Description: In Year 3010, a game system Ultra Games Virtual Reality or commonly known as UGVRS. Become infamous greatest creation of Peak era of Cyber. A game system that let you experience 99% realism game as if your truly living the game! You can be a hero to be the emperor of a dynasty! Rule the world or be the harem King or Queen! Just remember if time of danger, ESC for escape! —— Note: Update is random but mass.
BAB GRATIS YANG BISA DIBACA SEBAGAI SAMPEL.. Please, jangan pelit komen dan review, ya, guys. Tinggalkan jejak kalian meski novel ini hanya dibaca sambil lalu oleh kalian. Hiks... Makasih.... ------------------ DILARANG KERAS menyalin dan meniru CERITA INI dalam bentuk apapun! Pembajakan dan plagiarisme dalam bentuk apapun adalah tindakan kejahatan serius melanggar hukum. Novel ini adalah karya asli anak bangsa dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Copyright by NatsuHika ------------------- CEO tsundere? Itu sudah biasa! Tapi, bagaimana jika menikah dengan CEO yandere, kebalikan dari tsundere? Malapetaka yang manis! Itulah yang dihadapi oleh Risa Mizusaki! Terpaksa menikah kontrak 'seumur hidup' dengan seorang CEO yandere yang menyukainya dengan cara mengancam keluarga Risa akan dibuat bangkrut dan menderita tujuh turunan kalau menolaknya! Cinta? Ok! Tampan? Ok! Berlimpah harta dan kasih sayang? Ok jugaaa!!! Alert! Alert! Alert! Tapi SANGAT PENCEMBURU DAN POSESIF EKSTREM! Bagaimana Risa menghadapi suaminya yang CEO yandere dan sanggup melakukan 'apa saja' agar Risa tak pergi dari sisinya? Termasuk mengancam dan membunuh orang yang berusaha mengusik hubungan mereka? "Tampan-tampan, tapi sakit jiwa! Suami sialan!" umpat Risa saat duduk di bangku taman pada jam istirahat, ia menguyah roti sandwichnya keras-keras. Tak jauh dari situ, di balik tiang, dengan senyum menyeringai puas, sang suami meneropongnya dengan berbekal penguat sinyal suara yang terpasang di telinga. "Oh! Dia bilang aku ini tampan! Tentu saja aku tampan! Hah! Semua wanita tergila-gila padaku!" 'Nggak denger apa tadi dibilangin sakit jiwa? Ternyata dia ini narsis akut juga!' Komentar anak buahnya yang sibuk jongkok memeluk alat penguat sinyal di samping sang CEO. Bonus menikah dengan CEO yandere: hobi stalking istri sendiri setiap saat! Sungguh suami yang menyusahkan bagi Risa! Bagaimana hari-hari Risa menjalani kehidupan rumah tangganya yang penuh kehebohan dan bikin jantung selalu nyaris copot? Akankah Risa tetap bertahan dengan sikap suaminya yang berlebihan? POSESIF DAN PENCEMBURU ADALAH NAMA LAIN DARI RACUN DALAM SEBUAH HUBUNGAN!!! Padahal, diam-diam Risa sudah menyukai sang suami sejak dulu, tapi mengetahui sifat aslinya setelah bertemu lagi setelah sekian tahun sungguh membuat Risa dongkol dan ilfeel! Fakta mengerikan nomor satu: Sejak bertemu di bangku SMA, ternyata sang suami sudah menyingkirkan saingannya secara diam-diam, dan bahkan sampai ketika lelaki itu kuliah di luar negeri pun masih mengawasinya dengan mata-mata bak spionase di film2 barat! Tidak heran Risa jadi jomblo high quality selama ini! Fakta mengerikan nomor dua: Ketika Risa menikah dadakan karena dijebak oleh lelaki yang ingin menguasai perusahaan sang ayah, Sang CEO muncul mengklaim Risa sebagai miliknya seorang, lalu menjebak lelaki jahat itu dan menghancurkan seluruh keluarga dan kerabatnya! Tak sampai di situ, panik karena mengetahui Risa nyaris direbut orang dan menolak cintanya, ia pun mengancam seluruh keluarga Mizusaki jika ia tak segera menika dengan Risa! Oh! CEO yandere yang mengerikan! "Seluruh cintaku hanya untukmu, Risa. Jadilah milikku seorang, dan kau akan merasakan indahnya dunia ini!" "Cih! Dasar yandere narsis! Akan kucarikan perempuan seksi untuk menggodamu agar kau berpindah ke lain hati!" bisiknya dengan tatapan datar ke sang suami. "Ya? Kau bilang apa, sayang?" "Oh! Aku bilang aku sa, sa, sa, sayaaaaang padamu! Hahaha!" "Istriku yang cantik!" Ia memeluk Risa dengan penuh damba, meski terlihat romantis, tapi pelukan sang suami begitu erat hingga ia kesulitan bernafas. "Cinta seorang yandere sungguh mematikan..." ucapnya dengan nada mengecil, muka pucat. =========== Halo! NatsuHika alias Nat-chan di sini!^^ SAAT INI HANYA BISA DIBACA FULL DI GOODNOV*L CEK LEBIH LANJUT JIKA ADA PEMBAHARUAN INFO PINDAH LAPAK LAIN KE: FB AUTHOR: NATSUMI HIKARU
A boy named Aiko went to his friend named Isabelle's house only to be captured by her. Even though she kidnapped him, because of how Isabelle treats him, he is starting to fall in love with her. Aiko is also being targeted by Isabelle's twin sister and her widowed mother, and Isabelle Is trying her best to prevent Aiko from fall in love with her sister and mom by any means necessary.
