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[Jujutsu Kaisen ]
In this world where evil and justice are battling endlessly, when Cursed Spirit and Jujutsu are present, a teenager named Lin Ran quietly appears.
After being reincarnated, Lin Ran discovered that he might be the ceiling of this world’s combat power!
The book’s passionate daily direction, follow the main line, take the auxiliary line, and expand. The magnificent Jujutsu world is not only in Japan, but also in the world. Gradually, the appearance of the whole world will appear, so stay tuned
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Write a reviewNo harem yess....you only need the light when it's dark............................expexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexpexexpexpexpexepxpepxexpexpexpexpexpexexpepxepxepxepx
Reveal SpoilerGood upadte more......:;;:;;;;!;;;;;;;;.... M. V Vv V Vc C C Ff Rr Dd D D D Dd Ddiihhhhhhhahahahhahahahsuyyhehejejsjsbndkshhgujcfbejejdhejekdl
Author Yamada_Kun_8760
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