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1.97% [Superior Adaptability] / Characters: Possible Spoilers (Chapter 40)

Characters: Possible Spoilers (Chapter 40)


Name: Klein

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Titles/Nicknames/Etc : [Punk Puncher],[Wicked Angel], [Chaos Titan], [Hard to Kill Monster], [Adaptative Creature], [Professor], [Dad], [Pops], [Old Man], [Protector], [Yandere], [Honey], [Sweety], [Winged Terror], [...]

Age: ? (Appearnce: 20)


Height: 6'9 {A/N: Nice}

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Heterochromatic (Blue eyes with a golden halo around them)

Skin Color: Light Tan

Body Type: Tall Muscular Mesomorph (Revert Triangle)

Personality: Partially Insane, a little sadist, will certainly prioritize his friends/family/loved ones above everything else, even himself, will kill you if you mess with his lover/children, is surprisingly gentle and naive regarding love for has nerve fallen in love, respects his lover's desires above his own. Musclehead, somewhat smart when needed but still a little dumb, this makes him cute according to (REDACTED).

Likes: Ice cream, sweets, cute things, food, fighting, winning, being on top, children, messing up with people for fun.

Dislikes: Being Weak, Fate, Being Controlled, Teenagers, Betrayal, Traitors, Paperwork, Sour things.

Highly Likes: Cute, small animals (kittens, puppies, birdies, and more), Cuddling with his loved ones (Will never admit), Hugging (Even though will never admit)

Highly Dislikes: Wasabi, Sour Food, Plots, Lime, People eyeing his loved one (Gets jealous fast, may murder the person who flirted with him)

Love Interest:???


List of Possible Love Interests:


The love interest will be personally modified for the story.



[1st World (Life is Strange/Charlotte/My Hero Academia)]:

Name: Maxine

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Mad Max, Max, Time Thief, Time Traveler, Fallen Angel Member, Wicked Angel Elite Student.

Age: 25


Height: 5'6

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eyes Color: Dark Amber

Skin Color: Light Pink-ish

Personality: Max's priorities are simple yet important for herself. She will do anything to save someone, and if she can't, she will try anyway. She has a great understanding of time because of her powers and the lessons she has been taking with Klein about reality, time, space, and other concepts. Loves her girlfriend Chloe.

Likes: Sweets, Sunsets, Animals, Cotton Candy, Stars.

Dislikes: Seeing her friends die, failure, being weak, snakes.

Highly Likes: Polaroids, Photography, Nature, Sea, Anything that can be photogenic, Chloe.

Highly Dislikes: Hot days, Fire, Reality Altering Scenarios, Time Travel Troubles.

Love Interest: Chloe


Name: Chloe

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Butterfly, Babe, Girl Problem, Punk, Magic Girl, Fallen Angel Member, Wicked Angel Elite Student.

Age: 26


Height: 5'9

Hair Color: Light Blue

Eyes color: Dark Green

Skin Color: Light Tan-ish

Personality: A very punk young lady that has the soul of a rock star. She loves Rock 'n Roll and other great music styles, she will certainly be aggressive towards you if you are a threat to those she loves. She will steal, kidnap, or blackmail only to keep those she loves safe.

Likes: Food, Cigarettes, Cats, Stars.

Dislikes: Dogs, Being restricted, Tyranny, Failure, Being Weak.

Highly Likes: Max, Music, Playing her guitar, using her magic, win.

Highly Dislikes: Seeing Max suffer, Butterfly Effects, Time Travel Troubles.

Love Interest: Max


Name: Sean

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Brother, Pup, Wolf, Blood Fang, Fallen Angel, Wicked Angel Elite Student.

Age: 24


Height: 6'1

Hair Color: Black

Eyes Color: Black

Skin Color: Tan

Personality: Loves to draw and observe the world around him, memorizing it to later draw it. Loves his brother and will do anything to protect him, even die if necessary. Has a crush on both males and females and is highly confused.

Likes: Music, Art, Playing Video games, Singing.

Dislikes: Failure, Being weak, Being Confused, Seeing his brother get hurt.

