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33.33% Éllinete (Obscured Darkness) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Trouble
Éllinete (Obscured Darkness) Éllinete (Obscured Darkness) original

Éllinete (Obscured Darkness)

Author: Hel_Xerdena

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Trouble

( τμήμα εννα : Trouble )

It's about quarter to eleven in the evening, the night is peaceful, so as the cliff road. The moon is dazzling right above the cliff and you can only hear the splashing sounds of tiny waves on the rocks beneath.

Suddenly, a speeding BMW S1000R passed, breaking all the tranquility of the place.

Despite of the black helmet covering the driver's face and head, you can determine that it's a woman from her hourglass curve.

She is obviously a pro when it comes to driving sports bike. She effortlessly did a tight turn, that is considered to be risky and hard for others.

A straight road heading to the city came after the cliff road. From afar, you could see the vibrant neon buildings that lights up the whole city. Most of these buildings are business establishments. Even with the time, most of these establishments are open.

She turns her sports bike to a darker side street and after a few seconds of driving, she stopped in front of a big neon bulding with a sign board saying, Dare Bar. She enters its parking garage and after parking her sports bike, she removes her black helmet.

Behold! Such beautiful face was exposed. She has a waist length pitch-black hair in a natural loose bottom curls. Her fair complexion is also evident from her face and exposed abdomen from her black tank top. She also has a heart shape face that suits her features perfectly. A round shape eyebrows paired with deep set of stone grey eyes, from which she managed to slay a stone-like stare, pointed nose and red pouty heavy lower lip.

She even wore light make up, enhancing her beautiful features.

Overall, she's like a living goddess with her physical beauty, but don't be fooled. Underneath those enchanting beauty lies a dangerous personality.

(HX: hi, you can play 'Please Me' by Bruno Mars and Cardi B. :> to feel the vibe.)

She headed straight inside the bar and a dim and daring surrounding welcomed her. Red, black and silver is the theme of the bar. From the long couches, high stools, LED light counter tops and tables and including the clothes of the people.

The whole place is in chaos. Majority of people are getting wild especially they've drank lots of alcohol and the music currently playing is erotic.

With a bored look, she continue her way to the left corner of the bar counter.

There are some wine bottles placed in there as a display. She then lifts a gold bottle. Then, the wall beside her opened like an elevator. It is actually an elevator disguised as a wall. She stepped inside and leaned back to the elevator wall, facing the elevator door. Then, she took out a gold card from her black leather jacket and place it in front of the scanner. A scanner is there instead of an elevator button

Dare to Dart and Flirt



After the card is scanned, the elevator door automatically closes and move down, heading to the building's basement.

As the elevator door opens, a front-weighted dart flew towards her direction. In a swift move, she managed to catch it despite of the close distance of the dart's tip from her right eye.

She walks out from the elevator and roamed her eyes. It's almost similar to the night bar above. It's just, instead of silver, it's gold and it's way more wide and spacious in here.

And above all, this is a dart bar.

There are groups of men who were transfix with the mere sight of her. Just like her, they were also regular customers in here. Thus, they saw her every time, yet they can't seem to get used on her presence.

However there are also some who didn't notice her because they we're busy minding their own businesses. She eyed boredly the group of men where the dart came from and without any cue, she throws the dart back.

Their eyes widens in shock and made their own ways to avoid it. The dart hit the bullseye of the dart board behind them.

"Sh*t! You really know how to scare all the living sh*ts out of everyone!" A guy with deep British accent exclaimed while smiling. "So... T, they're new here, yah know, sons of famous politicians---"

"Wait, she's the one you're referring to? You've gotta be kidding me..."

Ain't shock, the woman called T, faced the uncertain guy. The guy seemed to be taken aback as he stares on her face closely.

T didn't mind it and instead she roll her eyes. She's so used to this kind of situations, men doubting her darting skills.

That's when she also noticed the four men behind the guy.

'Tss. An ass-face with a bunch of d*ckfaces'

"Lol. I wished I was Qil, but I'm not. She's indeed the best player here. She never misses the bullse---"

"Cut it Reese." T

"Are you kidding us? How are we supposed to believe this? C'mon miss, I can take you home instead." Says one of the guys behind Qil.

