Webnovel Author: trueimmortal - Fanfic Collection



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ereshkigal is best girl

2020-06-24 Joined Ascension Island

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Replied to trueimmortal

Transforms into a beast *

I don't want to be an emotionless object but negative emotions are not welcomed in my life.

My Researching Journey (HxH)

My Researching Journey (HxH)

Anime & Comics · VQuintessence


Emotions aren’t a weakness uncontrolled emotions are which is what I think he means here

Emotions are one of the defining features of human beings or sentient creatures in general, but it's also a weakness.

My Researching Journey (HxH)

My Researching Journey (HxH)

Anime & Comics · VQuintessence

Replied to Hziro

Is it

Just looking at Rias' parents proved it. Despite being a very loving couple over a thousand years old, they only had two children born centuries apart.

On The Bench

On The Bench

Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously

Replied to trueimmortal

Meant protection points

In the end, the reason why I can attempt this manipulation of Koenji is because while he cannot accept the idea of losing to a single entity, he doesn't see himself as incapable of losing to the world. One like him would perceive the situation as unfavorable to themselves as if it's them against everyone else, and there's nothing a narcissist cares about more than themselves. Trapped by your own self-serving attitude, how tragic.

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

Anime & Comics · MilkywayAndromeda


This is so ironic coming from L but I guess even the biggest genius is still a hypocritical human at the end of the day

The only reason I can even attempt to influence Koenji is because I understand his narcissism. I know that he would never concede defeat to another, for he sees himself as the best, and I know he pursues his own comfort. Thus, one needs to craft a scenario where his pursuit of comfort works to their advantage. I've made it appear as though he's up against the entire world. I used the entire school and all its entities, along with the threat of expulsion, to exploit his tendencies.

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

Anime & Comics · MilkywayAndromeda

Replied to MilkywayAndromeda

True writing it without making it seem like plot armor would definitely be difficult. Thanks author ur responses where really helpful. Hope more people pick up your amazing novel

"Since you are paying me for this information, I will explain my logic to you. Before I handed the contract to Chabashira Sensei, I asked her a question to confirm a hypothesis I had about the point system. Her answer indicated that the relationship between the teachers and the school was similar to that between the students and the school. Therefore, I deduced that the teachers have an interest in student performance and status. Hence, I calculated the value of a favor from Chabashira Sensei and offered her a fair exchange based on this fact. Do you understand, or do you need me to repeat it?" I say, licking the candy in my fingers. I look at Horikita with a blank expression.

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

Anime & Comics · MilkywayAndromeda

Replied to


"Since you are paying me for this information, I will explain my logic to you. Before I handed the contract to Chabashira Sensei, I asked her a question to confirm a hypothesis I had about the point system. Her answer indicated that the relationship between the teachers and the school was similar to that between the students and the school. Therefore, I deduced that the teachers have an interest in student performance and status. Hence, I calculated the value of a favor from Chabashira Sensei and offered her a fair exchange based on this fact. Do you understand, or do you need me to repeat it?" I say, licking the candy in my fingers. I look at Horikita with a blank expression.

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

Anime & Comics · MilkywayAndromeda

Replied to MilkywayAndromeda

Yea amazing in dept response it shows u put a lot into making this novel I just wanna start off with that. L is definitely not socially clues less but his awkwardness is part of his pride just stating it has a obvious weakness for the future also not fully understanding normal people emotions . Nothing to do with the novel but light killing Lind L. Tailor was actually accurate at the start of the novel light is impulsive young power tripping and lacks intelligence him killing Lind.L was a catalyst for his growth and future high level manipulation. Considering he was coming off a multi day killing spree feeling like a god brashness and arrogance where natural results. The light at the end of the series is a different beast cold no hesitation actual menace to all of existence lol. Honestly u addressed everything just really think post light lost L would be better wouldn’t really change his character much actually L isn’t the type to totally give up cause he died. It would give added depth and complexity. L would be more aware of his weaknesses and probably seek out another opponent to test himself search would lead him ayanakoji. In terms of what missing yea you’ve acuretlly captured L’s skill set and use of deductive reasoning but I’d argue ur missing something important l’s most op ability his intuition is actually busted It often over looked but L literally knew who the culprit was before even having solid proof L knew light was Kira off a few interactions and info crums . Also sorry for taking 2 days to reply after u gave such a amazing response

"Since you are paying me for this information, I will explain my logic to you. Before I handed the contract to Chabashira Sensei, I asked her a question to confirm a hypothesis I had about the point system. Her answer indicated that the relationship between the teachers and the school was similar to that between the students and the school. Therefore, I deduced that the teachers have an interest in student performance and status. Hence, I calculated the value of a favor from Chabashira Sensei and offered her a fair exchange based on this fact. Do you understand, or do you need me to repeat it?" I say, licking the candy in my fingers. I look at Horikita with a blank expression.

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

Anime & Comics · MilkywayAndromeda


Like to remind me of this quote too

"Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that's the difference between you all and me."

