In a story set in a fantasy realm, a young prince is cursed by a witch. As part of the curse, he is forced to wear high heels. This forces him to see the world from a different perspective, both literally and metaphorically. He has to find a way to break the curse while learning important lessons about humility and understanding others' experiences which are more than 100 words long. He might meet different characters along the way, some who mock him and others who offer help. Through his struggles, he grows as a person and discovers the true meaning of courage and acceptance. This new - found understanding could be the key to breaking the curse and restoring his kingdom to its former glory.
Perhaps in a post - apocalyptic world, a new society has emerged with strange customs. A boy from an old - world family is forced to conform to the new ways, which include wearing high heels. His journey could be about trying to preserve his old values while adapting to the new and strange ones.