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Chapter 5: {5} A Bastards Butchery

The door swung open with a creak. The inn was located just where the Green Canal bent round the heel of Ragmans Harbour, within the market square that stretched around the tavern. The building was two stories tall with many windows. Its front faced the street and it had two main areas. The top floor had rooms for rent while the ground floor was a large hall. At its centre was a huge fire pit, around the walls stood booths and between the booths and the fire were islands of tables. Outside there was a lamp that illuminated the sign beneath, which showed a green eel twisted around a tankard. A white-lettered inscription over the door announced 'The Inn of the Green Eel'.

A few heads turned at the noise, they saw a shadowed figure in a white and black cloak, his face was covered by a drawn hood. He stood of average height, if not a bit shorter than most men. Heavy black boots carried the man inside. His entering allowed moonlight to shine through the door. The light was soon blocked as two more figures entered. By then everyone turned back to their drink and whores. It was late now and most have collapsed in bed or at their table.

It was exactly this reason that the man showed up at that time. However he did not come alone. Thirty two men entered after him. They spread out, going to empty tables or to booths with sleeping occupants, some even went up the stairs to the second level. Three remained standing, the hooded figure, an older man and a young one.

The hooded man led the way through the many tables, walking to the corner of the dark room. As he went he examined the other occupants, they were all drunk, tired and most importantly every last one of them were members of the Second Sons. Mercenaries who made the mistake of messing with the wrong family. A man watched the hooded figure from the corner. As the man passed by the fire the watcher got a better look at the hooded man.

The watcher saw that he was actually wearing two cloaks, a black one with a deep hood and a white half cloak over it. He also saw the longsword strapped to his back. What surprised the watcher was who the hooded man approached, he approached the watcher. However the watcher was not his name, his name was Daario Naharis. The newly appointed Captain of the Second Sons who had come here to drink away their woes.

Daario was an easy man to spot even in a dark tavern like this one. He had deep blue hair, a golden moustache, a golden tooth and rings in each finger. In his lap was a busty barmaid and across from him was a small twitchy man. The hooded man also had a name, Aegor he was but even Daario's keen eyes could not tell that.

"I've come to speak." Aegor growled and the two man behind him stood taller.

"I've come to drink." The man answered quickly.

Aegors hand stretched to the clasp around his chest, then he loosened it. A quick jerk had the longsword pulled from his back and now held in his hand, scabbard and all. With a thump of wood Aegor placed it on the table, keeping his hand on the hilt. The twitchy man half rose then tried to sit again but the older man behind Aegor caught him by the arm and dragged him from the booth then, alongside the younger man, they directed him to an empty table. Leaving Aegor alone with Daario and the barmaid.

Aegor sat in the booth, slowly sliding his sword down the wooden table. Daario did not speak but he could smell the wine off the figure and relaxed, thinking him a drunk and no serious danger. In truth Aegor was drunk, he too had been drinking away his sorrows after the loss of the two men who raised him.

Aegor took his hand from the hilt, allowing the blade to lay there untouched, a sign of nonaggression. Then in a slow, deliberate manner Aegor reached across the table and grabbed the Sellswords wooden tankard. Three slow gulps and the newly knighted Bastard drained the mug of its sweet wine then set set it down with a thud.

Then Aegor gestured to the dark haired, pretty barmaid who had been staring nervously. She rose and walked around the table. Aegor grabbed her arm and pulled her into his own lap, she gave a muffled squeak of surprise then fell silent. He leaned close and whispered to her.

"It seems my friend has run out of drink sweetling." She nodded nervously. Aegor pulled back both his cloaks, showing the barmaid in his lap the hilt of his shortsword that remained strapped to his belt.

"Why don't you take your pretty little head down into the cellar and bring us something to drink. Make it expensive, and strong." She nodded rapidly and still Daario just stared, a small smile forming as his fingers idly played with the hilt of his dagger.

"And take your time if you catch my meaning." That last part he whispered to her and she looked thankfully at him.

Now it was just the two of them. Aegor had sent her away, not because anything that would be said between them should be secret, in fact by morning Aegor wanted all of Braavos to know. He sent her away because he did not think she would like to see what was to come next. He did not send away the other barmaids and whores as that would raise suspicion but he supposed they would just have to witness what was to come.

"You seem to know who I am Hood? But I don't know you?" Daario spoke at last, his confident swagger audible in his voice.

"Oh but you do know, we met the other day. Do you not remember?" Aegor asked, faux offence lacing his voice at Daario forgetting him.

