Jin Mo was a very strange woman. She had gone from a wealthy heiress to a poor ghost, yet her demeanor remained proud and unyielding. Without any care, she was the coolest. One day, the mysterious and cool hunk she used to bully came looking for trouble. Mr. Tang, "Do you believe I can kill you, Jin Mo?" Jin Mo, "Many people have said that to me before, but later on, they disappeared without a trace, dead or alive." Mr. Tang, "Woman... I won't let you off." Jin Mo, "OK, bring it on, dare you to try for a lifetime?"
////\\\\\\\ Disclaimer!!! All Rights Reserved. Golden_Essence Copyright 2024 Before you start reading this book.... THIS BOOK CONTAINS EXTREMELY EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT OF THE MOST GRAPHIC NATURE. I'm a degenerate, so this book was made for degenerates. If you fancy a romantic relationship between two females, then read at your own discretion. The book is pretty much depraved, with a dark tone, but sexy, trust me. If you are underage or unwilling to experience depictions of Yuri, hardcore sex, fetish behaviors, and unrestrained carnal perversions in lurid detail - DO NOT READ THIS BOOK. You have been warned - continuing past this point confirms you are an adult clearly consenting to subjecting yourself to material that does not shy away from portraying sexuality and deviance in its most profane, boundary-pushing extremes. If you nevertheless choose to proceed and find yourself offended or disturbed, DO NOT BLAME THE AUTHOR. This is your final advisory. 18+ ONLY. Moving on... No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any more or by any mass electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author. Please, Take Note: This is a book of fiction. All characters, names, places, incidents and behavior are from my imagination, used with no intentions of hurting anyone; Any resemblance to any actual living thing or dead is mainly by coincidence and I sincerely apologise. Read on!!
Alex hates fairy tales. She always has. Alex has despised the notion of fairytales ever since her mother ran off with another man, leaving the girl and her father to rebuild their lives on their own. When she was little, Alex’s father taught her to be strong and independent, so that she did not have to wait for a man to do things for her. She took those lessons to heart and has done just that. However, what will happen to Alex when she suddenly finds a mysterious book at the library and ends up drawn into the story, literally. Alex must now live inside of the fairytales that she hates so much. She can't escape from them, no matter what she does. She has no choice, but to complete each tale, each task that the Keeper gives her. And along the way, she just might find a love for fairytales, or perhaps a prince. "Hello, Alexis." That voice from before called out to me. "We have been waiting for you." "Who are you? And why have you been waiting for me?" I called out frantically. "I am the keeper of the tales. I have heard you through the years, girl. I know that you dislike the tales that others have worked so hard to collect. These so-called fairy tales. They are a vital part of growing up. They help children learn to process and cope with emotions through make-believe. They help them to learn and grow. Yet you don't think like that. You see only weak women that need to be saved by men. I cannot help that they were written in a time long since passed, but that has kept you from seeing the true beauty and meaning of the tales. Because of that, you must be punished." "Punished?" I focused on that one word. "What do you mean that I need to be punished? What is going to happen to me? What are you going to do to me? A..am I going to be in fairy tales?" I just knew that this voice was going to say yes. I knew that I was going to be tortured to no end because of these stories. "But of course." There was a chuckle in that voice that just wouldn't leave my mind. It was going to be there permanently. Every day for the rest of my life I would hear that voice, I just knew it. "Why? Why do I need to be in fairy tales? What is the purpose of that?" "The purpose? Well, I could say that it is to teach you a lesson. I could say that it is what you deserve because of the position that you have been taking your whole life. However, I simply think that it would be funny because you simply despise these tales. I think that it would be the best punishment for you given the circumstances." "You're evil. You know that? You are evil and cruel." I no longer felt fear of any sort. Instead, I was feeling nothing but anger and frustration boiling inside of me. "I haven't even told you the best part, Alex. These are no ordinary fairy tales. They will all be changed in some way. You may be visiting some of the classics this time, but they will be unlike any other fairy tale that has ever been told in your world. I think that is my consolation to you. You will be spared the same old boring tales that you hate and in turn, you will experience something new and exciting."Alla thought her five-year affair with Casiano would lead to a happily-ever-after, but he left her without a second thought. She accepted her fate with grace and moved on. However, when Alla became engaged to another man, Casiano's possessive side emerged. He couldn't resist claiming her with a fierce and passionate kiss. Now, Alla must decide whether to give in to her old flame's desires or follow her heart to a new future.
