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Chapter 31: couple slept off embracing each other

my chain of thoughts were broken when my grandfather roared at the wilscots gaining my attention when the argument broke again. I was agitated and wanted to leave the place but when I didn't find the presence of my bride I looked around couldn't find her

I couldn't take it anymore "where is she..? " he cut everyone's conversation searching where she could be'

then I remembered and hoped to the place where I could find her , I drove as fast as I could praying for her to be there, in no time reaching the place.

the heavy downpour caused me to panic for her condition, I took the umbrella out and dashed to the place , my heart string tugged me making my pace hurried and fast

they she was sleeping between her parents grave mumbling something under her nose, I pulled her up shielding her from rain ,as she was in daze when I heard "I did everything for her happiness, I would have never married him "

he clenched his fist tightening his hold and shook her

someone was shaking me who. ..? there was warmth in the cold night I snapped out of the haze in my mind when I saw him

shaking me asking if I am ok "Miss.Alora are you alright say something "

that's when I fully realize where I was and the harsh rain and the cold bought me back to reality instantly. When I removed I realize I was shielded from rain and was tightly embraced by him but I was nodding my head like chicken peeking to whatever he said not bothering to gasp to words as his warmth was something unexpected in the cold night

he suddenly trusted the umbrella to my hand and lifted me up bridal style, resulting in my shrieking and holding the umbrella as tightly as I could

"calm down, lets go to the Manor, it's late and you are drenched, you will get a fewer and it's been a long day let's go "

she couldn't couldn't speak as the chilling air was to much for her and her body couldn't stop shivering resulting him in holding her closely as possible

as the warmth of his body rushed towards her she couldn't care less she was drenched and wetting his clothes, she snuggled in his embrace

he went towards his car securing her in the front seat and covering her with the blanket he kept for the twins whenever they would sleep off when he is driving

he quickly got behind the staring wheels and drove towards the Manor. When they reached ,the whole place was quite as he informed his family when he found her and to rest for the night

he took her to his room and handed a towel a shirt, one of his unused boxer and ushered her to the bathroom

she took the items and entered the big bathroom which look bigger than a one room apartment. She didn't mulled on the design or concepts she was too tired

she quickly took a bath and wore his shirt but her cheeks flared when she saw the boxers it look like a pajama shorts on her which was completely hidden by the shirt she was wearing, she folded the sleeves and went out to see an empty room.

Heaving a sigh of relief she got under the comforter and dosed of, as she was about to sleep completely, she heard the door of the room opened ,she tensed when she felt an arm pulling her to a warm bare smooth chest but the whole day masquerade took its toll ,throwing the thoughts out of window she snuggled towards the warmth and dosed to dream less sleep

he couldn't leave her alone at this time , when he know he could have sent to her room but he just couldn't

his ears turned red when he gave his unused boxers and shirt but couldn't do anything about it . He went to other room to take his bath , he wore his pajama pants and entered the room to a soundless sleeping Alora , he thought he would grab the pillow and sleep on the couch but he couldn't stop as he slip under the comforter beside her and pulled her to him .

he hesitate when she tensed but soon she relaxed and snuggled towards him as the couple slept off embracing each other....

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