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100% (Kuroko no Basket) Mjolnir: Hammer of God / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Reincarnation and the first year of life.

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Reincarnation and the first year of life.

When I wake up, I see a giant. Then I realized, no I am small. I then hear, "Congratulations Mr and Mrs Okazaki, it is a boy." The doctor I assume said.

"Give him to me." I heard a beautiful voice chimed. I was then handed to an enchanting woman, with snow white hair and blue eyes. "Hello little one, I am your mother." The enchanting woman said to me. "Your name will be Okazaki Yoshihisa." said my mother. 'So I am now called Yoshihisa' I thought to myself.

"Let my see him." I hear a deep voice, rough like gravel. A tall man of about 6'3 came into my vision. You can clearly see he is of Asian descent. He had a beard, trimmed and neat that would put you to shame how nice it is. He had sparkly eyes, full of life and wisdom. 'I see, so this is a father I think' I thought.

"Don't be so loud or you will scare him dear. Speaking of scare, why isn't he crying?" said my mother. I suddenly felt a bad premonition.

"Don't you worry dear, I didn't cry when I was a toddler either, it may run in the family. He just needs a scare that's all." said my father. He then proceeded to make weird faces and 'scary' sounds. I was very amused, so I let out a loud giggle of delight.

"Oh, aren't you cute my son." said my mother, while my father roared with laughter and delight. This is a great family, thank you OAA I love it. Then I fell into slumber due to energy exhaustion.

*Time skip 6 months:

You can see a large toddler crawling around a huge mansion with a maid in European maid attire following the toddler with a worried yet encouraging expression. The toddler is our protagonist, Okazaki Yoshihisa. He had a determined expression like a soldier on a mission and yes he is on a mission, a mission to find his beloved mother Okazaki Freya.

After 10min of crawling he reaches his destination, the living room where his mother was sitting on the sofa reading a book. "Mama!!!" squealed Yoshihisa.

"Oh my baby." said Freya, she gets up and embraces out little protagonist. She then scoops him up and walks back to the sofa. "Why did you come find mama?"

"I mished youu." said Yoshihisa, in a childish voice.

"Is that so." smiles Freya.

*Time skip 6 months: MC is now 1 year old. (Day before the birthday celebration.) Back to MC's POV:

"Yosh, I am going to do well in the upcoming ceremony." I said, as I prepare for my celebration, today I have to do a ceremony where it is to test what sort of person I will grow up to be.

"Honey, are you ready?" asked my mother.

"Yes mama, I will make you proud." I declared.

"I know you will, don't worry. Okay lets go to the hall." My mother holds my hand and leads me to the hall where people of my clan and close friends of my family currently are all located. Which is normal, since this ceremony is bigger than normal as I am the heir to the most powerful family in the world. We arrive at the entrance, the ten meter tall oak double doors with mystical creatures, such as qilins, dragons, phoenixes carved on them. The two guards at the entrance respectively bow and open the doors for us. The hall was huge, over 300+ people were in the hall, in the center there was a platform where various items were placed on the platform. These items all symbolized something. I already made up my mind what to choose, I am to choose 3 items, as I am the heir and not just anybody who only chooses one.

I walk into the hall with mother, all eyes turn to look at us, the genius heir of the most prominent and powerful clan in the world. I am known as a genius of a millennia, as I crawled at 3 months and spoke my first word at 5 months and walked at 9 months. I was also caught in the library on multiple occasions by either my mother or the maids when it was supposed to be my naptime.

We walk up to my father, Okazaki Yamato, the patriarch and leader of our clan. As well as the welder of incredible power and influence over the whole world. Hard to imagine my jolly father is the most powerful man in the world. "My son," said my father as he picks me up, the proceeds to say, "don't be nervous, nothing will happen to you, just choose what you feel that is right."

"I will do you proud dad." I said firmly.

"Ahahahahah I know son, I know." said my father and he roared with laughter, it sounded like thunder as my father is a very loud man and is unrestrained. Not that anyone dare oppose him, well maybe except mother as she is the demon when mad. I swear she has the Aura of Despair that Ains Ooal Gown had.

"Dear..." said my mother in a dangerous tone as a black aura like miasma oozes from her body as she pinches my father's ear. Every person in the hall had cold-sweat dripping down their back, including my stoic grandfather, he was also a bit pale.

"Okay, o-okay dear, I was just messing around." stutters my father.

"Lets start now shall we." said my mother.

"Yes of course, Madame." said the trembling announcer. "Let the celebration begin!"

As the celebration commenced, I met with a lot people who gave me congratulations and best of wishes. I also met some children all of them were over 4 years old, even so they are still children so that wasn't to bad. I met a boy my age though, he is British, his name is Elliot Kingston and he is half a year older than me, he was clingy and wanted to be my friend so I let him.

The celebration soon came to the main event, and I was put onto the center platform, and suddenly the cacophony of chatter in the hall disappeared and all the people were focused on me. I was given the signal by my father to begin, so I slowly walked around the platform, soon I stopped by an item and I picked it up. It was a flag with my family crest on it. A gasp and murmur ran through the whole crowd, as they knew what it meant, what they didn't know was so did I. The flag represents a conqueror and leader who will lead and conquer great heights in the future. And only 3 have been documented to have chosen this item, much less on as the first item. Those that have chosen this item are the founder, my great, great, great grandfather and my father. It was the personification of the greatest king.

I start walking again and pick up the patriarch ring. Another collective murmur ran through those that were watching, because the ring was also one of the most desirable items a child could obtain. It symbolizes love and loyalty to the family and the value the person holds for the family. Those who have this item are called the guardians of the clan. There are only fifty of them that have chosen this item as although the weight it holds, the ring is simple with no ornaments or fancy carving. It is made of the hardest metal and a simple design of the yin and yang that is the family crest. Those that choose the ring typically became great generals in the military or great soldiers. Thus, why they are called the Guardians.

I stand up again and walk up to the item I wanted the most, the basketball together with a mini-hoop. Although it didn't have to of a significant symbolism it just tells you that the child will be active in sport and most likely do well, as well as having a healthy and strong body even when they get old. It was a new addition to the items and one only been around for 50 years or so. So only two have chosen it so far and both are professional athletes playing in the FIBA Europe Cup. As soon as I hold the basketball, I feel a connection and as if the ball is a part of my very soul. I felt complete. The skills of Legends and GOATs keep flooding into my very being, I knew exactly how to play as the perfect center. I drop into a stance and do Hakeem Olajuwon's Dream Shake but adding Dirk Nowitski's fade away shot. I swish the basketball through the mini-hoop. Everyone was speechless for a while as they just saw a one year old child perform a mutated move of two of the greatest post players of all time. Some who are into the sport were much more dumb-founded, including my father as he was a die-hard fan of the sport and even were friends with some basketball legends, including MJ. But that's a story for another time.

That was how my birthday celebration ended and I was deemed by those present the Start of a New Era.

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