At that moment Aegor raised his head allowing the shadows of the hood to pull back illuminating his features. Daario recognised him immediately, he was the Bastard bow who had ruined what should have been an easy job. Easy and well paying. Instead all high ranking members had been killed, either by Aegor or Ser Arthur, leaving only Daario. In one night scores of mercenaries quit, seeking employment with more successful companies.

"Hello Targaryen." The man said, his golden tooth glinting from a malice filled snarl.

"It's Snow." Aegor corrected as his hand clenched around his tankard.

Then with a flurry of motion, chaos erupted. Daario drew his long, golden hilt dagger and stabbed at Aegor. The Bastards own hand rose, catching his wrist them with a wrench Aegor pulled Daario forward. The Sellswords face slammed into the wooden table with a crack, then the blood bath began.

All of Aegors men stood at once. Most had axes or cudgels studded with metal. A few only had long cruel dirks of dark steel. Aegors men sprawled limbs over benches and tables, then with strong swings of their axes they dismembered Daario's mercenaries. Other men were thrown to the ground and beat with studded cudgels, shattering joints in ways that would never properly heal.

The cruelest of Aegors men used dirks to carve red smiles in the mercenaries cheeks, stab out their eyes, cut off ears and noses, or simply shatter hand bones. On the second floor Aegors men battered down doors and dragged sleeping men from their beds and often from between a whores legs. Those found with their cocks out did not long retain their members.

All the while Aegor smashed his mug against the side of Daario's head. Thrice he swung until the tankard splintered, then he pulled the dagger from his grasp. Daario was dazed but sobered quickly when he felt the dagger leave his grasp. Aegors hand clutched his deep blue hair while the other raised the dagger. Daario panicked, clawing at the bastards wrist.

Aegor brought the pommel of the dagger down repeatedly crunching into the mercenary's teeth until blood flowed freely from his mouth. Aegor only stopped once the blue haired man spat out his golden tooth. Daario did not get a moment respite however as Aegor slashed violently across his eye blinding the man across from him. Blood spurted from the eye socket spraying up Aegors wrist and the scar left would look much like Aegors own. Finally before standing Aegor took Daario's left hand, sprawled it across the wooden table and stabbed down. The cut severed his ring finger at the second joint.

The room was a blood bath by the time that was done and Aegor had stood. People were missing limbs, had broken joints, had savage cuts all over their faces. But no one had died. Aegor ensured everyone lived. Not because he was against killing them but because he wanted them to be a living message. 'Leave his family alone.'

Aegor grabbed his longsword and approached the the fire pit. A man dragged himself under a table, he was missing a nose and one of his knees had been shattered and twisted so it faced the wrong way. Aegor drew his sword. It was a fine sword, one that had once belonged to Ser Willem. It was the blade he used in the shield wall just over a month ago. He did not use Dawn, the greatsword. Ashara had told him to but Aegor refused stating it was a sword for House Dayne and for the Sword in the Morning. Aegor was neither. Instead the sword lay in the casket with Ser Arthur's ashes.

Now standing over the fire Aegor plunged the blade into the flames, leant it against the fire guard so it stood upright, then turned to survey the tavern. All his men were hunched over looting coin and weapons from tue wailing mercenaries. One man approached, he was short, old and had a sour look on his face.

"Are you satisfied with your pay Captain?" Aegor asked the man. Who nodded gruffly.

"Aye bastard. I'm satisfied." The man grumbled throwing a heavy purse of gold, he was a gruff man, mean and not quick to smile. But Aegor liked Lord Daltons straightforwardness and honesty. Even if he was an Ironborn.

"Then we'll set off Farwynd, just one more thing to do." Aegor said then nodded towards Daario who sat hunched over the table, his bloody hand missing a finger covering his eye socket.

Lord Farwynd dragged the man limply from the booth and set him on his knees before Aegor. One eye stared up at him with hatred, Aegor smiled. The Bastard withdrew his longsword from the fire pit. It had spent a few minutes in the flames and glowed orange and yellow hovering over Daario's face.

"Hold him." Aegor ordered and Captain Farwynd seized him.

Aegor lowered the glowing sword tip, grabbing Daario by his blue hair when he tried to struggle, then lay the flat of the blade against his skin. The mercenary captain howled in pain as a wide mark was burned into the side of his temple. Aegor held it there for a dozen seconds then withdrew it and sheathed his blade.