What does it mean to hold one's endearment? Warm and delectable. Sometimes varies for each person's perspective, and also partly due to their preferences. But, a particular man earned a villainess's endearment— Is it different? Perhaps. If curiosity seeps into one's mind, witness this man named Styril, who receive the villainess's endearment and unfold the tales of their grieve and passion. As only time could tell the fortune and mishaps of their bonded fate. A bond only few would accept.
Xavier Candlelight is an extraordinary man with a keen mind and memory. He builds worlds with words and has developed an impeccable mastery of numbers and formulas. But his story is not just the success story of genius - it is also a novel of revenge, family ties, and a deepening obsession. In the shadow of a turbulent past, Xavier sets his own rules to restore the justice that was once taken from them. Though he skillfully hides his emotions, those who stand in his way quickly recognize the sharpness of his intellect. But fate will force Xavier to confront not only his past, but an even more dangerous future. Along the way, his destiny will lead him into both love and war.
You'll start off easy and pure, just a little bit of hugging and maybe instances of kissing. Unsatisfied, you will pursue lust and continue to read in hopes of satisfying your secret desires. You'll then reach the ¹⁰ᵗʰ level to which you will finally taste a drop of your predilection. ~~???????: ℑ? ??? ???? ?? ???????? ???? ???????, ?? ?? ???.~~ If you have chosen to proceed, prepare yourself to fall into depravity. For, there is no turning back once you have accepted the terms and conditions of lust. - - - - - - - - - - ¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨ ⓜ? ?ⓦ?тⓣ?Ⓡ ?匚ςόย几t ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸
A Yandere Male x Male Reader. To start off, It is about Tobias and Y/n. Two childhood friends who lives together in a nice home. Before he lives with Y/n, he lived with his abusive father and weak mother, seeing how possessive and controlling his father is to his mother and the way his father beat her and scream when he is drunk. Only being 4 when Tobias shot his father down after his mother passed out from all the punches and slaps. While his Mother was passed out, the young Tobias was able to experience the thrill of killing his father, shooting him multiple times, finishing it off by saying. "This is fun Daddy!" Before another shot was directed onto the father's head. Somehow, Tobias wasn't charged with the murder of his father. Being a child and his father was known as being an ass toward all people. His Mother was close friends with Y/n Mother, knowing each other from high school when they were young. Letting them move in and stay with them. Y/n met Tobias that way and their relationship started off into a tight bond. Doing everything together. But the trauma with Tobias Mother was still with her as later on she took her own life, having Y/n parents adopt Tobias. What will happen between them two and their own future? Read to find out. :)
Memories flood Eric Sholon, the son of a Baron. Now armed with knowledge and motivation from his past life, he attempts to live his life to the fullest. However, in a strange twist of fate, he becomes an officer in the royal army to escape from something at home. In a world where conflict is brewing, Eric seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will he find what he is looking for? Where will fate guide him next? Discord: DISCLAIMER Work of fiction. All the names, places, and events are all purely based on the author's imagination. Any resemblance to an actual person or event is purely coincidental.
