky. This person walked alone but the blinding light reflected from his crystal dragon made him looked somewhat sacred.

One step caused the heavens to shake, another step split the sky open. In just a moment, the sun lose all its luster as this guy shone brightly upon his descend. Everyone in the area were all dumbfounded, shivering as if a god had descended to the mortal world.

That simple move was actually [Sky Step], magic caster's basic spell. It was just a simple event where one man stepped out of his mount and walked down but thanks to the blinding effect of Crystal Flame Dragon's innate illusion, everything turned overly grand.

Mays landed directly in front of Sanortep and they both stared at each other without saying anything. Next second, Sanortep leapt toward the mysterious person with both his cestus ready to strike.


Sanortep was knocked out smoothly after one exchange. Nobody could tell how Sanortep got beaten as the speed of Mays's attack was way too fast. Among all the people in the crowd, only Jace alone had seen how Mays swiftly threw a fast jab at Sanortep.

"What… what in the world happened?!"

"Who was that guy?"

The current Mays was still wearing the same grey cape from before. Nobody knew who he was.

"Well, I'll be picking up my spirit back. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Mays kneeled as he picked up Mira in a princess carry. The whole crowd were still in a shocked state with their attention glued on that mysterious guy who appeared out of nowhere. As Mays walked away from where he picked Mira, several people rushed forward and blocked his way.

"Stop it right there!"

"Who the hell do you think you are? Causing havoc here and planning to leave as you want!!"

There were at least a dozen of people who surrounded Mays. These people were all godkins on true god level, max level HeavensTale player. They knew how strong Mays was after they saw how Sanortep got knocked out almost instantly.

"So? You guys want to stop me?"

Mays snorted.

"You bet!"

One of them shouted as he leapt toward Mays. His axe was about ready to strike as he activated warrior's mid-level skill, [Hurricane Slash]. Before that warrior managed to gather enough momentum to produce a hurricane from his spinning axe, he was sent flying several meters away from Mays.

Once again, Mays's god speed attack left the bystander speechless. Both his hand was currently occupied as he was carrying Mira but that alone was not enough handicap for him. Jace was once again stupefied as he saw how fast that kick was. He was now sure that the person in front of him was another hidden class player like him.

Even after the absolute display of strength by Mays, these people in front of him had no intention of backing down. What he did was totally something couldn't be forgiven from their view, coming all over to their headquarters and caused havoc all of the sudden. Not to mention even one of their leader also got beaten.

"Attack him together!"

"He can't beat us if we combine our strength! Attack!!"

One after another, these godkins jumped at Mays with their weapon ready to strike. None of them thought that this guy would escape unscratched out of this.

"Tch! Spatial Descent!"

All of the sudden, the scenery turned grey. Everyone within hundred meter radius were trapped within this space distortion. The faces of those dozen people who tried to beat Mays earlier turned green as they could hardly move in this zone. As far Mays, he freely moved from them, leaving one unconscious body one after another.

[Spatial Descent] was a unique skill of Mays's hidden class, the Magic Swordsman. Every enemy inside the zone was greatly restricted. Their move speed and attack speed were reduced up to eighty percent making them a perfect human target for Mays. Even though this special zone only lasted for five seconds, that time interval was more than enough for Mays to defeat his attacker.

"Trying to fight me, you guys are one thousand years too early!"

Mays snickered as he stared at those people who got their asses handed by him.

Those people gritted their teeth in anger as they couldn't said anything in return. This person in front of them really had the strength to say that. Leet and Rose both showed an angered look but they were not willing to step out just to get their asses kicked either. They knew they couldn't beat this person who could easily KO'ed Sanortep in a single exchange. Jace on the other hand just shook his head as he giggled and walked toward Mays.

"What? You also want a piece of me?"

Mays chided. He knew who this person was. Mays might not interact much with this person but he did ran some dungeon with him back in HeavensTale. This person was Jace, the Elemental Lancer and also the leader of SwordOfLight.

"Of course not. Why would I? Nobody dares to mess with the Red Wargod even back in HeavensTale."

"Arara… looks like there was someone here with a brain it seems. How are you these days, Silver Bullet?"

"Nothing much, same as usual."

Mays replied to Jace as they both was actually in a good term with each other. Everyone knew that the Red Wargod and Pink Demon duo was unstoppable in HeavensTale. There was even a time when a whole guild with two hidden class picked a fight with them and they got beaten senseless.

True, they didn't fight head on. Nobody could defeat a whole guild by themselves. But for only two player to kill every five man party sent to hunt them down was enough feat to be called a living legend. Only after Jace step up and meditate for both side was when the fight were officially resolved in peace.

"Bro, I can get up now right?"

"Haha yeah. Thanks for going along with my act."

Sanortep whom everyone thought had been knocked out was actually faking it all the time. He stood up and brushed off the dust all over his body.

"By the way, I did instruct my spirit not to kill anyone here so she did pull back her strength. Let me off just this once okay?"

Mays spoke in a pleading manner. He felt sorry for the disturbance caused by her spirit. Only a little bit though.

"If I didn't know you personally I wouldn't even consider letting you live one second longer. You can go."

"Heheh you sure know how to talk now. See ya later!"

As Mays walked away from the crowd this time, nobody tried to block his path. Those dozen of people who tried to block his way earlier was now seeing him in a different light.

"I fought against the legendary Red Wargod. Hehehehe I can brag about this later."

