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46.66% "Reborn in the Movie Universe" / Chapter 27: 27."You're A Monster"

Chapter 27: 27."You're A Monster"

After driving for a while, we finally reached a nearby restaurant. I parked the car, and we all got out, making our way inside. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the tense day we'd had. We settled at a table, and soon a waiter approached us, ready to take our orders.

Athreya, glancing at the menu, declared confidently, "For me, Butter Chicken and Naan." He then looked at us, raising an eyebrow. "What about you all?"

Sneha and Vamsi exchanged quick glances before saying in unison, "We'll have the same."

When it was my turn, I looked up from the menu and said, "I'll take Paneer Tikka Masala and roti."

Sneha, surprisingly, asked, "Why are you ordering vegetarian?"

Without missing a beat, I replied, "Because I'm a vegetarian."

Athreya and Sneha exchanged incredulous looks, as if it was something hard to believe. "You're a vegetarian?" Athreya repeated, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

I simply nodded, smiling slightly at their surprise. The waiter, noting our choices, left to place our orders.

As we waited for our food, the day's events started to feel a little more distant, as if the restaurant's cozy atmosphere had momentarily lifted the weight off our shoulders.

That time Vamsi said, "Well, we might as well use this time to go over what we know. The photos from Ongole are a good lead, but we still have a lot of gaps to fill."

Athreya nodded. "True. We need to figure out who wanted Ajay and Harsha dead, and why they would target me as well."

Sneha added, "And we can't forget about Vasudha. She's the key to all of this. Whether she's a victim or the mastermind, we need to find her."

The conversation flowed naturally, our collective focus sharpening as we discussed the case. When the food arrived, the rich aromas filled the air, and we dug in with enthusiasm. For a brief moment, the world outside the restaurant faded away, and we were just four people enjoying a meal together.

As we ate, the pieces of the puzzle seemed to come together more clearly. Each bite of food seemed to fuel not just our bodies, but our determination to get to the bottom of this case. The restaurant buzzed with the sounds of other diners, the clinking of cutlery, and the occasional laugh, grounding us in the moment.

As we sat in the restaurant, enjoying our meal and discussing the case, I noticed some suspicious individuals outside. They were eyeing our table, their demeanor tense and purposeful. Some were holding rods, others had sharp weapons like knives. It was clear they weren't here for a friendly chat.

Glancing at Athreya, Vamsi, and Sneha, I kept my voice calm despite the urgency I felt. "We have some guests, guys."

Sneha looked confused. "Who?"

"Look outside slowly," I instructed, my gaze flicking back to monitor the group's movements.

Athreya and Vamsi turned their heads subtly, eyes narrowing as they spotted the group. Sneha's eyes widened with fear, and Athreya's brows furrowed in thought. "What should we do now?" he asked.

Upon hearing Vamsi's suggestion, his voice laced with concern, I couldn't help but furrow my brow. "I should call for backup," he said, his tone urgent.

Considering the gravity of our situation, I glanced around discreetly before shaking my head in disagreement. "It's pointless to call for backup now. By the time the police arrive, it'll be too late," I replied quietly.

Sneha, always practical, cut in with a hint of worry in her voice. "Then what should we do?"

Instead of answering immediately, I calmly retrieved my phone from my pocket and began typing a message. Sneha and Vamsi exchanged puzzled glances, while Athreya frowned deeply, sensing my next move.

"What are you doing on your phone at a time like this?" Athreya questioned sharply, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Still focused on my screen, I responded evenly, "I'm calling someone to take care of their dead bodies. I'm going to kill them all so we need someone to cover up for us."

Their expressions froze with shock. Vamsi, always cautious, spoke up hesitantly, "That's illegal, you know. Killing someone could get you arrested."

Unable to suppress a small smile, I countered with a hint of teasing confidence, "Only if someone finds their bodies."

Vamsi was taken aback, momentarily speechless. Athreya, ever the strategist, finally broke the silence with a practical concern. "But how do you plan to handle so many people?"

I chuckled softly, a glint of amusement in my eyes. "Have you forgotten who I am, Athreya?" Hearing this Athreya become silent.

After finishing our meal, I signaled the waiter for the bill. As I settled it, I stood up and turned to Athreya, Sneha, and Vamsi. "Don't head towards the car. Follow me," I instructed quietly.

They nodded in understanding. As I led the way, they fell into step behind me. We emerged from the restaurant, and I caught sight of the group standing by my car. Ignoring them, I purposefully walked in the opposite direction. The others hesitated for a moment, then followed me. Confusion flickered across the faces of those watching us, but soon they began trailing after us.

We finally arrived at a quiet, deserted street. Coming to a sudden halt, I turned to face Athreya, Vamsi, and Sneha. "Stay close together," I murmured. Locking eyes with Vamsi, I added firmly, "If they come near you, kill them."

