Black Deacon was a Japanese manga series created by Shuliang and started in 1994. The story mainly tells the story of the deacon family member, Sebastian Michalis, and the human race.
At the beginning of the story, the protagonist, Charles Michalis, was a 14-year-old boy who was ordered by the Deacon Family to become a member of the Deacon Family and to destroy those humans who were considered "demons". As the story developed, Charles gradually discovered that those humans who were thought to be demons might actually have unusual superpowers or special existences.
In the course of the story, Charles, Deacon Elizabeth Cosette, and the other deacons embark on a journey full of danger and adventure. They must face all kinds of demons and problems, and at the same time, they must fight fiercely with their relatives and friends. Would Ciel, Elizabeth, and the other deacons be able to successfully destroy the demons and complete their mission?
The Black Deacon attracted a large number of readers and fans with its profound storyline, exquisite painting style, and unique narrative style. It became a well-loved classic manga.
The Black Clover anime hasn't passed the manga. It's still adapting the manga's content, although there might be some differences in the pacing and presentation of the story between the two.
Well, the Black Clover anime has made good progress in adapting the manga, but there's still a way to go to catch up completely. Some key story arcs are faithfully presented, while others might have minor tweaks for the animation format.
Overall, the manga of Black Butler often provides more detailed character development and storylines. The anime, on the other hand, might make certain adjustments for better visual presentation and pacing.
The Black Clover anime hasn't caught up to the manga. The manga has more storylines and developments that haven't been covered in the anime yet. But the anime does a decent job of adapting the key elements.