This is a story of tribulation and counter-tribulation, with a touch of sweetness amidst the sorrow. Both protagonists are pure in body and soul. A story of unwavering love between the two main characters, assured as a one on one match. You can dive into this story with confidence.
Hace años, cuando era solo una niña, Rosa huyó con sus dos amigos Alejandro y Matías, justo cuando estaban a punto de ser marcados como esclavos y vendidos para trabajar en un burdel. La desgracia cayó sobre el grupo cuando Matías quedó atrapado y para salvarlos, Rosa se sacrificó distrayendo al hijo del dueño del burdel, Graham, quien los perseguía. Rosa hizo que sus amigos prometieran que a cambio de su sacrificio, volverían para liberarla. Con el paso de los años y la reunión con sus amigos, descubrió que no todas las promesas se mantendrían. Atrapada en un burdel con un hombre que desea convertirla en su mujer, Rosa comienza una relación inesperada con Zayne Hamilton, un general de otro reino. Zayne se ofrece a comprarla de Graham y abre el camino para que su sacrificio no sea olvidado.
He hated the man that drove him crazy and would stop at nothing to get him away from his sister. But yet, he found himself falling deeper under his spell, intoxicated by the forbidden affection he knew better than to covet. He had stolen the heart of the man his sister loved, and what was worse, he did not regret it
[Conteúdo Maduro! SEM ESTUPRO!] “Era um acordo com o chefe da máfia, um alfa supremo nas sombras.” Um trato com a Máfia, a família Petrov, foi quando sua vida tomou um rumo distorcido. Após perder seus pais e sua liberdade, Adeline buscou vingança. Seu primeiro passo foi se envolver com o próximo Don de um grupo rival da máfia, e o que poderia ser mais enfurecedor para a família Petrov do que descobrir que ela havia feito um acordo com o herdeiro Kuznetsov? César Romanovich Kuznetsov, a máfia russa frequentemente chamada de ‘Tzar’ pelos humanos, era o único homem que poderia derrubar seus inimigos. No entanto, Adeline desconhecia a bizarra conexão entre eles. César desejava nada mais do que poder — instigar o medo e dominar seus inimigos. Mas isso foi até... ele conhecer a esposa forçada de seu inimigo. Fascinação, emoção e a necessidade de desvendá-la... Imagine sua surpresa. Ele não hesitaria em queimar o mundo inteiro se fosse isso que Adeline desejasse. Mas, em troca de selar o acordo, César não queria nada mais do que um mero beijo de sua companheira! ——— Como me contatar: >>>Instagram: peachbunbun999 >>>Discord: peachbunbun999 sigam no Instagram ^^
He knew she loved someone else, but he still tried his best to keep her by his side, marrying her. She, however, believed that his behavior was a betrayal of their friendship. After marriage, although she was cold and indifferent, he was still thoughtful and considerate, cared for and protected her. Can his consistent love, affection, and tolerance truly move her?