One Piece: Limitlessness

One Piece: Limitlessness

Anime & Comics · VQuintessence


Like to remind me of this wonderful quote

There is a world out there where you broke our deal, and turned my crew to stone to threaten me with them. In that world. My crew died. You died. Your people died. Everyone you know died. I survived, like always..."

One Piece: Limitlessness

One Piece: Limitlessness

Anime & Comics · VQuintessence

Replied to MilkywayAndromeda

Hi author would you respond to my previous replies I would really like to know a answer for that

"Since you are paying me for this information, I will explain my logic to you. Before I handed the contract to Chabashira Sensei, I asked her a question to confirm a hypothesis I had about the point system. Her answer indicated that the relationship between the teachers and the school was similar to that between the students and the school. Therefore, I deduced that the teachers have an interest in student performance and status. Hence, I calculated the value of a favor from Chabashira Sensei and offered her a fair exchange based on this fact. Do you understand, or do you need me to repeat it?" I say, licking the candy in my fingers. I look at Horikita with a blank expression.

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

Anime & Comics · MilkywayAndromeda

Replied to HolyJoker

What happened to you ?

'Even the Gamer Interface is kinda shit when compared to human ambition. No, this thing was probably created by human ambition too. I need to finish things up here before Ozai gets a successor. I have even less time than I had planned.'

Avatar: Awakened Gamer

Avatar: Awakened Gamer

Anime & Comics · HolyJoker

Replied to Juhiko

Don’t blame the edgdelord corny energy antiheros got on villians also I hope we can both agree heros are actually just cringe

To actually reach that percentage includes not only absorbing their skills and powers but also their perspective, as there is some bleed in the cards. I can refuse it thanks to Involate, but I am tempted to allow it as both men are seasoned killers and spies in their own right.

Gacha Is Bad Civilization! (DC Meta Essence Fic)

Gacha Is Bad Civilization! (DC Meta Essence Fic)

Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1

Replied to

They are the difference is there well written also your lying if ur saying you know what Light Yagami is gonna do before it’s done or if u saw the aizen and madara plot twists also antihero’s don’t get anything from villains there heros antiheros get there Edgdord very predictable energy from themselves

To actually reach that percentage includes not only absorbing their skills and powers but also their perspective, as there is some bleed in the cards. I can refuse it thanks to Involate, but I am tempted to allow it as both men are seasoned killers and spies in their own right.

Gacha Is Bad Civilization! (DC Meta Essence Fic)

Gacha Is Bad Civilization! (DC Meta Essence Fic)

Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1

Replied to

Not sure if you happened to read my other replies would you give ur opion on them I understand if you don’t want to it’s a lot of reading

"Since you are paying me for this information, I will explain my logic to you. Before I handed the contract to Chabashira Sensei, I asked her a question to confirm a hypothesis I had about the point system. Her answer indicated that the relationship between the teachers and the school was similar to that between the students and the school. Therefore, I deduced that the teachers have an interest in student performance and status. Hence, I calculated the value of a favor from Chabashira Sensei and offered her a fair exchange based on this fact. Do you understand, or do you need me to repeat it?" I say, licking the candy in my fingers. I look at Horikita with a blank expression.

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite

Anime & Comics · MilkywayAndromeda

Replied to Juhiko

No the anti hero can not do anything Webnovel antihero’s are not actual antihero’s. Villians are not predictable good ones light,sukuna, leouch,homelands you can’t predict these guys there well written. Most antihero’s are extremely predictable mostly cringe edgy and brooding has well had massive hypocrites

To actually reach that percentage includes not only absorbing their skills and powers but also their perspective, as there is some bleed in the cards. I can refuse it thanks to Involate, but I am tempted to allow it as both men are seasoned killers and spies in their own right.

Gacha Is Bad Civilization! (DC Meta Essence Fic)

Gacha Is Bad Civilization! (DC Meta Essence Fic)

Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1

Replied to EzioAuditore_1

Again like I said I get it most the Webnovel villians are bad they’re generic. but like read holy joker fics for example he has the general template for a selfish monsterous villian down and does it well or think of characters like sukuna ideal selfish villians don’t need has much complexity to be good but u can’t just write somone that does horrible things without explanation humans are logical even people that kill on impulse give justification that’s why I hate antihero’s so much such a it so cop out most of the time they’re brooding characters complain about how the world wronged them without the complexity of characters like Batman they supposedly are able to kill people in most cases it not self defense they don’t have any reaction despite never taking a life and are just apathetic seems to me like a messed up version of lawful evil I mean you invade a villians layer to steal power ups or attack thugs to level up cripple them or kill them thats messed up no matter what world they chase power by killing people that not a antihero your motives are self serving that’s neterual evil or lawful evil depending on your beliefs so I’d argue most Webnovel heros are the ones that are written bad. Honestly it’s perspective I feel more a affinity with villians just cause of my personality you might feel it more with good characters so I get it but read some good villian Webnovel try finding some all the holy joker stuff a good read better than most Webnovels at least

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