Just a random idea I had at first, so I started writing it out of fun. I ended up enjoying it, so I decided to post it. (Toneri x tomboy vixen.) I'm going to be unhinged about this story. Have no idea where I'm heading with this. As always, story is of mediocre quality, enjoy anyways.
En una noche tranquila en las calles, sin ladridos, sin ruido ni un grillo cantando, en un estado inmundo, parecía la noche posterior a la creación del mundo. ~Madre ~ ~Estas feliz~ ~Ya mate a todos los monstruos que me perseguían~ ~Tengo hambre~ ~Tengo frio~ ~Estoy solo~ ~Estoy herido~ ~Por Favor ayúdame te lo ruego~ ~Entiendo, jeje entiendo no te preocupes me mantendré fuerte madre~ ~Hoy también te vez hermosa madre~ ~Me pregunto si me estás viendo en este momento~
Two individuals, Saruto and Hachi get reincarnated into a time where Minato was Hokage. They both seem to recognise this world. Saruto was sent here to lead a quest whereas Hachi wants to enjoy this opportunity. What happens when these two meet each other? Who gets the better harem of girls? What is their real identity?