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75% 中断 Tempest [Realistic DxD] 中断 / Chapter 2: Survive

Chapter 2: Survive

[ A/N - Warning! Gore ahead!

Start has been rewritten and readjusted to be more fluid.]

Marcel stepped out of the elementary school bus with a sigh before walking forward towards his home. Having to re-do school was one of the many turn offs of the whole 'reincarnation' thing. But, as a trade off, he did have a retry in life with a monumental amount of opportunities, especially since he was reborn in the past.

Marcel just wished he could grow up a bit quicker and ride the wave of riches he would no doubt acquire with his future knowledge—

"AHHHHH!" A heart wrenching scream of pure despair screeched our from nearby causing Marcel to freeze in his tracks.

'What the hell? That lady is screaming her lungs out! Kinda sounds familiar...' I thought until my brain clicked. 'I'm the only person who lives nearby, so that can only be one!'


I heard a gunshot go off between more screams and quickly began to pick up pace, sprinting forward at a high speed.



I rapidly approached my house as the gunshots suddenly ended. I finally got a good look at my house only to see it in ruins, the walls were torn down completely and the windows were shattered, not even the surroundings were spared as the trees nearby had been destroyed.

'What the fuck is going on?!' Marcel thought as he was frozen from shock at the state of his home before he was snapped out of it by the faint scent of iron which trailed up his nose.


He quickly sprinted inside in panic, 'Stupid! They must have been attacked by a bear or something! I have to get inside!' Marcel thought while scrambling to one of the many holes littered throughout the house's walls.

Marcel quickly hopped over one of the holes on the living room wall and jumped inside, only to immediately puke out all the contents in his stomach. Laying in the destroyed living room floor was the corpse of Marcel's father, mangled and…half-eaten.

"..D-dad..?!" He croaked out while inspecting his father's corpse between the breaths of stomach acid burning his throat.

'What the fuck?! What happened here?!' Marcel thought as tears ran down his cheeks from the collapse of his newfound life.

'Mom!' He thought while remembering the anguished cry from before. He was about to sprint upstairs without a second thought before he was barely able to calm his mind.

He then forced himself to look at his father's mangled corpse once more in spite of the rapidly accumulating nausea in his stomach to search for something.

'There!' He spotted.

Tossed to the side was his dad's shotgun which shots he had heard earlier. Tumbling over to it he grabbed the gun before sprinting up the stairs.

The wood in the steps creaked as his feet stomped over them, with his horror only rising as he spotted the blood trailing up the steps and claw markings scraped all over walls. He continued forward but just before reaching the top, he hesitated.

'Should I really continue? My mom is probably already d-dead…..should I risk my own life…?' He thought in inner turmoil.

Slapping his cheeks and shaking his head, Marcel resolved himself. 'I need to know what is going on, I don't want my mom to die, not when I finally have one.' He thought before continuing up the stairs.

He continued the walk, stepping over the stairs and into the hallway. He soon noticed the smell of iron slowly dying down, for something much more…rancid.

Quickly scanning the hallways he decided to stop moving, choosing instead to listen closely for any sounds that could indicate anything, slowly leaning his head forwards while tilting his ears towards each room.

"..!!.." The faint sound of whimpering resounded across the hallway from the master bedroom. Marcel slowly snuck over, carefully avoiding any older floor boards he had known from living here for years. Marcel soon reached the slightly open door and peeked inside.

Only to come face to face with the broken and crying face of his mother. Her eyes held no light as only slight whimpers came out from her mouth. She was pinned down on the floor, her arms and legs broken, as soon as she spotted Marcel her eyes widened and she yelled a muffled screech.

"RUN! SURVIVE!" She shouted, before Marcel then witnessed an event that would never leave him for the rest of his life, seared into the confines of his brain.

"SPLAT!" Her head being caved in by a stomp from the creature now standing nearby.

He could only hear the ringing in his ears as his mind turned blank. '...M-mom...'

'...w-why?! What is going on?!" He thought as his brain began to feel pain from the straight up despair of recent events.

"འԱហ! ϚԱའỼįỼƐ!"

A voice which sounded like it came straight out of a novel from H.P. Lovecraft rang out beside Marcel. He turned over only to further empty his already barely functioning stomach, hurling his guts onto the floor.

