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20.4% Trinity: omniverse traveling cat (hiatus) / Chapter 29: the laws of old

Chapter 29: the laws of old

After getting over the fact that Ron has become a cheap Malfoy, he played dumb.

"Of course I don't know, all he did was to scream and throw himself at me, what? Did you expect me to not react and protect myself? Fat chance."

Before he could erupt, the old carrot head came in.

"Twenty-five point for your house and detention for assaulting an Heir of an ancient and Noble House." Satisfied with his action, he exits the carriage, completely oblivious of the fact that the boy wasn't even sorted and that the year wasn't in motion, thus unable to give detention.

Seeing his older brother take care of the situation, Ron exit the carriage smugly, followed by Neville.

"Do you see now? this is only a small part of what is the wizarding world, as they see the whining brat as a sort of savior his action will be forgiven when those actions would see a mundane born expelled."

The lesson was bitter for the young girl to swallow when she realizes that she has left a familiar world where she was sunned, to an unfamiliar one were she would be harassed. Unwilling to leave here in this state, he quickly thinks if he was willing to leave her in this state or help her.

Making his choice, he attracted her attention when he spoke again.

"As I was about to say when they interrupt, I am not from the mundane world, but the magical one. While I was not raised in it, I am the head of my House due to the fact that I am the sole member still alive. Being who I am, I have the possibility to help you, but you must know that once you made your choice it forms life, and magic will see to it. I am unwilling to hear your response now, I will let you until the winter solstice to make your mind. The student has the possibility to return to their home on this date, speak with your parent and see what you want to be done. As I said earlier, they don't have weight anymore in the witch part of your life but it better for you to ask them."

At first, she was downcast at seeing what he just have say happen, she was completely clueless has to what she should do so when she heard him say he may have a way to help, she was first exited before sadden that he wouldn't hear her now, but after thinking of it it was for the best. Even if she hadn't the greatest of relation with her parent, they should still be aware of the situation and know how better than her.

SO for the next hour, the two stays have they where one petting a purring cat and the other immersed in his book. It was at this time that for the third time of the short ride, the door was abruptly open. In the frame, a well-groomed platinum-haired boy appears with what should be the exact definition of the true bookend. To the extent that he was starting to ask himself if they didn't have troll blood in them.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" As he didn't want more problems with the ferret boy right of the start, he asks politely.

At first, when he sees them Draco was about to sneer at them, belittle them and go for the next door be seeing that the boy was polite and sincere he refrain for the time being.

"Have you see Potter? I hear that he have his nose squashed!"

"I think he his further down, he came earlier, so if you haven't still seen him he could only be further."

Nodding at the boy's words, he closed the door with glee evident on his face as his prey was nearer. When they were alone, he spoke to Hermione who has stayed quiet, knowing that the end wouldn't be pretty if she spoke now.

"And that another example. The boy just now is Draco Malfoy, Heir of the Magical House Malfoy. While they are only a Magical House, his father has two great weapons at his disposition."

"What sort of weapons?"

"The first is his connection as the ring leader of the Death Eater after the fall of Voldemort, the second is his generous donation to the minister's pockets. Being his Heir, Draco will be the prince of Slytherin, meaning that as long that he isn't blatant about it, he will be out of arms way and the older will keep an eye on him. Saving the Heir of the man that had that much power means favor from him when they're out of Hogwarts, I know that you will not be in Slytherin, depending on the House, it would be better if you can avoid having anything to do with him."

She blanched at the boy's family identity and take to heart the advice. Her future was already bleak, they were no need to stir a can of worms now, but she was also curious about his words.

"You say Magical House, what is it?"

"The wizard noblesse raking. It starts with Elder House, Magical House, Elder Magical House, Noble House, Ancient House, and Ancient and Noble House."

Hearing this, she couldn't help but remember the words of the elder boy before.

" You are in problem! His House is..." Seeing her panicking at Percy's words, he immediately calms her down.

"Calm down Hermione, while it true that his family is at the top of the chain, don't forget that he is only an Heir, While I am a Head of House. Following the system, an Heir is only equal to the inferior rank of his house. While it needs to take in count the personal feat of the person in it, he is far from able to make things difficult for me."

It was at that time that she understands that he never did evoke is House.

"What are you House, you say that he can't make a problem for you but only by being an Ancient and Noble House can yo be safe then?!" Seeing his smirk she know something was off.

"While it true it isn't the case. As of this year's start, my family was known as the Ancient Clan Evans. My ancestor has never bowed and recognized the authority of the ministry, thus, while we don't have the right to interfere with the Wisengamot they are allowed to judge members of the Clan, this privilege reset on the hand of the Head of Clan."

"...And as sole Member, you are the Clan Head and they need your accord to judge you!" Is smirk became wilder, seeing how fast she understand.

"It would be right, but it was as off the start of the year, after more than three hundred years without a Head, less an Heir, but now? My Clan was already centuries old before the Roman invasion and later the advent of magical Britain. With me reviving the Clan I became the sole Most Ancient Clan and oldest wizard family in the world, tell me, who will dare to threaten its Head?"

The maniacal grin he sported send shivers to the poor girl who was having trouble to event gasp the enormity of the situation and the amount of power he could call upon anyone.

"While it cool and all, I will ask you an Oath of Secrecy, it will not arms you in any way, it will just be you asking my Family Magic to protect the knowledge I had given you. As long as you willingly want to protect them, no means will be able to take them from you, be it magical or otherwise, you will be protected. But should you willingly give them, my Family Magic will strike and you don't want it? Ok"

Seeing her nod, understanding that as long at she keeps quiet nothing will happen she didn't mind, rather, she was eager, knowing that magic will proactively keep her from arming ways at least for this takes a little of the large weight that hadn't spot to weight on her shoulder.

"Ok, repeat after me. I Hermoine..."


"I, Hermione Jean Granger, ask upon the Family Magic Of the Most Ancient Clan Evans, for the knowledge that has been freely given, protection from any means of arms, be it magical or not, so mote it be!"

"I, Hermione Jean Granger, ask upon the Family Magic Of the Most Ancient Clan Evans, for the knowledge that has been freely given, protection from any means of arms, be it magical or not, so mote it be!"

"I, Alexander Daren Evans, Clan Head of the Most Ancient Clan Evans, acknowledge the pledge of protection for one Hermione Jean Granger for the knowledge willingly shared and ask for the Family Magic to bless her claim, so mote it be!

As the two Oath take root, a flash of deep green envelops them, showing it's acceptance from the Family magic and Hermione's blessing.

Linrim Linrim

After six-day of blank, I finally was able to correctly edit a chap, who became three, I had so much fun that before I realize it had raised to 4500+ words so I chopped it in three. You know it not that bad to sometime take a break, let your imagination shimmers a little to produce a much greater chap that you would think. It was because I know it would happen that I have started to stockpile. Result? of the ten previous I have gone down to four before yesterday. So don't worry, their still six other after this one and more will be made today. enjoy!


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