In the outskirt part of Sydney , a place where the Mafia are the government. There was a boy called Calvin. He is a final student at Brimford university Sydney , Australia.At twenty-nine he has achieved what an eighty years man cannot.He is a handsome guy and has a lukewarm personality not that cold , not that warm. He looked quite harmless meanwhile he is the leader and owner of "Leo GROUP" the most popular and dangerous mafia group in Australia. A group its name send shivers in people. A mafia group known for it ruthless operations , you are inviting death if you mess with them. He is basically a solitary person and don't interact much with people. He is also the top student in the whole school. Dorothy is a fresher who was mistakenly given a course she didn't want to study. All her attempts to change it were all in vain. To make matter worst the lecturers were all on vacation , the course was not an ordinary course. Accepting her fate she started looking for someone that will teach her the course. There was no one of could help her expect the lukewarm and isolated Calvin. Gathering all the courage she could muster , she approached him and told him her intentions.He agreed to help her but with a condition , he asked her to marry him. Due to her circumstances she agreed. Meanwhile , back in Highschool , Dorothy had it tough. Alexa Samson , Stephanie Wales , Marion Steve , Harold Evans , Jason Johnson and Raymond Levi were the devils in human form that made her pass through hell.They did all sort of things to her , even ganged up boys and raped her and they even recorded it. All these was because she testified against them about a young girl they buried alive. After Highschool Dorothy went to therapy to overcome the traumas and after one year she was better. And then she enrolled in the university , on her second year in the university , her enemies were transferred to her school basically all of them. To make matter worst , they are now top agents in a mafia group called "COBRA GROUP". They discovered Dorothy and continued from where they stopped not knowing they were inviting terror. What happens when Calvin finds out about them and starts dealing with them for touching his wife? What will be their fate? Follow me in this story and see all those that wronged Dorothy were made to eat the dust.Dunia Scarlett runtuh ketika dia dicampur obat dan dipaksa menikah dengan janda kaya yang sangat tua, yang memiliki lima anak. Mencoba melarikan diri dari masalah yang nampaknya tidak bisa dihindari, dia menerima tawaran pernikahan kontrak selama satu tahun untuk pria misterius tersebut. Dia berjanji ini akan mengeluarkan dia dari masalah pernikahan yang ditentang dengan paksa. Dia menerima tawaran tersebut. Jika semuanya lancar, dia akan menjadi wanita bebas dan mandiri dalam satu tahun ... Namun, banyak hal yang mengambil giliran yang tak terduga. Pernikahan kontrak membuat kehidupan Scarlett terasa seperti dia sedang menaiki rollercoaster. Campuran kegembiraan dan antusiasme, diteror neraka, dan surganya yang bahagia. Bersiaplah untuk cerita yang menawan yang akan membuat Anda terpikat dari awal hingga akhir, mengurai rahasia enigmatik dari kehidupan Scarlett. ******* Hanya orang gila yang akan menerima tawarannya. Dan sekarang ini, dia tidak termasuk dalam kategori itu. Pikirannya masih waras. "Tolong jangan salah paham. Saya hanya mencoba membantu diri saya sendiri. Dan pada saat yang sama membantu Anda." Scarlett semakin bingung. "Saya tahu masalah saya rumit. Tapi, aku rasa menikah dengan pria yang baru saja kukenal, tanpa cinta, terasa aneh..." katanya. "Ini bukan pernikahan sungguhan, tetapi pernikahan kontrak yang bisa Anda atur untuk keuntungan Anda. Dan juga milikku." Scarlett mendengarkan dengan diam; di dalam hatinya, dia terkejut dan agak bingung. Xander menyilang lengan di atas dada sambil menatap mata Scarlett. Dia melanjutkan, "Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, saya akan membantu Anda, dan pada saat yang sama, Anda akan membantu saya. Saya tidak perlu menjelaskan apa masalah saya. Tapi, saya menjamin Anda, jika Anda setuju untuk melakukan pernikahan kontrak dengan saya, maka masalah Anda akan terpecahkan. Jadi, apa pendapatmu!?" Scarlett tidak terburu-buru untuk bicara. Dia perlahan mengangkat kepala dan berkata, "Jadi saya bisa memasukkan klausul apa pun yang saya inginkan dalam kontrak?" Pria itu mengangguk, berkata, "Selama itu tidak menyakitiku." Dia menawarkan jabat tangan kepada Xander, "Oke. Kau dapat mengatasi!"