"Do I look kidding, Zed? And guys, pfft cut all the staring." Reese said as he noticed the five guys seemed to be enchanted by the uncaring T's beauty.

Still looking bored, T took one of the darts on their table, it's a flighted dart actually. Then just like earlier, she throws the dart into Zed's direction.

"W-what the--- Are you trying to kill me?!" He is so shock that his face became pale. And he was so quick in avoiding it that he looked stupid as he did it.

"Still doubting moron?" She asked with a stone-like stare. Zed seems to be intimidated and became nervous with T's behavior that he shook he's head vigorously.

"Are you really that rude? Not just in your actions, but also in the way you talk." Qil

"I just make no bones about..." She said and sigh. "I'm getting annoyed. Are we just gonna stand here all night?" She meanly asked then roll her eyes.

"So impatient." Reese murmured while smiling. "Let's head straight to the VIP."

The whole dart place is surrounded with dart equipments and tools, LED TVs, couche, LED tables, and mouth watering foods and drinks. You can actually order foods and drinks while playing. But they don't sell heady drinks. For safety purposes since the tip of the dart is really sharp. And that actually bores T. But she ain't got so much choice because it's the only dart bar in the city that uses steel tipped darts.

And dart game really interests her.

There is only one VIP area and that is located at the center of the place, in an elevated platform sealed with a clear glass barrier. Just like the standard darting areas, it also has a set of couches, LED tables, dart board and oche. But it has a way bigger LED TV, and there is actually three of it, so standard players can see how pros play the game.

HX: You can imagine it hanging above this is just a referrence on how a dart board looks like

Dart is a game in which darts are thrown at a board that is marked with circles.

The most commonly used design of darts board today is the "clock" or "trebles" board. It consists of a circle of 20 segments numbered from 1 to 20 in a seemingly random fashion. At the centre is a small black circle called the "bullseye" and, surrounding that, a thin red ring called the 25 ring. The segments spread out from this ring broken only by the "treble" ring about half way to the edge and "double" ring which marks the rim of the circle.

You can play the game by yourself, duel or with a team.

Reese, T and Qil, together with his four companions entered the VIP area. Both of them purchased a VIP card that's why they're playing on the VIPs. It's hella expensive that is why only a few could purchase it. And being and becoming a great dart gamer is rare and hard. So there are few VIPs. And they seldom go to the bar, well except for T.

"So, what type of dart game are you going to play?" Reese.

"Hmm, since you're the newbie in here, you choose. Cricket, Baseball, Legs Shanghai? 501? 301? Moving target, killer or round the world?" T.

"Why don't you try round the world?" Says one of his companion.

"Yeah, it's your forte and who knows you'll be able to defeat her." Another one added.

She rolled her eyes. They think some ass-face guy can defeat me? Nah, that's such a cock and bull story.

"Fine. Let's play, round the world."Qil

Poor you. You just chose the wrong game and definitely the wrong opponent.

Reese gave them three darts, which are front-weighted, flighted, and weapons a few inches long with a sharp point.

Round the world is a popular type of dart game. This requires two players. The rules of play is to finish hitting every number on the dart board from 1-20 as early as possible. In short the first player who finishes, wins.

Unfortunately, in round the world, doubles and trebles are excluded. Moreover, a player cannot proceed to the next number as long as he/she doesn't hits his/her current target.

"Now, to know who'll be playing first, kindly go to the oche and throw a dart."

Oche, pronounced as okky is a throw line in which players stand as he/she throws his/her darts.

"I'll go throw my dart first." Qil said and gave T a seductive smile. "It's okay to lose on me gorgeous."

"Bring home this chic, Qil!"

"Waiter." T called out. Ignoring everyone in the VIP area. "My usual."

Qil threw his dart, and it landed on the 4 green trebles.

"Quite near the bullseye. Ain't bad" Reese commented.

The waiter came with T's order. She took a sip on her non-alcoholic beer before standing up.

"Such a chic." One of the four companions of Qil commented.

She positioned herself and threw her dart.

"The f*ck?!"

"She did that?!"


"Is she trying to fool us?"