Daario tried to stutter a response but Aegor was in no mood and backhanded the man with the hilt of his longsword, knocking him unconscious then reaching down Aegor pulled a pouch from the man's belt. It weighed heavy in his hand and clinked with coins and jewels. Just then a young woman emerged from the cellar, in her hand was clutched a bottle of wine, it's dark colour displayed by the clear bottle.

Aegor had sobered throughout the ordeal and was happy to see the drink in the barmaids hand. The poor woman glanced around at the blood, her face going a sickly green at the stench of death and the blood that soaked the floor. She met looked at Aegor who stood, still hooded and wrapped in two cloaks. Firelight glinted in his grey eyes making them shine a terrible orange from beneath his hood.

The Tavern Wench met his eyes and went white with terror. It was not the glow of a comforting fire that kept you warm on a winter night. She saw war and death reflected in his steel eyes. Aegor smiled at her, he had meant to put her at ease, to show her he meant no harm. Instead it only frightened her further. There he stood, cloaked and shadowed, his sheathed sword in hand, the dim embers of a dying fire behind him, blood soaking the floor, the wailing of crippled and bleeding men. And he smiled.

She nearly bolted and ran but thought better of it and slowly approached Aegor. She stood before him but he ignored her for a moment instead he slowly looked around the room, then hummed as though in thought. He passed the the heavy coin purse to her and she tried to catch it with her free hand, but her fingers were clumsy and she fumbled the purse so it fell to the floor with a clink.

She bent quickly and grabbed the large leather satchel. Then she tensed as Aegor reached out, but he only took the bottle of wine from her. He pulled the cork free with his teeth then raised it to his lips and drank deeply of the expensive wine. It was sweet as honey and flowed down his throat, with a pleasant burn. He had drank before, but never so much as he had this past month in his mourning of Arthur and Willem.

"Let tonight be a lesson for everyone who hears it. Do. Not. Fuck. With. My. Family!" Aegor said snarling at the crippled men. The whores, wenches and barmaids all shrank back at his tone.

Aegor turned and marched from the inn, Lord Dalton Farwynd, his two sons Hake and Will, as well as the thirty other ironborn all followed after him. Aegor nodded to Dalton. Who gruffly nodded back then they went their separate ways. Each would eventually return to the remote run down hostel by the docks where Dalton and his Ironborn resided. As Aegor walked the streets drinking his wine he found himself thinking about the Ironborn and how he had met them.

'Bastard' Dalton would call him most often, sometimes he would call him 'Lord Snow' in mocking jest. Some people would get a beating from Aegor for such an insult however for the entirety of Aegors relationship with Dalton, Aegor and he never truly fought. Dalton was a simple man, he liked to fight, he liked to fuck, he liked to drink, and above all else he liked to sail. Aegor had met Dalton a week after Ser Arthur's death, they played dice and drank together. The next day Aegor awoke with a thundering headache and found himself on the deck of a longship.

Dalton allowed Aegor to sail with them and the bastard found he had a liking for the sea and for the 'Reaver' specifically. Reaver was the name of Daltons longship and it was a beautiful ship. Large, yet fast and Lord Farwynd had turned her into a lethal weapon. In truth Dalton Farwynd was not a lord, instead he was a cousin to the Lord Farwynd of Lonely Light.

He was a short wide man, with a long moustache, bald head, scarred face, and quick temper. At his side flapped a sword so short it would be better suited to buttering bread, yet sharp it was and it 'got the job done' as Dalton put it. He did not care about the sword, his preferred weapon was the axe. He knew Aegor was a bastard, and the bastard of two extremely important people. But he didn't care, nor did he care that he had been taught by Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword in the Morning himself.

"The only thing Greenlanders can teach us with their knights and their Seven Gods, is how to die." He had said.

The Ironborn Captain put Aegor to work on the oar and in only the months that Aegor had spent on the ship he had gained serious muscle and had grown exponentially. There were sixty two warriors aboard, thirty two rowed at a time unless the sails could be hoisted. A man named Huel was at the steering oar as Dalton stalked up and down Reavers deck snarling and telling them all to pull harder.

An entire month they stalked along the shores of Andalos between Braavos and Pentos. Fighting pirates and slavers, taking their cargo for themselves and freeing the slaves. Aegor used his oar to fight against the tide, hammering through wave and wind until he had become part of the crew.

Dalton was a gruff man, who did not seem to like Aegor. Although Dalton did not 'SEEM' to like anyone. But Aegor liked him. At night when they would camp on the shore and the crew huddled around fire pits Aegor would sit near Dalton to listen to his few words. Those words were usually scornful, even about his own sons.