They nodded silently, their expressions resolute. Stepping back a few paces, I kept my gaze fixed on the approaching figures standing a short distance away.

"So, you've decided to stop," one of them called out, their voice laced with thinly veiled threat.

I smiled wryly. "We just want to know who's been following us and what they want."

"If you cooperate, we'll let you walk away. But if you don't," another voice chimed in ominously, "we'll have no choice but to kill you."

I chuckled softly, a playful glint in my eyes. "Oh? And what might that entail?"

"Drop this case," one of them demanded bluntly, "and we'll spare you all."

"Of course," I replied smoothly, "but on one condition. Tell me your boss's name."

Annoyance flashed across their faces. "We're not here to negotiate with you. Drop this case else be ready to die."

"Well, that's not going to happen," I retorted calmly. "First, you tell me your boss's name, or we won't be dropping this case."

The man's anger flared into action as he barked orders to his comrades, "Kill him first, then the rest!" They lunged towards me with lethal intent, their movements swift and aggressive. My smile vanished instantly, replaced by a focused determination as I sprinted towards them.

Closing the distance rapidly, I targeted the man directly in front of me. With a powerful kick to his chest, I sent him staggering backward. But before he could recover, I seized the axe he wielded, twisting it out of his grasp in a fluid motion. As he stumbled, I swung the axe with precision, the blade connecting with a sickening crunch against his neck. Blood spurted from the wound as he collapsed dead on the ground.

The other assailants reacted swiftly, gunfire erupting and their footsteps thundering closer. Dodging bullets, I hurled the axe at the nearest man, the blade embedding itself deeply into his chest. As he staggered, I closed in, disarming him with a swift strike that sent his knife flying. Without hesitation, I brought the knife down with lethal force, burying it into his ears. He crumpled silently, the life draining from his eyes.

Amid the chaos, someone seized me from behind, attempting to restrain me. Reacting instinctively, I grasped his hair and unleashed a flurry of brutal stabs with my knife, each blow finding its mark in their skull until he released me, collapsing in a pool of blood.

Bloodied and surrounded by fallen adversaries, I stood amidst the aftermath, adrenaline coursing through me. The metallic tang of blood mingled with the pounding of my heart. As I turned towards the remaining foe, a swift kick caught me off guard. I pivoted to face him, his voice trembling with fear as he whispered, "You're a monster."

Ignoring his words, I struck him with a vicious punch, shattering his teeth and sending blood spurting from his mouth. With a decisive motion, I drove my knife into his neck, silencing his cries as his body went limp.

Through the haze of battle, I became aware of Athreya, Vamsi, and Sneha, their expressions a mix of shock and fear. The weight of my actions settling heavily upon us all amidst the quiet street stained with blood.



As Krishna methodically dispatched his targets with chilling efficiency, the air around Athreya, Sneha, and Vamsi thickened with dread. Sneha stood frozen in horror, her hands trembling as she covered her mouth to stifle a scream. Athreya, usually composed and analytical, struggled to maintain his calm demeanor in the face of such carnage.

Vamsi, however, couldn't contain his shock and disbelief. His voice cracked as he managed to muster the courage to ask Athreya, "Wh...What is going on? How is he killing so many people without any hesitation? He's even dodging bullets like it's nothing! Isn't he just a normal businessman helping us in this case? How can he kill people so effortlessly? What the hell is happening? Can one of you tell me?"

Sneha's eyes were wide with terror, unable to form any coherent response. Athreya, his expression grave and solemn, glanced at Vamsi, sensing the urgent need to disclose the unsettling truth. "He is not just a normal businessman," Athreya finally said in a low, steady voice, his words carrying the weight of a grim revelation.

Vamsi's heart sank, dread pooling in the pit of his stomach. "Then who is he?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with a mix of fear and curiosity.

Athreya hesitated for a moment, knowing the gravity of his next words. "He is the man that no one sees, a myth and a legend to millions," Athreya began, his tone tinged with both respect and trepidation. "He is respected by the most wanted criminals, a mysterious smuggler kingpin, and even the godfather of the underworld, Abraham Qureshi himself. He is the elusive figure that Interpol has failed to apprehend or even identify. He is Krishna Prasad, also known as Vincenzo, The Mafia's most skilled assassin."

The weight of Athreya's revelation hung heavily in the air. Vamsi's eyes widened in horror as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the truth unveiled before him. "H...He is Vincenzo?" Vamsi whispered, his voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and terror.

Athreya silently nodded, his gaze fixed on Krishna, who continued to move with deadly precision amidst the chaos he had wrought. The street, once a quiet place , had transformed into a battleground of death and despair, orchestrated by a man whose very name struck fear into the hearts of those who dared utter it.

(A/N:Tell me about this Sean. What do you think? Is this good or bad, and should I write Sean's like this? 🤔)

(Word's Count:1877)

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