October 12, 2032, the game "Project Overworld" would release its first server to the public. Developed by the company "Advanced Simulations", this game aims to exploit the technologies behind virtual reality devices in order to simulate an entire universe. The players would all spawn on the same planet and try to survive with or against other players while building up stocks of resources and defenses. Eventually, they would be able to progress and exploit different resources to create technologies ranging from simple wooden spears to actual space rockets.Aus der erwarteten Verlobungsfeier wird eine geplatzte Verlobung und ein Rauswurf aus dem Haus. An einem Tag hat Anna alles verloren. Sie hat versehentlich einen Raum aktiviert und aus Rache die Vorräte des Unternehmens mitgenommen. Aber wer hätte gedacht, dass es zu Naturkatastrophen kommen würde? Die Welt verändert sich und die Ressourcen werden knapp. So hat sich auch der Stil der Malerei verändert. Während andere Menschen auf der Suche nach etwas zu essen sind, kocht Anna immer noch zu Hause. Wenn andere Menschen um Essen kämpfen, liegt Anna auf ihrem Bett und nascht ihre Lieblingschips. Wenn andere Leute hart arbeiten, um Wasser zu bekommen, lag Anna bequem in ihrer Badewanne. Die Verwandten kamen an die Tür, um Hilfe zu holen. Anna schaute sie nur kalt an und spuckte aus: "Hau ab!" Auch ihr Ex-Verlobter kam und bat um Versöhnung und Liebe. Ihr neuer Mann schmiss ihn aus der Tür und knallte sie zu. Dann sah er Anna mit einem mitleidigen Blick an. "Frau, willst du mich nicht mehr? Ich bin leicht zu erziehen." Anna sah den welpenhaften Mann an und zog ihn mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht näher zu sich. . . . Erst später erkannte sie, dass der Welpe in Wirklichkeit ein großer böser Wolf war... Aber die Ware konnte nicht zurückgegeben werden! ... Anmerkungen: Das Cover ist ein AI-Bild. Ich habe es nur ein bisschen bearbeitet.
[WARNING: Violence and gore] “Did I just kill her?” Alexis was lying on the ground with wounds and bruises all over her. And to add to that she appeared to be lifeless. But slowly a soft crackling sound was heard. Alexis’s body was glowing in azure color. It seemed as if she was on fire. “No, no, no… you can’t disappear. Please don’t disappear.” But rather than disappearing, Alexis was now levitating in the air. Her whole body was lit in the azure fire. Her emerald eyes were now glowing like green balls of fire. Her dark ginger hair was floating aggressively behind her. She looked fearsome and at the same time also looked captivating. The fire around her was starting to engulf her. And after a while, an energy blast left her body. The blast was so powerful that the wall and structures around her were turned to mist. [Volume 1 revolves around light romance while Volume 2 revolves around intergalactic war. If you are looking for a pure romance novel, this is NOT the book for you.] This art was commissioned from JEIJANDEE. Find her at https://www.deviantart.com/jeijandee4.98
*Excerpt* "I am thinking of taking out a loan," I rolled my eyes, and thought to myself secretly, 'what an idiot but I can help this idiot!' I began with my lecture, educating a dedicated 'servant' is the duty of the 'master'. "A loan from a bank takes around 30 years to pay off, but if you rob a bank you are out in 10," "Ah...erm...Di'ordi what's with your head?" I felt puzzled by this, I mean my logic is sound! you don't have to worry about food and shelter in prison. I mean my 'servant' is decent enough to become a big boss while in prison. "Nothing, I robbed a bank a while back but my accomplice got caught the fool spent 10 years in prison but now she's out and living well." Ah, my last life but she will never know. "f*ck!" "No need to spout such filthy words, I haven't beaten you to a pulp or anything," -- Di'ordi had lived a fulfilling life and died beside the man she loved and surrounded by the men who secretly loved her. Of course, those men had been repeatedly suppressed for the past hundred years but because they are in fact his shattered soul made flesh weakening him, he had granted them a boon to stay by her side as her friends. Upon her death, his fracture souls were then bonded to her wandering soul and followed her to the thousands of light-years away planet to be reborn and join her once again. The issue is, it became a bit complicated due to her siblings and other circumstances. --- *Disclaimer notice: the cover is not mines, credit to the original owner* original novel~ please vote, thank you~ WPC February event~4.87