Why? Because the eldritch monster was chewing on the face of his elder sister's decapitated head. Marcel could hear the light sound of it's gums as it chewed on the facial tissue of his elder sister.

'...why....why...why..why..whywhywhywhyWHY! Why is this happening?! Why is my family being eaten! By a monster!' He thought in despair while watching the humanoid monster with pale white skin and a hunched back with long antlers protruding from its bald, pale skull.

'I-is it going to eat me too now?' He thought as a three thousand pound boulder of dread began to settle in his stomach as the monster approached him.





The monster licked it's lips with its elongated tongue before reaching out to Marcel's small, frozen body with its ginormous outstretched and unnatural pale hand.

"rนຖ! Şนrงiงē!" It spoke once more in an eerily familiar voice which caused him to snap out of it. Marcel didn't hesitate before lifting the shotgun in his arms forward, cocking the pump back before blasting lead into it's skull.

BOOM! The gun exploded out as Marcel tumbled to the ground from the recoil, barely being able to maintain his grip on the gun due to the adrenaline holding back most of the pain from him dislocating his arm.

"𝕊ℂℝ𝔼𝔼𝔼𝔼!!" It screeched out in pain as Marcel watched in horror as it's caved in scull began to rapidly regenerate. He didn't hesitate before quickly running out the doorway, tumbling down the stairs before leaping out the living room hole he initially entered through.

He then proceeded to sprint away, almost tumbling from the pace of his escape.

CRASH! The sound of another wall from the house being destroyed sounded out from behind.

Marcel barely had enough time to duck behind a tree to hide behind before his little grade school legs gave out.


More noises rang out which Marcel assumed was the house finally collapsing from the immensely compromised walls being unable to support the weight of the house.

He quickly took advantage of the noise to cover the sound of him snapping his arm back into its socket as he bit his lips until blood dripped out of them from the pain in an attempt to withhold his scream.

It seemed to have worked as his light scream went unheard and the collapsed house settled causing the surroundings to become silent.

He then heard the creature slowly prowl nearby, with its feet crunching the grass below them. Marcel slowed his breathing while firmly gripping the gun in his arms. Tears ran down his eyes as his heart almost beat out of his chest from fear.

"ᖇᑘᘉ! Sᑘᖇᐺᓰᐺᘿ!" A familiar voice rang out, no longer sounding as abominable as before.

"ᖇᑌᑎ! ᔕᑌᖇᐯIᐯE!" The voice spoke once more as the familiarity of it hit Marcel like a thousand pound brick.

'...It can't be...!'

"RUN! SURVIVE!" The creature spoke once more with the exact voice of Marcel's mother.

"HELP!" It spoke once more but now with the voice of his sister in a tone of udder despair.

"RUN!" It said with the voice of his father.

'Nonononono!!! Stop!' Marcel screamed in his head as the monster taunted him with the voices of his family.

"RUN! SURVIVE!" It screamed once more in the voice of his mother before it soon changed to eerie laughter.

"HAhahaHaHahaHa!" It laughed while rapidly switching between the voices of Marcel's now deceased family.

Marcel couldn't take it anymore the fear morphed into anger, which caused him to make a stupid mistake. One which the creature had wanted all along.

"BASTARD!" Marcel screeched while jumping out and attempting to unload another round of lead in to the creature.




"Fuck." He couldn't help but speak in despair as his gun clicked empty and the creature proceeded to jump at him


Rewrite Chapter 1 done.

I decided to rewrite so I could change a bit of the story's direction and spend a bit more to develop his reasoning for things and the world around him at the start.

I also decided for him to not be attacked by a stray devil and instead something else. I wanted him to not know about how he is in DxD yet so he could solidify in his mind how real the world is compared to the show/novel beforehand.

His motivation will also change to reduce the whole hero complex I seemed to have given him before. Instead he will be driven to become stronger in order to protect himself and those close to him.

I hope this makes the story feel a bit more focused instead of last time when I showed him in school with no real reason. Please leave suggestions in the comments below.

Thanks for reading and the support, more chapters will come soon.

Can you guess what creature he was being attacked by?

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