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50% "CASE CLOSED" DETECTIVE IRENE / Chapter 3: the shrunken detective: Part 2

Chapter 3: the shrunken detective: Part 2

Kudou Shinichi, the high school Detective slowly regained himself after being knocked unconscious by those men in black and after being fed by some strange poison, only to find himself turned into a kid, not just a kid. "He" turned into a "She".


are you okay, little girl?! an officer asked.

little...? GIRL?!!..... kudou Shinichi thought in his mind.

just what the hell are they talking about... can't they see I'm a man... and also, I'm a junior in high school.!!.. "he" looked at the officer confused.

how'd you hurt your head? the officer asked again.

hurt..? oh, I got hit from behind by that man in black. thinking again,

owe... "he" mumbled, holding his head from behind.

ehh?... "he" saw his right arm and looked at his feets

huh?... then "he" saw his feets and where shocked and scared at the same time.

WHA-?!... what the-!?... "he" looked at both his arms and feet and saw how oversized "his" clothes are at "him"

what happened?!! "Shinichi Kudou" asked nearly freaking out.

that's what we wanna know about. but before that let's get you to the station and treat your head first. said the officer gently and carried "Kudou Shinichi" to the station.

WA!!!... "Kudou" screamed...

what?!?!? he's carrying me!! "he" screamed in "his" mind

uhh, yeah, we're at site B, and we found a injured girl! we're taking her to the medical room, over!! a different officer said. hmm, I'd guess his age at about 5 or 6! grade school he continued.

wait? who's in grade school!!!?? "Kudou" thought.

after a while of being carried, "Kudou Shinichi" gathered all the clue "he"could get and no matter how unbelievable the situation is, it's real! "Kudou Shinichi" turned into a kid, and a little girl to be exact. not only did his gender swaped he becomes 10-11 years younger. and in this situation, it's a major problem


I'm telling you, there was a guy smuggling guns and another one blackmailing him!! but his partner found me and whacked me on the head. "Kudou" told them trying to convince them it's true.

"hahahahahahaha" the officer's laughed.

okay kid... you've been seeing too many police dramas! and also action doesn't sute a cute little girl like you. the officer said trying to look cool infront of the "little girl"

but I'm not a kid!! I'm a junior high school student.

the officer burst out laughing again and all awwed when "Kudou" pouts his lips.

hey, maybe she's running away from home!! the officer whisperd to the other beside him

a kid like that...? not to mention a girl? the other officer replied.

"hmmp" the "little girl" pouted

damn, those men in black "Kudou" thought before a sting hit his head.

oww... shit, that jerk hit me as hard as he could... "he" mumbled looking at the mirror behind him.

go check if there are any requests for a search!! an officer commanded

Yes!! the others answerd and ran through the door

while that was happening "Kudou" was looking at "herself" at the mirror that was behind "them"

wow!! I know I'm a girl now but to be this cute.... no wonder the officers won't take what I said seriously "kudou" frowned as "he" looked at "his" err, "her" reflection. "she" has a curly hair like "his" oka-san but has that brown color like "his" otou-san, and "her" sapphire big eyes reflecting the light looked stunning . if not for the oversized clothes and messy hair "Kudou" can tell that "she" can be a very beautiful woman when "she" grows up. and the truth that "he" was as well a really good looking person when "he" was still a highschool. "he" was not that surprised as he expects "him" to be. after all, "his" mother is a super-star before adding "his dad's good figures and face too.

oh well... get in touch with HQ, well take her to the creche there..

cr-creche?! "kudou" said in his mind and looked as if "he" is at "his" end's Witt's

okay little angel! we're gonna take you to a nice.... she's.... she's gone!!! the officer shouted

the window! she jumped out the window!! find her!! she can't be far with those little legs of hers. said the police

"ha...ha... ha..." a little voice panted.

give me a break! I'm not gonna let you take me there!! "Kudou" thought as he run when he suddenly heard a growl


bark! bark! bark! bark!

