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I'm just your average guy. I like anime, manga, web novels and movies, and other things. I just finished Highschool this year and currently enjoying my summer vacation.

Honestly speaking I don't know how I will even afford to go to college, see I'm an orphan, my parents left me in front of an orphanage when I was just a baby, mainly because of my almost shining white hair and jet black eyes.

as I watched other kids get adopted with only me being left behind, I realized something, playing cute won't help me, as most families wouldn't pick me because I look like I have some sort of illness, and so I buried my self in books, no matter what book I found in the orphanage library, I would read it.

I had already finished all the books in the library by the age of 12, but still not being satisfied, I turned to computers reading novels, manga, watching anime, movies, and many other things.

Unfortunately, my years of loneliness and the people in the orphanage not caring about me that much thinking I was hopeless twisted my mind. I became quiet and distant, later leading me to become quite possessive and manipulative.

on my way home from my job as a waiter, not quite paying attention to the street and instead focused on the anime episode playing on my phone.

so, as I was crossing the street, I was unfortunately or maybe, fortunately, was hit by a speeding truck, completely shattering a few ribs of mine and maybe even my left leg sending me flying. but I was still alive, which was quite crazy, but I still was, I could even stand up, though in my twisted way. 'ahh if only I knew that this was only the beginning of this hell, I would've ended my suffering right there'

but even after being hit by a truck, the gods thought it was still not enough, as a water tank atop the building I had my back towards was falling on me.

at that point, my legs almost gave up on me, but I didn't allow it, I bit my tongue so hard it started bleeding. that had it's benefits as the legs that almost gave on me started moving again, and I managed to avoid that falling tank.

still, the gods won't be satisfied until I'm dead, and so, a prototype car that could move by itself lost control and came towards me at full speed.

by then, my mind almost short-circuited because of how fast I was thinking, and the only way I could survive this situation was by rushing into a nearby alley, where the car wouldn't fit. fortunately, that alley was right behind me. such the car hit the two walls, blocking the entrance to the alley.

still, after all I had been through, that was not enough as a satellite was falling from orbit, and clearly, it was falling somewhere nearby, I don't know why, but I just knew that it was falling on the place I was currently standing, not having enough time to even consider what to do, I jumped into that prototype car that almost killed me and controlled it manually to get the hell away from where I was.

'what the hell is going on, am I inside some sort of action movie or something.' by now, I was almost losing consciousness, as I had just broken a few ribs, and I've been running around for what felt like an eternity now, but I'm somehow still conscious.

I had just barely managed to get away from the place where the satellite hit. But as if all that wasn't crazy enough, sirens ran through the whole city, and there was a city-wide announcement.


"WHAT FUCKING BULLSHIT IS THAT" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

my mind was running at super speeds right now, trying to find a solution to my current predicament, though a part of me just wanted to give up and die peacefully, I wasn't the type of guy to give up, I would go above and beyond just to accomplish my goals.

and seemingly just a second or two later I had remembered something I read when I was 11, there was a bunker in our city, built during WW2, that bunker was maybe 50 seconds away by car, and though I could offer help to a few nearby people, I knew that they would only be a burden and won't be of any help to me, so instead, I rushed into a nearby mall with the car unloaded as much food and water into the car using 1 minute, then spent the next 30 seconds looking for an anti-radioactive suit and just when I was going to give up searching, I found that sexy suit and rushed back to the car.

as soon as I reached where the bunker was I used all my strength to open the barrier that was big enough to fit the entire car.

as soon as I opened the door, I drove the car full speed, then rushed to close the barrier again.

seconds after the barrier was shut off completely, the terrifying sound of the explosion outside entered my ears.


you'd think that after the explosion, he can now go outside whenever he wants, but you're so very wrong, the deadliest thing about a nuclear explosion is not the explosion itself, but the radiation that comes after the explosion. If the explosion can cover the whole city, then the radiation can spread to other cities and cover them in radioactivity as well.

*****************3 years later****************

' I think I'm going crazy, day by day, my thirst for human contact increases, though I'm a complete shut-in who can stay inside for no matter how long it takes if I had internet and games to play, now I'm going crazy, there is no such thing as internet right now. I've already finished all the offline games I had on my phone multiple times, I've rewatched every anime, movie, or series I had downloaded on my phone several times, to the point where I know what and when does every character says. I've reread every manga I had on my phone, to the point where I know every single detail drawn, hell I even drew my manga and reread it multiple times.'

During my time here in the bunker, I survive by growing my food underground, so my diet is based completely on plants, as I don't have animals to get meat from, I also discovered that they had a library, so I read every book there, whether it be for entertainment purposes or education, I had learned how to farm from that very library, I had also learned how to make tools and how to mine.

I found a storage where I found all types of things from wood, ropes, metals, a furnace, food, and many other things, and so I used the metal and wood and ropes to make mining tools.

Having nothing to do, I decided to mine, how bad can it be. So, right now I have mined a mine where I found all types of metals, but not that much gold. But something ended up baffling me, I had found diamond, around 3kg of diamonds, which was absolutely crazy.

as I approached closer and closer to going mad, I had decided to use my sexy anti radioactive suit and go outside the bunker, for the first in 3 years, I was going out, and what was out, the sun, the bloody fucking sun.

opening the barrier which connected the inside of the bunker to the outside world, I could feel the excitement oozing out of my body.

as soon as I opened the barrier, I didn't see what I expected, I had first expected that the outside would be a huge empty crater or something like that, but instead of an empty crater, I instead snow and ice, for as far I could see, it was all snow and ice and the sky, which I believed to be blue, instead, it appeared foggy as if the fog was covering the sun from reaching the earth.

"What is this, the ice age or something" and indeed, it was the ice age.

closing the barrier after I had left the bunker with the car, I went in any direction to see something other than snow or ice, but unfortunately, there was nothing else.

going back to the place where the bunker was, I tried to open the barrier, but no matter how much I tried, it just won't open, no matter what, it seemed like the barrier had been frozen shut.

with nowhere else to go and no food to survive in this harsh frozen world, I decided to end my suffering right now, rather than waiting to die from hypothermia or something else.

I took out a pocket knife and used it to slit my throat open. No matter how strong my will was, I wasn't willing to live in this ice age, I'd rather die now in my own hands than die later from something that is out of my control, like hypothermia.


feed me your power pointsssssss

Jawad_Merhi Jawad_Merhi

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