[REAL STORY] [KISAH NYATA] 1. Jikalau kamu merasa tidak memiliki kepercayaan akan hal diluar akal manusia maka jangan baca buku ini. 2. Karena buku ini berisi tentang ceritaku, yang tidak masuk akal. 3.Tapi Jika kamu merasa ingin tahu maka bacalah. 4. Aku tidak akan melarangmu untuk berkomentar atau tidak. Itu hak asasi kamu. 5. Pesanku untukmu. Mereka yang tidak terlihat, tidak seperti yang kalian bayangkan. 6. Takutlah pada dirimu sendiri. =============== Hmmm bisa di bilang aku sama seperti yang dimaksud. Aku bisa melihat mereka, aku bisa berkomunikasi dengan mereka, aku bisa melihat masa depan seseorang, aku bisa melihat masalalunya dan apa perasaannya sekarang. Dan aku bisa melihat kejujuran sesorang. Mungkin jikalau kalian merasa enak menjadi diriku. Kalian salah. #Indigo #Indrake6 #horor #Real #Ceritanyata #Supranatural -------------------------------- Ejh (Nama Samaran) adalah Anak normal pada umumnya, tetapi sebuah kejadian yang sangat tidak dia inginkan menghampiri kehidupannya. Setelah dia tahu bahwa dia adalah keturunan dari INDIGO, dia menjadi resah dan tidak bisa menerimanya, berbagai cara dia lakukan agar dia bisa menjadi normal kembali. Dan melihat mereka yang tak kasat mata sudah menjadi makanan sehari-hari untuknya. Berbagai macam kendala dia dapatkan mulai dari gangguan dari makhluk yang tidak terlihat hingga Mati Suri pun pernah dia alami. Cuma satu kuncinya, bersyukur dan menerima sebuah karunia yang sudah dia dapatkan adalah kunci untuk mengontrol semuanya. (REAL STORY) --------------------------------- Di Dalam kisah ini semua yang terjadi adalah nyata (Tergantung Dari Kepercayaan Si Pembaca, Percaya Atau Tidak Itu Masalah Si Pembaca) dan ada memang beberapa kejadian yang di lebih minimalisir di ceritakan karena kejadiannya yang memang terlalu tidak masuk akal. Semua tokoh dan nama adalah asli, terkecuali beberapa nama yang disamarkan karena permintaan dari pihaknya sendiri. Dan nama tempat yang ada adalah asli terkecuali beberapa tempat yang memang tidak bisa di sebutkan namanya. Semua Kejadian berdasarkan Pengalaman Si Penulis. Kisahnya yang di mulai dari SMP sampai Sekarang Ini. --------------------------------- Copyright 2019 : 1996TamaApós morrer de uma estranha doença terminal, Ling Lan renasceu em um mundo 10000 anos no futuro. Embora ela desejasse ardentemente poder apenas viver uma vida pacífica e sem eventos em seu novo corpo saudável, o destino tinha outros planos... Obrigada a se disfarçar de menino apenas para poder herdar os benefícios militares premium de seu falecido pai, a jornada de Ling Lan até a idade adulta foi cheia de desafios. Após muita dificuldade, ela finalmente chegou aos dezesseis anos, quando poderia abandonar a farsa. Mas antes que pudesse aproveitar sua recém-descoberta liberdade para se casar e iniciar sua própria família, uma reviravolta do destino a lança na principal escola militar para garotos da Federação. Com essas reviravoltas do destino, Ling Lan teve pouca escolha a não ser caminhar cada vez mais por um caminho sem volta, um de domínio frio e distante... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ryuxenji, o tradutor aqui. :3 Aqui estão algumas outras coisas que vocês devem saber: 1) Esta história NÃO é primariamente um romance. O sistema da QI atualmente categoriza todos os romances provenientes do site chinês de novelas para mulheres (起点女生网) como 'romance' sem falhas, independentemente de serem verdadeiramente romances ou não. Então, se você está aqui apenas pelo romance, talvez queira encontrar um romance diferente. Haverá algum romance eventualmente, mas a maior parte deste romance é de ficção científica/Xianxia com muita construção de mundo e desenvolvimento de personagem. 2) Eu uso ortografia britânica. Então, por favor, certifique-se de que erros ortográficos são realmente erros antes de reportá-los. 3) Não importa o que a taxa de lançamento no topo diga, a taxa de lançamento garantida no momento é de 1 cap/dia (também conhecido como 7 cap/semana). O resto é extra à minha discrição. (Eu tentarei fazer o meu melhor, mas responsabilidades da vida real vêm primeiro.)