UWA!!, it's huge!! "Kudou" shrieked

there she is!!

don't let her get away!

kid don't run!!

the police officer said on the top of there lungs while running and searched for "him" err... "her"

after losing the cops "Shinichi" ran towards the direction of his house and attempted to open the gate. but due to his small body and oversized clothes he failed. while doing so "Shinichi" heard a explosion and saw Dr. Agassi "an inventor" next to his house covered in dust at the hole made by the explosion

ah, professor Agasa... "Shinichi" said overjoyed

hmm? who are you? Dr. Agasa questioned the little girl infront of him.

It's me!! SHINICHI!!! "Shinichi" said pointing to "himself"

A-ha, one of Shinichi's relatives... you look just like him at his age, but you look more cute and wow! you even have his eyes... but you're hair is different... the inventor said in amazement and stared at the little girl.

no, "i" am Kudou Shinichi!! the Shinichi at teitan high school... "Shinichi" said desperately

yeah..?,your right little girl, Shinichi is a six year old "Girl" at junior high... the inventor said laughing

come on... you gotta believe me!! should I say what I know about you? "Kudou" said in desperation

AGASA HIROSHI!! your age is 82! you lived next to me, your an inventor of odd gadgets. you say you're a genius but everything you make is utter crap! and on top of that, you have a hair sticking out of the mole on your butt!! "Shinichi" shouted every fact about the Professor that he knew off.

on, on my... only Shinichi's supposed to know that... the professor said in shock

that.... if he's been telling everyone all my secrets... the inventor said doing a thinking gesture

I didn't hear it from Shinichi, I AM SHINICHI!! I was forced to take some strange poison drug, and now I'm a little girl!! "Shinichi" said providing who "he" is

shrunken... little girl.... by a drug?... said the professor, not believing the little girl

yes. "Shinichi" confirmed

HMPH!! if there is such a drug, I'd sure like to see it!! said Dr. Agasa

come here you suspicious lady! I'm taking you to the cops.

hey... said the being dragged "kudou"

okay, how about this?! he started

professor, you just came home from the restaurant "Colombo" yes? and you were in a hurry! correct? said the little girl stopping the inventor

ho-how did you know that?! said Dr. Agasa startled

from your clothes professor... there are signs of being wet on the front, but not on the back! proof that you were running home in the rain... "Kudou" snapped

also theres mud on your pants... the only road you could have gotten muddy from in this area is the construction area in from the Colombo! "Kudou" pointing the facts.

on top of that, you have the special meat sauce from the Colombo stuck on your mustache... "Shinichi" said rolling "her" eyes. that looked utterly cute in a way.

y-you... professor could only say

tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk,... it's elementary, Agasa-kun. clicking his tongue and doing a gesture "he" "Kudou Shinichi" always use, looking adorable now in a little girl's body.

Shi-Shini-SHINICHI-KUN!!! pointed out Dr. Agasa.

wait, are you really Shinichi-kun?? he said in shock. not believing it.

isn't that what I've been telling you? I was shrunken by a drug that turned me into a female and that... "Shinichi" said lazily

I can't believe this yet... but at any rate we must continue this inside your house. said Dr. Agasa

------inside the Kudou residence-----

G-Gun smuggling?! shouted out Dr. Agasa

Yeah... and there was a guy blackmailing him too,... "Kudou" said as he changed his clothes

and they gave you the medicine to keep your mouth shut....? Dr. Agasa asked in confirmation and "Shinichi" nodded as "he" changed "her" clothes

ehh!! I cant believe these dorky old clothes fits me perfectly. "Kudou" whined as "she" looked at "him" err, "herself" wearing his old sute with bow tie and shorts

hmm... so the mysterious effect of this unfinished drug shrunked your body... tured you into Girl.... said Dr. Agasa looking at "Kudou's" new appearance.

hm? said Dr. Agasa.

ehh Shinichi-kun, change your shorts. you're mom has many old skirts around your size with your old clothes, you know how your mom loves to dress you like a girl before...

Kudou suddenly blushed

in embarrassment

what?! I Need to change shorts!! why!! "Kudou" asked, "her" face is red as a tomato.