"Hey guys, just pipe down already. As i said earlier to you guys, each board sits under the gaze of three precision cameras, which collectively identify the location of each dart thrown with sub-millimetre accuracy. This bar has about three surveillance camera on each dart areas. So if you're doubting, just ask a replay and we'll give it to you. Which angle do you want? "

"Tss no thanks. Hey chic, you're just lucky today. Come on let's start."

She stood up and went to the oche and threw her darts. A straight 1,2, and 3.

"She's so impossible... I like her."

Reese looked at the guy who commented.

This dart bar is into technology, the precision cameras together with the three big LED TVs work together on recording the game, scores and updating situations in the game. Thus, her score authomatically records and flashed into the LED TVs right above the VIP area.

"Watch! I can also do that!"

He threw his darts and he really did. Thus he became more arrogant about it.

Second inning. T threw her darts and she still made every darts hit her current numbers.

Qil automatically stood up and arrogantly threw his darts. His second dart didn't hit the number 5.

"Come on, everyone makes mistakes." He threw his last dart and it didn't hit again. He seemed pissed but he still act so cool about it.

T smirked. What an actual idiot.

The poor guy thought that smirk means she's impressed and interested on him.

On the seventh inning, Qil's current number is 15 while T still didn't miss any number. She threw it confidently.

In the end, she won. And the LED TV announced her victory.

The people around who were watching them clapped amusingly. Most of them are regulars and they really expected T to win this game. It's quite disdapointing that T didn't play with her opponent this time. She's not impressed with her opponent, they thought.

"What?! Fine you're great but why didn't you even give me any chance?! Does it makes you happy to humiliate others like this?! I always win!"

"Hey ass-face ever heard of the sportsmanship? It's not my fault that you're such a sore loser."

"What?! Bi---! " Qil was about to attack her but his companions were quick in gripping his arms to stop him from creating further scandals.

"Uh-ah! Sorry but we don't allow violence here." Reese.

"Let go of me! Fine this place sucks! " Qil angrily removes his companions' grips and walks straight to the elevator.

"Well, I'll leave you alone now. Enjoy your game..."

She ignored Reese and headed to the VIP area. She pressed a button in the table and the clear glass barrier turned into a tinted glass wall elevating from the ground and formed like a cube, concealing the VIP area from others.

She played for a couple of hours before she headed back to the night bar for hard drinks.

"My usual."

The bartender handed her a bottle of Devil Springs Vodka. She opens the bottle and drank straight from it. She really drinks like a fish, it's a bad habit of hers. And bad habits die hard.

She drank about half of the content of the bottle.

"Damn..." She whispered and continued drinking.

She is nearly finishing her bottle of vodka when someone suddenly grabs her shoulders by force. She nearly choked.

"Huh, let's see if you still got all the guts!"

She rolled her eyes heavenwards.

"You know what? You're just showing me how pathetic you are. Aside from not accepting your defeat, you also waited for me to get drunk before confronting me, so it'll be easy for you to beat me up to avenge your ego. Just a piece of advice ass-face, I never get drunk."


He was about to throw his fist on her beautiful face but she caught it.

"Brute, you should have known me better." She said with her most annoying smirk.

And with a swift move, she twist his arm and grab the bottle of vodka on her side and smash it on this nape by force, causing him to pass out.

The four men he's with were caught off guard. Gone was their admiration for her beauty.

"You---you brat!"

Two of them tried gripping her arms but she manage to grab the high stool she was sitting earlier and throw it to the them. The remaining two attack her at the same time. The other one throw a punch, she catch his arm and twist it, but the other guy found that opportunity to headlock her. She lost her grip from the other guy so he attack her again. She lifts her lower body and steps on the guy's chest and kick its nose hard making herself flip while still being hold by the other guy. His grip loosens so she managed to get out from it. She then give him a hard uppercut.

"Sleep tight, d*ckheads." She said as she turns her back from them.

Atleast this night ain't boring as what I've expected it to be.

As she exited, Reese came out of the elevator.

"What the heck?! Qil, I told you not to mess with her." Reese ran towards Qil when he saw the man gaining consciousness and tries to get up.

"W-who... is she...?"

"Man, she's Trouble Sauvettere. And she's indeed Trouble."


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