[COMPLETED] It's a race against time. But the challenge gets even harder as there is a certain difficulty that they both have to overcome. With Bai Li facing his own inner demons, will their quest for truth spiral out of control? Will he get his honour back? Who is the enemy hiding in the shadows that Xin Lei and Bai Li would have to fight? Along this journey to find their answers, will it also spark the flames of love between them? *** Amidst the booming crack of ear-piercing gunshots, Xin Lei bumped into the ex-army officer, Major Bai Li, who recently got a dishonorable discharge. He was the only hope for her who could help her in digging the truth behind not only that syndicate chasing after her life but also to find about her father and brother who have mysteriously disappeared. Together, they set out to search for the truth, but it shapes into something much darker and sinister as they learn about the case Xin Lei's father was working on - to prove a father innocent of his little daughter's disappearance, plunging them into one of the dangerous worlds, hidden from everybody. --- Scene Excerpt --- My foot was stuck in the pit and I pushed Bai Li away from me who was trying to get me out. There was no time. The sounds of sirens were growing closer and closer. How can I let the police catch him? But my strength wasn't enough. I tugged his shirt. I begged him. 'Please go.' Bai Li grabbed my arms. "Don't push me away, Xin Lei. Soldiers never leave anyone behind. It's either we are caught together or we escape together." Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. "Whatever it is, sticking together is the only option I give you." #WSA2020. Theme - Sweets love. --- Discord - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow me on Insta - enthu_reader7 --- My other novels : 1. Because I simply love you 2. Because I cannot hurt you 3. The Mafia King's First Love **Novel cover is commissioned. Credit goes to Chainslock******WARNING MATURE CONTENT**** King Viktor is a tyrant ruler who wants absolute and total control over his Kingdom. He gets rid of all who are a threat to his power and all around him fear him. He forces the three most powerful nobles in the kingdom he feels most threatened by to marry his stepsister Princess Kara to keep an eye on them and to take over their possessions. To traumatize and humiliate them, so they are more submissive to his power, he instructs the idiot sex-crazed princess on what to do with them. However, things take a turn for Viktor when Kara suddenly starts to act differently. Courtney is an ordinary salary-woman who suddenly finds herself in a book she’s recently read as a character destined to die, Princess Kara. She’s mortified as she’s forced to find a way to prevent Kara’s death which entails evading the suspicious watchful eyes of King Viktor and the anger of Kara’s three husbands who hate her for all the things she’s done to them. (THIS STORY IS A PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER SO EXPECT SOME MESSED-UP STUFF) ***Cover art is not mine***
Rachel Foster’s carefully constructed world is crumbling around her. Her fiancé, Jasper, faces imminent ruin, caught in a web of accusations and financial turmoil. Desperate to save him, Rachel is left with only one option: Kingsly Scott, the man she abandoned years ago, a man now transformed into a billionaire forged in the fires of betrayal. Kingsly agrees to help, but his offer is far from charitable. He hasn't forgotten Rachel's decision to choose wealth over their love, and he intends to extract a price more devastating than she could ever imagine. His terms are brutal, forcing Rachel to confront the ghosts of their shared past and the devastating consequences of her choices. As she navigates the treacherous landscape of Kingsly's world, a world of power plays, high-stakes deals, and simmering resentments, Rachel finds herself caught in a dangerous game of manipulation and desire. The lines between love and revenge blur as old flames are rekindled, threatening to consume them both. But Kingsly's motivations are shrouded in mystery. Is he truly driven by revenge, or does a flicker of their former love still burn within his hardened heart? Rachel must unravel his true intentions while battling her own conflicting emotions. Can she reconcile the man she once loved with the ruthless tycoon he has become? Meanwhile, a shadow lurks beneath the surface. Rachel’s brother, Noah, is entangled in a risky venture within Kingsly’s empire, a venture that could have far-reaching consequences. A conspiracy is brewing, threatening to expose secrets and destroy everything Rachel holds dear. Caught between her loyalty to Jasper, her reawakened feelings for Kingsly, and the looming threat of unknown enemies, Rachel must make impossible choices. Will she sacrifice her own future to protect the ones she loves? Or will she become another casualty in Kingsly's ruthless game?