"The eldest does not want to lead, he wants to fight and fuck his way around Essos. And my second born! By the Drowned God, he's too hesitant. Always cautious before even the most simple fight." He had growled to Aegor one night.

Aegor thought differently. Hake, the eldest had his fathers skill at arms and was deadly with his broadsword and heavy wooden shield. Despite not being the smartest of men he had a good mind for military tactics. And Will, the second born, had a good head on his shoulders. He could hold his own in a fight and, while true he was cautious he did not fear a fight.

Once Aegor had even gotten Dalton to speak about the battles he had fought. The man told tales about the Greyjoy Rebellion in which he fought, how he had raided the Arbor. He spoke of a great battle on the beaches in which he broke the enemy shield wall with his axe. He told about how he aid held the axe high up the shaft as it made it quicker to recover after a strike and how he had used his shield to hold off the enemy in his left, killed the one in front then the one to the right.

Then sliding his hand down the handle he began swinging it in terrible flashing strokes that carved through the Greenlander lines. He had seen Aegor listening and gave him his usual sneer, but this was the sneer he reserved for those he liked. It had no malice behind it, and it's the closest you can get to being called friend by the Farwynd Captain.

"You ever been in a battle Ser Snow?" He asked, his mocking tone reserved more for the title of Ser than it was for his status as a bastard. Aegor held up one finger in response.

"I broke the enemy shield wall a two weeks past." Dalton looked skeptically, he knew how skilled the young man was but he still found it hard to believe a twelve year old led men into a shield wall and then routed his enemy.

"Who were you fighting? A troupe of whores?" He laughed.

"We fought against the Second Sons, then I hunted the fleeing cowards and killed their leader Mero." Aegors blood ran hit at the thought of that battle, a mix of battle joy and rage filled him but he forced it to cool.

"Your the one who killed the Titans Bastard in the Canal?" He looked at Aegor now with more respect than he had before, though the snarls remained.

Aegor spent a full month on that ship, fighting slavers and pirates. And planning. He did a lot of planning. Aegor needed gold, and a lot of gold. So he planned and he fought and he drank with the ironborn. Yet always in the back of his mind was a single man. A blue haired man, with a golden tooth and a golden moustache.

To tell the truth he did not want to return to Braavos. That city had the bodies of Ser Willem and Ser Arthur. That city had Viserys who had only gotten more cruel without Willem and Arthur to keep him in check. But most of all it had Dany and Ashara. When he had told them he was leaving to sea they had begged him not to go, but he ran anyway. He could not bare to remain in that city and now he dreaded to return. To face them after running from them.

And so Aegor didn't return until the moon had turned. Instead he took to the oar like a man possessed, and it put muscle on his bone, that along with his recent growth spurt and scars made him look much older than he was. Soon enough they were a two days out from Braavos and Aegor was itching to try the 'Reaver' against a pirate ship. But no pirate was foolish enough to brave the waters of Braavos and so they returned without issue.

When Aegor docked in Braavos the first thing he did was go to the Manse. He expected to find Viserys, Dany and Ashara. Instead he found only Ashara. His first thought was that the Sellswords had returned and he wasn't here to protect them. Ashara soon explained that they had left of their own free will. The Pentoshi Magister that had hired Mero was called Illyrio and he had come in person to speak with Viserys.

Ashara told him that Viserys agreed to go with the Magister who promised to restore the throne to House Targaryen. After hearing this Aegor had assumed Viserys forced Dany to go and he raged, swearing ti Ashara that he would kill his uncle and save Dany. Ashara just smiled sadly at him because Dany was not forced to go, she went willingly.

"She left?" Aegor asked shocked, Ashara took his hand in hers.

"What did you expect Aegor? You had been a constant in her life since the cradle. Then you start ti distance yourself, leaving for long periods of time, returning with scars. Then finally you return into her life. Begin to mend the rift between you." She had tears in her eyes now.

"Then you leave." She said her voice breaking as she did so.

"I was not in a good place, I'm still not! Arthur was killed. Willem had died." He argued but again she just smiled sadly.

"She lost those people too Aegor. Only she could not run away with Ironborn raiders. She had to stay in the house where every corner was a memory that haunted her. Or she could have left. Which she did." Aegor had no words now, he had abandoned her, left her. Now she had left him.

"She will be happy in Pentos?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"I'm not sure Aegor. But I think she might be. She will be happier to be away from this place and the ghosts of her memory." At that Aegor nodded.

