"For a self-declared Alpha, he was far too stupid. The mind is one place no existence could have dared compromised but he...."
Kiba looked at the unrecognizable corpse of Goten Whiteskins and sighed.
"He didn't even know that mind was implanted with a foreign biological matter that would react the moment he shares information his consciousness deemed confidential."
Kiba pressed a finger on the corpse and wrapped it with streams of energy. Dazzling light erupted and the corpse broke into specs of dust.
"Then again, even I wasn't able to detect that matter when I scanned him so he couldn't be faulted entirely."
It wasn't Kiba's first encounter with such mechanisms to protect confidential information from being disclosed. Months ago, when he captured revolutionaries, he tried to read the memories of one of them. Sadly, the hidden mechanism activated and the consciousness of the revolutionary collapsed.
The end is near
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