Shinichi-kun, girls that age wants to look cute all the time, you need to go with the flow... said the inventor, stating the truth. people will be suspicious if you act like a man at that very cute face of yours now. he added.

aghh!! alright then, but please professor! your a genius right? make a drug that will turn me back to normal! said "kudou" while looking around the wardrobe for the skirt "his" mother stored.

wait a moment! I don't even know what this drug was made off... Dr. Agasa said disapproving the idea.

then I should find out where these guys are and get some of that drug!! "Shinichi" said changing "his" shorts

yes, but if you get some, I might be able to do something but... the professor said looking worried


the Doctor was silently walking at the the detective who just finished changing her clothes

SHINICHI-KUN! you must not tell anyone about this. he said holding the little girls shoulders

eh? why? said Kudou confused

if they know you are Kudou Shinichi, they'll come after you again! it will play s great danger on everyone around you!!

understand?! the fact that you're Kudou Shinichi is a secret between you and me!! you must not tell anyone else!! especially not Ran-kun!! Dr. Agasa finished.

Shinichi, are you there? Ran's voice can be heard as she asked at the door startling the inventor and the little girl.

ehh?!?!... Shinichi said hearing a familiar voice at the door panicking of what to do.

you could at least answer the phone in your home! the door is unlocked. Ran said almost in scolding voice as her voice comes closer

Ra-Ran!!!! said "kudou" sweating

hide, quick!! said Dr. Agasa to the kid who was running around

h-hide? where?!!! said Kudou panicking and head behind the table hiding under it.

oh, professor Agasa... Ran said as she saw the professor

Ran-kun, I haven't seen you in a while. professor Agasa said faking a smile

wow!! I'm always amazed at how many books there are!! and there all myster novels... said Ran in amazement at the books around her in the room

yes, well you know Shinichi-kun father is a world famous myster novelist stated Dr. Agasa holding his mustache

growing up around so many of these books will turn him detective crazy. Ran said, saying her thoughts out loud

shuddap... defensed "Shinichi" out of habit before realizing what "he" did.

who's that over there? asked Ran after hearing a girl voice behind the table and moved closer to investigate

oh, she's umm, uhhh, said the tensed professor

ah, crap... "Kudou" thought and opened a drawer reviling his father's glasses

otou-san's glasses!! I can use this as a disguise... even though I don't need it. he. he. he. it's still fun. he thought happily and wore the gasses only to hit "his" head because of the glasses lenses

who's she? Ran asked looking at the little girl's back.

aww, don't be shy. she said as she was about to turn the kid around to see her face.

"kudou" popped the lenses out of the glasses and wore it before Ran could turned "her" around.

c'mon! come over here! Ran said facing "shinichi" for her to see the girls face

yikes!! "Shinichi" though in "his" mind seeing a tall Ran that was supposedly the same hight as him before.

and after looking each other eye to eye it felt silent for a while.


this, this child... Ran said looking at "shinichi".

"shinichi" felt nervous at the ladies gaze.

she's adorable!! Ran squicked and hugged "shinichi"

who is this young cute lady? Ran asked professor Agasa. hugging "shinichi" tightly almost suffocating but felt her breasts. ( Shinichi-kun is still a man inside soo.....)

oh, err, she's a daughter of a friend of mine who's at the hospital overseas.... said Dr. Agasa trying to keep a calm face.

OK. Ran bites the reason and faced "Shinichi's" with his new body

how old are you cutie? Ran asked showing a bright smile

sixt.... err, I mean six! "Shinichi" said after escaping her grasp for air and walked backwards slowly

are you a first grader? Ran asked again walking closer to the girl

y-yeah... "shinichi" said swallowing "his" pride and walked backwards more until she was leaning the book shelves

what's your name? Ran moved closer when the girl was cornerd to hear her better.

my name is shin... no!, I mean... "shinichi" said unsure of what to say

hmm?? Ran asked again

uh, umm.... umm....!? IRENE!! m-my name is Irene. Irene Edogawa. nice to meet you "shinichi"said as he saw two books behind him and saw Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes names and remembered who was the only woman that can level Holmes.

VioletRabbit23 VioletRabbit23

did you enjoy this chapter. hope you did cause it took me a while to finish is. and please if you guys have ideas to share about what will happen in other chapters please share.

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