Dans la magnifique ère interstellaire, l'humanité a finalement développé la technologie de téléportation, mais lorsqu'ils essaient de se téléporter, ils ne sont pas envoyés dans le futur, le passé, ou sur une terre connue des hommes... Cet espace mystérieux est appelé le Sanctuaire de Dieu, où vivent de nombreuses créatures inconnues. Ici, les humains feront le plus grand bond dans leur évolution pour créer l'époque la plus glorieuse de l'histoire. "Scarabée noir à sang sacré tué. Âme de bête du scarabée noir de sang sacré acquise. Mangez la viande du scarabée noir de sang sacré pour obtenir de 0 à 10 points de geno aléatoirement."
``` Mise à jour quotidienne ! 9 h PST ---------------------- John Foster, un expert de haut niveau dans un certain studio de jeux vidéo, qui a un jour offensé un enfant de riche. En conséquence, il a été piégé et attribué le pire talent - "Sacrifice", dans le nouveau jeu "GODSLAYER" dès le jour de son lancement. John était le seul parmi les sacrifiés qui insistait pour ne pas supprimer son personnage. Supposé être sacrifié au Diable, John persistait dans sa quête. Après avoir été tué plusieurs fois, il continuait à se ruer sur le Diable avec sa chair et son sang ! [Ding : Vous avez été tué, perdant 10 points de durabilité d'Arme et d'Équipement.] [Ding : Vous avez été tué, perdant 10 points de durabilité d'Arme et d'Équipement.] ... Après de multiples échecs, John fut surpris de constater que ses compétences et son XP s'amélioraient rapidement alors qu'il combattait le Diable ! Quelques mois plus tard, alors que les joueurs du monde entier étaient occupés à monter de niveau, une notification du système a retenti comme le tonnerre : [Ding : 'Joueur Anonyme' a réussi à tuer le BOSS Mondial - Diable 'Azazel', obtenant la récompense du Premier Tueur !] ---------------------- Participation WSA 2023 ! Merci de votre soutien si vous appréciez l'histoire ! Comment pouvez-vous montrer votre soutien ? Offrez des Pierres de Pouvoir ! 150=1 chapitre bonus 200=2 chapitres bonus 500=3 chapitres bonus La publication bonus aura lieu la semaine suivante ! ```
[WPC #212 Silver Price Winner : Mecha and Interstellar] Caught in a space accident, Leo, a human full of life, is trapped in a scheme designed for Aiden, a Glorian that's tired of life. The two somehow manage to escape, but their evacuation shuttle crashes into an uninhabited planet. Thanks to Arora Energy, humanity barged into an interstellar era, an age where they fought against aliens for resources. Conspiracies, war, and extinction ran amok for ages when a man emerged, wrecking havoc throughout the universe to the extent every race feared him as a 'Demon King'. 30 years have passed since the Demon King was slain by a group that called themselves 'Heroes', finally bringing an era of peace to the universe. Unfortunately, Aiden and Leo would stumble across something which would change the state of the entire universe ............... TAGs: Action, Adventure, Scifi, Mech, Wars, Military Academy, Races, Interstellar, Comedy, Late Romance, Artificial Intelligence ------------------------------------- Disclamer: All the characters and incidents in this story are imaginary. It doesn't relate to any truthful events. .......................................... Join the Discord : https://discord.gg/WTDaPfU DM me @ ReincarnatedSaint#2904 on Discord Instagram ID: @reincarnatedsaintAls die Unity Trials begannen und Neve zusammen mit dem Rest der Menschheit ein System zugestanden wurde, hoffte sie aufrichtig, dass sie als eine der ersten sterben würde. Der Tod blieb ihr jedoch erspart, und so schlüpfte sie, bis ihre Zeit gekommen war, widerwillig in die Rolle einer Heilerin. Eines Tages wagte sie sich mit einer Gruppe von Spielern in das Reich der letzten Herausforderung, ein seltsames, jenseitiges Verlies, das der Menschheit eine zehnjährige Ruhezeit bescheren würde, wenn sie es schaffen würde. Doch obwohl sie dem Tod entkam, fand er alle ihre Verbündeten. Jetzt, da sie niemanden mehr hat, auf den sie sich verlassen kann, muss Neve stärker werden, wenn sie sich an ihnen rächen will. Aber wie genau kann sie das tun, wenn sie nur eine Heilerin ist? Eine Überlebens-GL-Abenteuergeschichte!
