In the wake of a tragic incident, two souls are reborn in a world that merges the realms of Dragon Ball and Invincible. Owen Grant and Logan Mercer, unaware of the fact that they had both been brought together into this strange new world, must navigate a universe rife with power struggles and conflict. As Logan grapples with his new race, he becomes embroiled in a war against the Frieza Force— an entity that includes the Saiyans, the race to which Owen now belongs. Their intertwined destinies unfold amidst chaos, choice, and the pursuit of survival…
An ordinary employee with no wife or children, dead parents who died from stress at work, " Is this the end, my life was gloomy, I'm reviving, no matter what happens, I'm living my life at the top, I'm reviving in the world of one piece."
Alex Turner sacrifices himself in New York and then wakes up in a cosmic tapestry, where he is guided by the Random Omnipotent Being (ROB). He has been gifted an overpowered system and sets out on a journey through anime, comics, and movies, where he forges connections and confronts echoes of his past. Throughout his journey, Alex encounters alternate versions of his loved ones and becomes a beacon of hope across dimensions. "Cinematic Nexus: Echoes Beyond" is an enthralling exploration of extraordinary abilities, resilience, and enduring kindness that transcend the multiverse. (A/N) I am not a native speaker, so don't expect too much.
Katon Uchiha, The one who inherited the powers of Indra and Hagaromo Otsutsuki? He was the result of a mysterious dual-reincarnation as both their Chakras were present in him but neither of them were able to physically manifest themselves to him either...Katon was now his own entity, The next Sage of Six Paths... The birth of a strange Anomaly of nature and the way of Chakra. The woman who would give birth to him was actually the reincarnation of Indra who died while giving him birth, and as Indras reincarnation moved on from the woman, the Chakra of Indra somehow drew in his father's Chakra as well upon the birth of Katon.
What would Vitaly Ivolginsky's THE OMEN fan fiction "Always Visible (Another Prayer for The Dying Horror Genre)" (or simply "avlivro") look like if someone had the idea to adapt it for cinema screens? Dedicated to Canadian actress Asia Molly Vieira, born in Toronto on May 18, 1982 and known for her roles in films such as OMEN IV: THE AWAKENING, THE GOOD MOTHER and A HOME AT THE END OF THE WORLD.
[Welcome to your first world. Go out, explore, see the sights. Just remember to not die. The more sights you see, the more rewards you'll get. Have fun!] {ERROR... ERROR... Why don't we change this up just a bit, huh? I'm sure this'll throw quite the wrench in his plans.} Jack is brought to a new, but familiar, world on the day of his 32nd birthday. He sees astronomical growth from the very beginning and is overwhelmingly powerful, and he grows more powerful as time passes. A/N: This is 100% a wish-fulfilment fantasy, I'll try to keep it entertaining and stuff, but this is just something I've been thinking about for a while and have wished someone would write.