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33.33% Imperium / Chapter 1: Prologue
Imperium Imperium original


Author: LycheeJelly

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

"Did you hear about the new game created by Exotic Pear Gaming?"

"There's a new game? What is it called? What is it about? Has it been released yet? Hurry and tell! Tell me! TELL ME! TELL ME!"

"Dude chill, I just heard about it today, apparently it's supposed to be the best new game of the decade! It's called Imperium it's an mmorpg that has a xianxia theme. Registration will be open on Saturday at noon."

"What the hell?! Why noon? That's such an inconvenient timing. I'll have to miss class if I want to register."

"It's not my fault, who told you to have extra classes on Saturday."

"Hmph, if it wasn't for my old man do you think I would go to these stupid classes?"

Huang Hualing was currently eavesdro- ahem- I mean overhearing a conversation between two of her classmates, Xiao Chonglin and Long Fan, two infamous gaming nerds at her school. After hearing the word "game", Hualing's ears immediately perked up as she intently listened to their private conversation. 'Hmm a new game huh?' she thought to herself, 'maybe I'll just have to give this one a try'.

As a bonafide gaming addict, Hualing was constantly searching for new and addicting games to pass her free time with. She was average in all aspects regarding academics, however, she is known as the queen of tech within her friend group. No matter the issue, as long as it had to do with tech in some aspect, Hualing was the person to look for. Sadly, she was completely clueless in every other aspect of life, leaving her to be rather ignorant.

Born into a wealthy family, Hualing didn't particularly care for her grades or academics in general, but ever since she was able to walk and express her thoughts, she has been addicted to all technological devices. At a tender age of four, she was introduced to gaming by her indolent brother, Huang Yong Rui; ever since, she cared about nothing else. Other than learning some skills dealing with tech, she didn't bother with any subjects at school. Regarding this, her parents were rather exasperated, as they already had a lazy son to deal with, they truly hoped to have a hardworking daughter. However, the heavens are unkind and gave them two slothlike entities who only knew how to laze about and play games.

Sadly, they could never truly get mad at these two seemingly hopeless children, as they both were geniuses in some aspect. Their son, had a gift for business, making investments on what seems like a whim, yet earning millions after the projects were highly successful. He was already named the heir to the family's large luxury hotel chain at the age of 19.

Their daughter on the other hand was an abnormal genius at programming; even winning several national programming competitions and coming in third in a world wide competition at the age of 15. After learning that she couldn't access her games at school, Hualing even decided to learn some basic hacking skills which allowed her to hack into her schools mainframe and unblocking the games. However, she wasn't particularly skillful in that department and a couple days later she was discovered. Consequently she got suspended for a week leading her parents to become exasperated and helpless.

Not only that, because she was so addicted to games, she took it upon herself to learn several language, English, French, Korean, and Taiwanese. This led her to become fluent in English and Korean, while being able to read and write sufficiently in Korean and Taiwanese. How does this correlate with gaming? Well of course it's because this lazy gamer was bored with her current server and wanted a change in scenery, leading her to learn these languages in order to communicate with people in the other servers across the world. At only 17 years old, she has already become this unreasonable. Truly, this girl is a hopeless maniac when it comes to gaming.

LycheeJelly LycheeJelly

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