[This Book Is Complete] Starlet yearns for her husband to love her but the way he was coerced into matrimony makes him hate her instead. Their two and a half years of marriage has been a miserable one for Starlet. She has had everything she has ever wanted as the daughter of the richest man in their society but what she wants most, her husband’s heart has been closed off to her. Despite the hurt he has put her through Starlet feels she can make him love her. She refuses to see any other outcome. Although the idea of her husband looking elsewhere for female company has been so far, internet articles and images of him being with another woman spark something in Starlet. Up to this point she has been taking the punishment her husband has been giving her but she has had enough. She decides that she had to show him her strengths and make him love her. She forces him to write a post nuptial agreement (which only fills him with more bitterness toward her) and underhandedly gets rid of his mistress. Somewhere along the line her husband begins to warm up to her. She feels that they may have a good married life together. Their past however make Starlet question the affection he shows. If it is true or calculated. She struggles with the decision to keep him bound to her or if loving him truly would be to let him loose. She wonders if he would be happier without her and with a woman who claims to be his first real love.Ivonne, a despised werewolf with a rogue lineage, thought marrying her fated mate, Alpha Lincoln, would finally win his love. But after a tragic accident causes her to lose her pregnancy, her life spirals into despair as Lincoln abandons her for his pregnant ex, leaving Ivonne broken and betrayed. Out of desperation, she enters a dangerous contract marriage with the ruthless Alpha Tobias, Lincoln’s powerful uncle, agreeing to bear him a child despite knowing she can’t conceive. But what will she do when she suddenly discovers that this man she is cheating is her second chance mate? And what will she do when she miraculously finds herself pregnant, but doesn't know who the father is. As two powerful men battle over her, Ivonne is forced to survive her tumultuous new life, even as old wounds resurface, new enemies appear and deadly secrets emerge. Will Ivonne find happiness with the man she’s grown to love, or will her past destroy her once and for all?
Azaria has endured a lifetime of suffering in the region of Arcanthia. Abused by her stepmother and forced into a marriage with Alpha Ethan, a selfish tyrant, she has faced betrayal, manipulation, and unimaginable pain. But Azaria refuses to be defined by her past. When she severs the toxic bond with Ethan, she begins a journey of healing and self-discovery. In Drakova, Azaria finds herself bound to the enigmatic Lycan King. Their connection is powerful, yet fragile, as both beasts grapple with secrets and scars from their pasts. As they navigate a world of ancient rituals, intense battles, and political intrigue, they must decide if they can overcome their fears and trust one another. Surrounded by allies and enemies, and with the threat of Ethan’s vengeance looming, Azaria must face her greatest challenges yet. Can she find strength in the King’s love, or will the shadows of her past consume her forever? This is a story of resilience, healing, and the unbreakable bonds of fate. For fans of supernatural romance with powerful heroines and complex relationships, Marked by Pain, Crowned by Fate is an emotionally gripping journey that explores the strength it takes to reclaim one’s destiny.“I bought you at a very high price and I expect you to fulfill your duties as my slave,” he reminded her before throwing her to the bed and pinning her to it. “Get off me,” she demanded. He chuckled dangerously, “I bought you to satisfy me in bed and you tell me to get off you?” She squirmed beneath him as he held her neck, “You will do as I ask, Diana. I own you,” he stated in anger. After seeing her younger sister get murdered before her eyes, Diana was sold to the highest bidder as a sex slave. She tried countless times to escape Alpha Rolex who had bought her but it was pointless until she had a vision. Then she vowed to avenge the death of her family and ruin everyone who ever hurt her.
—Lily es la hija de un Beta. —¿Y su compañero? Él es el hijo primogénito del Alfa. —Cuando descubren lo que son el uno para el otro, es un poco tarde. Porque su amado compañero ha llegado a casa con su vergüenza a cuestas. Una loba que dejó embarazada mientras entrenaba en el norte durante el verano. —Rompieron su luna. —Pero la loba tiene un secreto. —Y Lily no va a permitir que se salga con la suya tan fácilmente al robar lo que es suyo. —Esta historia está llena de giros y vueltas que te dejarán llorando, riendo, enojado, lanzando teléfonos, etc. —Es un viaje que te encantará, incapaz de soltar a Lily, Eve y Zain. Espero que tú también ames la historia y aceptes la invitación a embarcarte en un viaje que te dejará satisfecho y con una sonrisa en el rostro.
“Please, let me go…” I cried while he kept walking forward towards me, making me shiver more. While his eyes fixated on me, he brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled deeply while I gulped. As he exhaled, a slow stream of smoke escaped his lips, dissipating into the air and he started, “You shouldn’t have done that… You did a big mistake” “I am sorry…” I cried again and shook my head. “It’s done. It’s time for the punishment now…” He said and my heart skipped a beat. . Allison Wesley was living a normal life as a journalist until she gets involved into a task which leads her to slap the mafia boss in town. Her one mistake gets her life upside down as she enters the world of thrill, excitement, passion and danger. Read on to find out more!