Highly Likes: Draw, Dance, Train, Win, Daniel.

Highly Dislikes: Dying, Playing the fool, Losing limbs.

Love Interest:?


Name: Daniel

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Little guy, Little Brother, Annoyance, Psion, Psychic, Fallen Angel Member, Wicked Angel Elite Student.

Age: 18


Height: 5'5

Hair Color: Black

Skin Color: Tan

Eyes Color: Black

Personality: Daniel is super active and loses focus easily whenever he is not training his psionic powers, likes to dance and play, he tends to imitate his older brother. Liked dogs and constantly fights against Chloe about which is better Cats or Dogs.

Likes: Music, Playing Video Games, Food, Dogs.

Dislikes: Cats, Being Weak, Failure, Sour food.

Highly Likes: Playing with his powers, Dance, Sing, Sean.

Highly Dislikes: Losing, Headaches, Losing control.

Love Interest:?


Name: Shunsuke

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Time Traveler, Blind Killer, Stupidiot, Fallen Angel Member, Wicked Angel Student.

Age: 24


Height: 6'2

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Grey (Blind)

Skin Color: Pale white

Personality: Shunsuke is a gentle guy, he will not choose violence as his first option but will try to talk to others, however, do not take his gentle side as his weakness! He can easily kill everyone without remorse, even when he lost his sight because of the deterioration of his ability, he was a frightening warrior. Later becomes a police officer, has a close relationship with his partner Ibakari.

Likes: Tea, Coffe, Food, Books

Dislikes: Losing, Being Weak, Failure, Loud noises

Highly Likes: His siblings, his girlfriend, his friends, fighting

Highly Dislikes: Having his siblings hurt (emotionally or physically), Barbarians, Excessive Sweet things.

Love Interest: Azuka


Name: Azuka

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Babe, Flash Blade, Killer, Fallen Angel, Wicked Angel Student.

Age: 23


Height: 5'4

Hair Color: Dark Blue

Eye Color: Green

Skin Color: White

Personality: Azuka has a gentle nature, she would likely spare someone's life instead id killing them cold-blooded, but like every other person who was trained by Klein, she doesn't forget but forgives and if that person does anything like that again, then they are dead

Likes: Food, Knives, Playing Rythm Games

Dislikes: Failure, Being Weak, Bad People (According to her principles)

Highly Likes: Shunsuke, Cooking, Dancing, Reading

Highly Dislikes: When someone she showed mercy doesn't follow her mercy or when she has to kill someone.

Love Interest: Shunsuke


Name: Arko

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: String Demon, High-Rank Assasin, Leader of the Blood Rose, Fallen Angel Member, Wicked Angel Student.

Age: 23


Height: 5'7

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Purple

Skin Color: White

Personality: Arko is somewhat sadist, she enjoys seeing others getting hurt and sometimes likes hurting them herself. This is due to her past, as she was abused when she was young, which led her to develop sadistic tendencies. After she "graduated" from Klein's teachings, she killed her abuser, her uncle. Later in the story, she created an organization known as Blood Rose, and due to her regeneration factor, she was able to live long enough to see it grow stronger.

Likes: Chocolate, Reading, Dancing

Dislikes: Feeling pain, Being Weak, Failure

Highly Likes: Seeing others feel pain, cause pain to others, kill those who deserve it.

Highly Dislikes: Corruption, Rapists, Injustice, Not being paid enough.

Love Interest:???


Name: Mikaboshi

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Mist Demon, Soldier, Best Spy, Japan's Best Agent, Fallen Angel Member, Wicked Angel Student.

Age: 23


Height: 6'2

Skin Color: Tan-ish

Eyes Color: Black

Hair Color: Pink

Personality: Mikaboshi is a carefree guy who likes to play around and not takes things seriously, he only takes things seriously when is in combat because that was what Klein drilled in his head. Later in life, after what would be later called Dawn of Quirks, Mikaboshi joined the government as a special agent, one of the best. He is famous for not only being the best agent but also because he is one of Klein's students, the so-called Fallen Angels.