It was settled for him then. He would leave her in peace, but if ever news reached him that she was in danger then he would come. But he could not always save her by himself, to do that he may need men. The household guard had forsaken Viserys and instead sword themselves to Aegor but they were few and Aegor needed many. For that he needed gold. The one place in Braavos were gold was flowing in abundance was the Iron Bank.

At that Aegor was pulled from his musings and found himself walking through the dark streets. His hood was down now displaying his long black hair with its silver streak. In one hand was a sword and the other held a near empty bottle of wine. He had that conversation with Ashara not two nights back, the first thing he did was enquire about Daario, Captain if the Second Sons.

Aegor soon learned the Second Sons had become severely weakened after Mero's death. Their defeat by Aegors hand had been embarrassing and had resulted in not only the death of Mero by Aegors hand but also the death of almost all high ranking members by Ser Arthur. That left Daario as the highest ranking member of the Second Sons, many did not want to serve under such an eccentric man, essentially one who had only served in their company for year after leaving the Stormcrows.

Daario was left with a severely weakened company and with no one with any experience in leading men to help him manage his new troops. So Daario took to the Inn of the Green Eel. That's where Aegor and the Ironborn found him, and where the bloodbath happened. But now Aegor found himself in a dark street, illuminated only by the shining moon. But he was not alone.

Two giant men stood in the street. They had bald heads, clean shaven faces, bare muscled arms, and heavy axes. Dark emotionless eyes glowed from under heavy brows. Aegor sighed and drained another swig of his bottle before casting it to the side where it shattered against the stone. He drew his sword and held it lazily by his side, examining the two giants. There was a carriage behind them, large, made of mahogany and studded with black gems.

"I'm seeing four of you." Aegor half slurred at them, raising his sword so it pointed at them. His hand was steady despite the vast amount of alcohol he had consumed these last few days.

"We are two." One of the giants grunted.

"Matters not, I'll just kill four as easily as two." As Aegor finished his sentence a panel in the carriages side opened and a silky voice filtered out.

"Come now twins, leave him be." She scolded and the giants stepped back a half step.

"I've been wanting to talk with you for a moons turn Aegor." The voice said through the panel.

"Just so happens I'm in a talkative mood." Aegor said sheathing his blade.

Aegor approached the carriage but as he was about to enter the giant closest to him shot out an arm to stop him. The man glanced at Aegors sword pointedly and the bastard handed it to him without any bother. He shouldered past them and entered the carriage finding it was a lavish area. It's inside was black and gold and white. It had no benches as he expected but instead a giant bed, which Aegor sat on the end of.

There was a woman in the shadows, laying sultry atop soft cushions. Her dress was thin silver silk that seemed transparent when the moonlight shone upon it through the windows. Her skin was dark and unblemished, black as ink and smooth as silk. Her hair was similarly dark, done up in an intricate braid and intertwined with silver chains. Her eyes held a cunning to them, and a lustfulness. She was perfect to Aegors eyes and he was stunned to look upon her.

"You're more trusting than I would have expected Aegor Snow." Came her sultry voice that made Aegors smallclothes grow tight.

"How do you mean m'lady." He asked her, a small smile forming on his lips.

"To enter here without a weapon, what if I were an assassin?" She explained but Aegors smile turned to a grin. He cast aside his two cloaks to show his shortsword that still hung on his belt.

"Are you an assassin?" Aegor asked her, raising his eyebrow in question.

"Thankfully no." She responded smiling.

"Then why did you want it talk?" The bastard asked her.

"I wanted to thank you for the show." She said and Aegor looked at her questioningly.

"I was at the canal that day, watching from my pleasure barge down stream. You put on quite the show, killing someone as infamous as the Titans Bastard, and at such a young age." Her smile turned devilish.

"I thought I might have much to teach you in the ways of the sword." The comment confused Aegor for a moment until he saw her glance downwards, not at the shortsword at his belt but at the sword in his britches and she could tell that sword was certainly not 'short'.

"It seems I am at a loss m'lady." Aegor said, blushing profusely.

"How so?" She asked in a soft voice as she crossed the wide bed so she sat beside him.

"You seem to know so much of me, yet I know little of you." Just as he finished his sentence her lips found his but they remained locked for only a moment. Aegor found the moment too short.

"My name is Bellegere Otherys." She said and Aegor recognised the name immediately, she was the Black Pearl, a famous courtesan and someone who held much sway in the high ranks of the ruling Braavosi.

"The Black Pearl, beauty beyond description." Aegor whispered to her, a hungry look in his eyes.

