The Black Panther comic originated in 1966. Since then, it has gained a huge fan following and has become an iconic part of the comic universe.
The Black Panther comic was first created in 1966.
The Black Panther comic made its debut in 1966. It was an important addition to the comic book world, introducing a powerful and influential character.
The Black Panther comic was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
The creators of the Black Panther comic were Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Their collaboration brought this amazing character to life and has entertained fans for years.
Stan Lee and Jack Kirby are credited with the creation of the Black Panther comic.
Black Panther first appeared in comics in July 1966.
The Black Panther comic book was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Stan Lee and Jack Kirby are the ones who brought the Black Panther comic book to life. Their creativity and vision gave us this amazing character and storylines.
The first Black Panther comic was released in July 1966.
The Black Panther comic started in July of 1966. Since then, it has gained a huge fan following and has had a major impact on the comic industry.
The first Black Panther comic was released in 1966.