Likes: Eat, Sleep, Fight

Dislikes: Failure. Being Weak, Losing

Highly Likes: Riddles, Strawberries, Messing with people, One Night Stands.

Highly Dislikes: Seeing others getting hurt, failing a mission, fight against fellow Fallen Angels, Potatoes.


Name: Nemuri

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Sexuality: Straight

Pronouns: He/Him

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: [Mist Demon], [Unseen Assasin], [Azure Oni Leader], [Fallen Angel], [Wicked Angel's Student]



Skin Color:

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Highly Likes:

Highly Dislikes:


Name: Herald

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Nicknames/Titles/Etc: Wolfy, Wolfman, Maw, Babe, Honey, Cutie, Badass Wolf Teacher, Fallen Angel Member.


Height: 6'5

Skin Color: Tan

Eyes Color: Grey

Hair Color: Grey

Personality: Herald was cheerful before he was captured and became a lab rat, now he doesn't trust anything, not even his own shadow. He likes to keep to himself because of the fear he will lose his control over his powers and kill everyone.

Likes: Food, Night, Shadows, Darkness, Raw Meat

Dislikes: Loud Noises, Brats, Hurting someone, Blood.

Highly Likes: Day, Taking Baths, Having his fur cleaned when in wolf form, cooking.

Highly Dislikes: Being covered in blood, Losing control over himself, drugs, white clothes.


Name: Amanda

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Sexuality: Polysexual

Pronouns: She/Her

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Fire Fairy, Flamethrower, Sadistic Bitch, Love, Honey, Master, Mommy, Fallen Angel Member.


Height: 5'4

Skin Color: White (Slightly Pink)

Eyes Color: Green

Hair Color: Red

Personality: Amanda is a sadistic bitch that loves her two boyfriends, Kevin and Herald. She is a complete dominatrix and Kevin is all about that, however with Herald is different as he is not easy to dominate as a big bad wolf. She likes the challenge.

Likes: Seein other people feel pain, Food, Sleep, Sex, Whips, Fire.

Dislikes: Feeling pain, syringes, green liquid, potatoes

Highly Likes: Herald, Kevin, Dominating, Burning stuff, Causing pain to others, Threesomes.

Highly Dislikes: Seeing Herald or Kevin feeling the pain that isn't pleasurable or fun, Causing real pain to Herald and Kevin and not in a sexual way, Insects, Pink.


Name: Kevin

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pronouns: He/Him

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: Illusionist, Mental Trickster, Trickster, Babe, Slut, Baby Boy, Fallen Angel Member.


Height: 5'7

Skin Color: White

Eyes Color: Blue

Hair Color: Yellow/Golden

Personality: Kevin is very gentle and kind to those around him, but when he feels threatened he will retaliate in a way that will scare people for life. Using his power to create and induce illusions, he can easily make people believe something from the bottom of their hearts.

Likes: Chocolate, sweets, sour food, spicy food, all food.

Dislikes: Bugs, Overcooked food, Failure, Being weak.

Highly Likes: Feeling pain inflicted by Herald or Amanda, Herald, Whips, Cuffs, Gags, Tight clothes, Rough Hardcore Sex.

Highly Dislikes: Seeing Herald/Amanda feel pain, Ungratefulness.


Name: Shigaraki Yoinaegi

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Straight

Pronouns: He/Him

Titles/Nicknames/Etc: One for All, Hero, Devil's Brother, Fallen Angel Member


Height: 6'2

Skin Color: Pale white

Eyes Color: Silver

Hair Color: Silver-white

Personality: Yoinaegi is has a hero-like personality, he will save those in need and will even sacrifice himself if needed, but Klein's teaching taught him to not be reckless and be analytical, making him colder towards his enemies.

Likes: Candy, Food, Colors, Animals, Fireworks

Dislikes: Pain, Green liquid, Needles, Sharp Items, Being Weak, Failure.

Highly Likes: Dogs, Cute Things, Saving others, Protecting others.

Highly Dislikes: Not being able to save others, Failing to save others, Causing death directly or indirectly.










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Highly Likes:

Highly Dislikes:


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