"That's not a fight dumb-ass. That was just you getting your ass kicked!"

"It didn't change the fact that I did fight against him hehehe."

One of them was even thick-headed enough wanting to brag about it later on. This proved how famous Mays was back in HeavensTale. His mere existence was something worth bragging over.

Flamence immediately flew away from the scene after Mays, Sanortep and Mira got into the carriage on its back. Their destination was Dream City.

"Leader, was that the famous Red Wargod who singlehandedly destroyed the Underworld guild?"

One bespectacled girl asked Jace after Flamence was no more in sight. She was the current secretary of SwordOfLight, Kalisa.

"That, was only one among several of his crazy deeds. The rumors was totally exaggerated though."

Destroying one guild just because a dispute. The Red Wargod Mays was totally able to do that. Not to mention that middle tier Underworld guild, even a top tier guild like DarkMonarch couldn't stop the rampaging Red Wargod back in HeavensTale. This secretary of SwordOfLight had no ways of knowing that though considering how Mays already toned down his aggressiveness when she barely started.

"Looks like something crazy going to happen real soon."

Jace was delighted as he walked into the headquarters building with a wicked smile on his face. The others were left dumbfounded as the intruder who caused havoc at their base had left the scene without any obstruction.

As for Rose, Leet and King Edward, they followed Jace into the headquarters building each with different thought in their mind.


Demonic Sky Continent. A vast desolate land full of demonic beast and vicious creature alike. There were various humanoid beast village and even beast's sacred grounds all over. After the death of the great demon lord in the war five years ago, there were no more absolute power which governed this continent.

The land size of Demonic Sky Continent was extremely large. It had innumerable territories and countless ancient cities that were divided into a total of forty four dukedom which spread all over the continent.

The Ancient Demon Empire was not included in those forty four dukedom though. Since the empire was located in the center of the continent, it was an indisputable fact that they were the backbone for the unity of demons and humanoid monsters alike. With the death of previous demon lord, this ancient empire was on the verge of collapsing entirely.

Of these forty four dukedom surrounding the empire, four of them, DragonKeep Dukedom, AshenWolf Dukedom, AtomicTiger Dukedom and AncientHydra Dukedom were the strongest dukedom of all. In the Far East area of the continent, there was a dukedom within a forest. This place used to be the Bloodhound Dukedom.

The Bloodhound Dukedom was one of the transcendent power residing in the Demonic Sky Continent. Its prowess couldn't be compared to those four strongest dukedom but it was not too far apart either.

Currently this dukedom was already demolished and there were hundreds of humans occupying this area, around two hundred to be exact. From their advanced gear alone, anyone could guessed that these people were a group of godkins for sure.

Almost every member of the current Bloodhound Dukedom had a collar on their neck. Those were the slave collar. Anyone who had been contracted would have that collar on them until their master released them.

That slave collar was without a doubt an item from back when HeavensTale was still a game. Nobody would have thought that the collar would also worked on these humanoid beast from this world.

Inside the biggest building in the capital city of Bloodhound Dukedom, several human figure were seen moving vigorously in a room. Two of them were raping dog eared humanoid beast girl while another two were just sitting nearby gazing at some distant land.

"How long do you think we need to waste our time hiding here, Whacko?"

One of them who sat there doing nothing suddenly stood up. He was looking at the other guy who sat nearby as if he really waited for an answer.

"Don't ask me. I wouldn't know anything that you didn't know of. You're the brain of our group remember?"

The other guy replied without giving it any thought. It was obvious that he hated thinking. These duo were both players who had unlocked a hidden class back in HeavensTale. They were the infamy duo, Demon Priest Stan and Underworld Paladin Whacko.

HeavensTale was never short of money warrior. Any decent game needed people who spent money without worry to feed the people of the company. These brother Stan and Whacko were both money warrior without any gaming talent. They were not blood related but because of certain reasons, they decided to be sworn brothers.

Stan was a skinny, wicked looking man in his early twenty. He has a short blonde hair and a deep blue eyes. From his appearance, everyone would have guessed for sure that he had no affinity with strength related stuff. He was good with his brain though.

Whacko on the other hand was a total muscle head. His body builder's like figure together with a handsome face made him quite the popular guy. He also had short blonde hair with blue eyes. Nobody knew how these two knew each other but they already got along with each other even before they started playing HeavensTale.

"It's more than two years already. We even traveled all over here to demon continent. I bet those people from the alliance didn't have the slightest idea on what we are planning!"

Whacho commented. He still remembered the day where their whole guild were chased out from the human continent. In fact, they didn't do anything to Holy Cloud Empire four years ago. They were just implicated by several mid tier guild who had been using their name to spread terrors all over. Because of that, they had been living as a renegade since that day.

"Yeah. Those people from the alliance should all die. Just wait until we succeed in resurrecting the demon king. Those foolish people would regret their action for sure."

Stan added. He was also pissed by the treatment they got after they risked their life fighting on human side five years ago in the Great War. Back then, their guild was one of the top leading guild which led humanity to victory against the demon lord.

These people were none other than the DarkMonarch, one of the three strongest guild in HeavensTale. DarkMonarch was a big guild of money warrior. Every single member of their guild was a money warrior. Because of that, most of them were equipped with top tier equipment.

Now that they were hunted everywhere in the human continent, they hide here in demon continent. It was obvious that they bear hatred toward humanity and were planning on making a comeback real soon.

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