"I want nothing more that to stay here and feel your warm embrace." She looked almost suprised by his words.

"It sounds as though you mean to turn me down Aegor Snow. I've never been turned down. Men don't turn away the Black Pearl." She dug one hand into his hair and kissed him again.

"I do not mean to turn you away, only ask that you allow me to reschedule." Aegor said clarifying.

"And what business do you have that requires your attention so readily." She asked, shocked and slightly insulted to he turned away.

"Much and more." He said his eyes hardening, behind it was sadness to leave what seemed like the perfect woman, essentially when Aegor knew what he would do upon returning.

"Much and more?" She asked shocked.

"Much and more." Aegor repeated in a whisper.

"Then in two days turn, by Pleasure Barge will pass the canal where you wrought bloody battle, if you are not there then I wish to never see you again." She said dismissively, waving him away, he exited the carriage and walked the rest of the way to his manse.

There were thirty household men that served there under Aegor and they greeted him warmly upon his return. Come daybreak when all of Braavos has heard of the Bastards Butchery they would greet him even warmer, for each of them had served long years under Ser Arthur Dayne and there was not a man alive of Westeros that did not hold undying respect for the Sword in the Morning.

Aegor put on a false smile to greet them then departed of them. He first went to the kitchen finding it empty at the late hour. He did not look for food however, his stomach did not settle east after the drinking he had done that night and the blood he had spilt at the Inn of the Green Eel. Instead he grabbed a butchers cleaver, broad of blade it was and made for chopping through flesh and bone with ease.

Aegor went straight from the kitchens to his bedchamber. He had expected to find it dark, empty and cold. Instead it was filled with light, soft music and a pleasant warmth from the fire in the corner, sat on a cushioned chair was Ashara. Aegor stood in the doorway for a moment listening to the soft music coming from Ashara and the harp. It was like honey to his ears, sweet and lovely but the words also held a great melancholy to them.

"These scars long have yearned for your tender caress"

"To bind our fortunes, damn what the stars own"

"Rend my heart open, then your love profess"

"A winding, weaving fate to which we both atone"

"You flee my dream come the morning"

"Your scent - berries tart, lilac sweet"

"To dream of raven locks entwisted, stormy"

"Of violet eyes, glistening as you weep"

"The wolf I will follow into the storm"

"To find your heart, its passion displaced"

"By ire ever growing hardening into stone"

"Amidst the cold to hold you in a heated embrace"

"You flee my dream come the morning"

"Your scent - berries tart, lilac sweet"

"To dream of raven locks entwisted, stormy"

"Of violet eyes, glistening as you weep"

Her eyes opened as she set the harp down, she jumped when she saw Aegor standing at the threshold of the room. He smiled at her and entered the room, going first to the fire and casting the butchers knife in. Ashara glanced at it in puzzlement but it left her as Aegor spoke.

"Such a sad tune almost sounds uplifting in your angelic voice My Lady of Dayne." Aegor said smiling at her, she blushed a deep red at her words.

She sat on a chair of deep mahogany. She was clad in a light shift of lilac silk, soft slippers donned her feet and clasped around her shoulders with a silver broach was a cloak of snow white fox pelts. She wrung her hands together in her lap and looked up at him. A soft, sad smile passing over her lips as she did.

"Aegor, I have been waiting." She said simply, not in an accusatory manner but Aegor knew the underlying question.

"I had business." Aegor said avoidably.

"You have been drinking also. Do not deny it I can smell it on you." At this she seemed disappointed.

"I was not going to deny it. I did not know if I had the stomach do what I have done this night sobar. I know now, I would have been fine." Aegors tone went icy at the end of his statement and he regretted it immediately as a flash of pain stabbed across her face at his tone.

"Please my sweet do not turn me away. Not now when my brother has been taken from me and Dany has left. You are all I have." She left her seat and approached him swiftly.

Grasping his hand in her own. Aegor first noticed how cold her hands were, despite the fire and her furs. Then he noticed the tears glistening in her eyes. She fought them back and none fell from her dark violet eyes but Aegor saw them all the same and they wrought a hole in his heart. Later in his life men would sit around the fire and say that Daenarys Targaryens Bastard Dog had no heart, but in that moment he felt a pain in his chest like none he had ever felt before.

"I promise you Ash, by weeks end we will board a boat set for Starfall. Then I mean to go North but first I will see you home. See Arthur home." He took her delicate hands in his own calloused ones and give them a reassuring squeeze.

"Now go get some rest." She nodded and with that she left, and Aegor prepared himself for what was to come.

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