Gray World is dominated by the will of Gods and thrives under the control of iron gears and steam. It is a place where faith is not a passive devotion but a currency—traded, bought, and sold by churches that wield their gods' influence as weapons. It is a place where value is absolute, value is everything, shaping every belief and controlling every life. Run by ironclad reign of Church of Steel, every life here reeks of smoke and decay, while the Church of Sacrifice whispers promises of salvation through pain and sacrifice. Yet, amidst this ever existing Gods of sacrifice, iron, and decay, a new God descends—one who was once known as The Faceless One, God of Confusion, Keeper of secrets, Messiah of messengers by en masse: the God of Fiction. God of Fiction, Ashur, reincarnates after dying by the wiles of God of Sacrifice and others. Unlike other gods, Ashur, does not demand worship through suffering or material devotion. Instead, he brings something far more dangerous: the ability to weave fantasies into existence, to blur the line between fiction and reality. "Is fiction not a truth waiting to be realized?" Whispers spread among the people—rumors of a church that doesn't preach, of a god who offers not suffering but something far more seductive: choice. They speak of dreams too vivid to be mere illusions and realities that seem to bend to their imaginations. What is fiction, if not another form of reality? When the masses begin to believe, does belief not shape the world itself? As his own proclamation goes— [To not exist does not mean one truly does not exist, for to be known is also a form of existence.] ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ [This book has been dropped] [If you want to read something after it, I would recommend, “Death Game: Beyond Reality“]
The Calamity create a Dimensional Rift that brought aliens and monsters into our world. This catastrophe killed billions of people on Earth but also brought an evolution in some who survive. The Rifter, the heroes who were born with supernatural powers from cosmic energy. They were the ones who fought to defend the world and brought back peace. 500 years have now passed. The entire younger generation are filled with dreams of becoming a Rifter. To be able to protect the earth, gain glory and wealth. Ryo was a simple teenager who lived alone in a small apartment in the corner of Tokyo. He had forgotten the dream when he was sentenced not to have any cosmic energy in his body. But fate said otherwise... On the night of his high school graduation, a Dimensional Rift suddenly appears, and when his life was threatened, Ryo's hidden power finally awakens. [The Heir is in danger, releasing the Seal] [Activating Dark Sovereign] Ryo's boring daily life was completely changed, with a power that can tear dimensions apart, Ryo's adventure to become the strongest Rifter begins! **This is my first ever book. Please be easy on me :"3 **``` En un mundo de constante competencia, un hombre apunta a lo más alto. En este nuevo género de VRMMORPG, planea convertirse en el más fuerte a toda costa. Las clases, las razas, las zonas de inicio, todo es un misterio en Nuevo_Eden. Este juego sale sin ni siquiera un detalle revelado. Lo único que se promocionó fue la libertad de elección de habilidades. Nuestro protagonista Alexander, alias en el juego Astaroth, siempre ha soñado con convertirse en un atleta de E-Sports. Sus padres apoyaron su sueño, pero ya no están en este mundo. Está totalmente decidido a triunfar en este nuevo juego, si no por él, al menos para honrar su memoria. Sin tener idea de cómo quiere jugar su personaje, Alexander elige la raza de inicio más misteriosa. ¿Será este el camino hacia su éxito o su perdición? El asistente del juego ciertamente pensó lo segundo. —Haz lo que quieras, joven aventurero. Solo quiero añadir esto. No vuelvas con quejas cuando te des cuenta de que has tomado la decisión equivocada —dijo el elfo, mirándolo con claro odio. —Ya veremos —respondió secamente Alexander—. Me encantan los desafíos —agregó. —¡Muy bien! —bufó el elfo—. Ten la aventura de tu vida, por más corta que sea —agregó sarcásticamente. Por delante tiene un camino incierto, lleno de pruebas y dificultades. Pero una cosa está clara en sus ojos. Se convertirá en el jugador más fuerte del juego, incluso si tiene que pasar sobre montañas de cadáveres para hacerlo. Se acabaron sus días de trabajar duro para nada, ¡ahora es todo o nada! Ahora tengo un discord donde puedes hablar con otros lectores y conmigo. También hay canales para discutir nuevas armas; personajes; clases; o monstruos que quieras diseñar y ver incorporados en la historia. Siempre daré crédito a la persona que creó dicha cosa, tenlo por seguro. El enlace es https://discord.gg/68kPqbSFrN ```
