Bloodshot is a character from Valiant Comics, not Marvel or DC.
Bloodshot isn't from either Marvel or DC. It's part of the Valiant Comics universe. Valiant has its own unique storylines and characters.
Bloodshot is not from either DC or Marvel. It's a comic character from Valiant Comics.
Spawn doesn't belong to Marvel or DC. It's an independent creation by Todd McFarlane and is part of the Image Comics universe. Image Comics gives Spawn its own unique storyline and world.
Spawn isn't from DC or Marvel. Todd McFarlane developed Spawn as a standalone character with its own distinct comic series and fan base.
The Flash is a DC Comics character. He's one of the most popular heroes in the DC universe.
The Flash is a character from DC Comics. He's one of their major heroes.
Deadpool is a Marvel creation. He stands out among Marvel characters with his unconventional approach and offbeat sense of humor. Many fans love him for his distinctiveness within the Marvel comic world.
The Flash is definitely a DC Comics character. DC has built a rich story and universe around him. He's got super speed and is a key figure in many DC storylines.
Hellboy is not from Marvel or DC Comics. He's actually a creation of Dark Horse Comics.
Spawn is not from Marvel or DC Comics. Spawn is an independent comic book character created by Todd McFarlane.
Wolverine is definitely from Marvel Comics. He's been a staple in their lineup for a long time and has featured in numerous storylines and team-ups.