A short story from the year where war hardly existed. a time where the world had peace with little to no conflict, but what did Leonardo Ajustus found when he was walking down an unpaved road. Crooked events and nostalgic scenes lurking behind him from the empty streets. he came across a girl, both eyes covered with a ragged cloth, dirty hair which has withered either from the cold or lack of nutrition. Leo picks it up and decided to take care of it... how will this fateful encounter turn up?
Antes de darme cuenta, había muerto. En algún lugar entre el Cielo y el Infierno, al parecer, tuve tiempo de sobra para analizar mi vida y llegué a la conclusión de que morí por causa de una Bomba Nuclear... Pensé que era el final de todo, pero cuando desperté en un lugar extraño, como un bosque, y comprendí que de alguna forma, llegué a otro mundo... supe que no era el final, sino un simple siguiente paso. Este nuevo mundo era extraño, y para este mundo, yo era todavía más extraño. No sé si fue Dios o algo así que me permitió la suerte, pero una mujer increíble y excesivamente amorosa y bella en este mundo, me tomó como su hijo, aunque a veces... su amor era algo... ¿demasiado? No sólo fue eso, sino que también descubrí que la hija de un Señor Rey Demonio, de un ser malvado como ese, me tomó como hermano mayor, antes de que la intentaran arrebatar de mi lado para experimentar con ella por sus genes demoníacos. Toda una civilización Sagrada de humanos que estaban bajo la orden del Papa, para la cual luché en la guerra, quisieron hacer algo así. Actualmente, habían pasado cientos de años desde aquello, y en los libros quedó impreso que los dirigentes de la civilización Sagrada, el Papa y sus más leales subordinados, habían sido asesinados fríamente, lo que terminó con la misma organización más poderosa anteriormente de la humanidad. ¿En cuanto a mí? Bueno...
Jack era um garoto de rua que se cansou de ser pisado e humilhado, e agora ele não se importa mais, ele está um pouco quebrado. O que ele quer ele vai pegar, não importa quem você é, se você respira a escuridão vai te pegar. "Somente a Sombra foge a Luz, a Escuridão simplesmente permite que a Luz exista enquanto consome sua própria força, a Escuridão fica a espreita. Somente a Escuridão é Eterna." Tags: #Ação#Harém#R18#Cultivo#Poderes#Dominado#Aventura
Why..... Why. As the heavy wall crashed my body and broking my bones I saw them. My father head being cutting. My mother humiliated in front of me and for my little twins brother they became a meat for their dogs. As I saw all my family members head being cut and made a wall from them I saw them with smile on their face broken every micro of my own humanity and turn to nothing. As the evil take over with the fire of rage for revenge over every thing and everyone
"Min couldn't stop looking at Lyra. Why? It was something Minuet Cho did not understand at the time." In this world, there is a division that forms at the age of ten. The Marked and the Unmarked. Put simply, the Unmarked would be the "royalty". As they did not develop a mark like others, they would be revered and respected. The Marked? Treated like trash, even by their own. It was possible to get your mark erased. Then, you would become one of the higher ranks of the Unmarked. Many people strove for that. At 17 years old, Minuet (Min) Cho was the definition of an outcast, someone no one would want to be. A Marked. But she had someone to look for, to push through her problems for. Her name was Lyra, and she was an Unmarked. Now, if only Lyra knew she existed. That would be great.
I died from being bedridden and woke up noticing that I'm going to live again. Me and my System with fake emotions have to transmigrate to different worlds to make them real and I don't have a problem with that. But I do have a problem that I have to act as a Yandere or a Mama Bear to a Main Character. I feel sorry if they feel embarrassed but it is my job to keep them safe whether their a girl or boy. I have to complete my tasks so I could find out my reason to live again.
Adrian thinks, "The World doesn't care about me, so why should I care about it? The World hates me, so I hate it. The World wants to destroy me, it's only wise to make the first move..." But what happens when Adrian discovers someone who cares about him? Discovers someone who loves him? Discovers someone who wants to help him in his mad plot to destroy and dominate the world?
Ryoko, a well known serial killer in Japan, had been stopped due to the efforts of the police. Her endeavors ended with her death, or so they thought. However, her soul was transported into the young body of Villainess Leonora De Viona Wynard. Learning well from her past mistakes, she plans to purge the world of all evils, just as she strived to before. Will she be able to juggle between her saintly noble life and her 'justice-filled' killer side? Her past life? That was only just the beginning. On Wattpad this is known as "Bloody Scissors." There is no schedule for updates but my Wattpad account will always be ahead.