# QI REJUVENATION Spiritual auras were rejuvenated. The animals mutated and humans became summoners. However, society did not collapse. Mutated pets and summoners became part of the lives of humans. In the corner of a city, a jaded store manager was taking a nap on a recliner. Beside him was a small, fat, ice-blue dragon. As it ate ice cream, it flapped its wings and stirred up a cool breeze that blew over the manager. On the floor, a small, bluish-white milk cat was playfully chasing after a fat, round-faced chick. Not far away from them, a troublemaking parrot was vigilantly observing the surroundings from its cage. It was worried that it would become the dinner of a certain snake. A chunky, orange tabby cat strolled down from the second floor while meowing. After it noticed that the manager was sleeping, it skillfully pulled the drawer open and located the fish snacks that were wrapped in five layers. It then munched on the snacks. This was a peculiar pet shop. Not only did it sell various kinds of miraculous pets, but it also served as a consultation counter for others to inquire about ways to level up their pets. This was the one and only pet shop for summoners.4.83
Exo-Armor donning Fighters, the pinnacle of humankind, are the main fighting force of human societies who are genetically modified to attain extraordinary abilities. To become these warriors is the lifelong dream of every passionate young man in this interstellar age. But not for - Crey Morgan, A lazy student who is forced to seek entrance into one of Earth's best military academies to become an Exo-Warrior. But his dubious past and lethargic personality don't quite match the ideals of the academy. Crey is not a normal young man, apparent from his weird personality and seemingly extraordinary fighting capabilities. The secret is that he is an assassin who had walked out of the darkest society towards the world in light. An Assassin of the past who wants to leave his horrible history behind. Would Crey be able to gain admission into Terra Military college to become an Ex-warrior as his Uncle wanted? Or his listless attitude will spell trouble where ever he goes. Also, Crey thought he would be the top gun here due to his uncharacteristic past but his hopes shattered as soon as he took an entrance exam. The seemingly best military academy is not built on boastful claims and every character here has thier brilliance and if he had to survive he had to do more than his best. P.S- the cover art is not mine, The credit and copyright go to Wojciech Wilk. If you have any problems, you can contact me through comments. Update Rate - 1chap/dayIn a galaxy ravaged by war and haunted by the ever-expanding Dead Zones, Naia is a skilled Harmony Navigator - a person of extraordinary powers that can temporarily stabilize paths through them. Thus she was trained and recruited into the branch of the military known as Vanguard Operations. She finds her romance - a welcome stabilizing factor in her life - thrown into turmoil when the enigmatic and powerful soldier, Theia, joins her squad. It would be clear to anyone that the two women looked very much alike… and it was long clear to Naia that this woman was the one she was always meant to replace in Evander’s heart. Bound by duty, Naia must navigate not only the treacherous reality-bending terrain of the Dead Zones but also the growing tension and unspoken desires within their team. As her squad leader Evander's attention slips ever more towards the alluring and unpredictable Theia, the Navigator grapples with feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and a growing sense of isolation. Love & Duty - Or Duty & Sacrifice? A balance that the three can live with is sought. Will she be able to maintain her focus and fulfill her vital role in the war effort, or will the discord fomenting within their squad consume them all? Naia must confront the rising tide of chaos, both within herself and slowly building in the world around her… ultimately discovering the true price of harmony. ---- Romance-Drama with a Science-Fantasy setting. Messy Triangle - yes. An Omni-Directional one? At times, but it's not poly. Some FxM R-18/Smut... Interspersed tastefully and plot progressively. --In this author's opinion, anyway. * Eventual Les/Yuri/FxF scenes, yes. * You're Welcome. ---- If you like your love stories poking you in the feels in the middle of fantastical settings, check out my other works too! It's kind of what I do.
Infinite rooms and infinite levels! Finding the exit if it even exists. There have been millions trying to survive in this maze, some become the entities of the maze while others become the Wanderers that can barely survive. Follow Vain as he has clipped through his reality and ends up in this maze! He must fight off horrific monsters and other people to survive in this new reality that seems to care about nothing but trying and kill the people who have entered! The levels range from destroyed cities to strange apocalypse-like scenarios to an endless maze of strange objects like pipes. "Is there even an exit?" "We know of at least a thousand levels that for sure exist. So probably." **This is based on the basic idea of the backrooms levels but I will not follow it strictly. **4.77
A dream marriage that he had dreamed of since childhood, in fact reality forced him to accept what God had destined for him to live. It wasn't the good fortune that everyone was grateful for, but the grim destiny that he tried to ignore. Moreover, the annoying man figure also disturbs him who is busy as a brand ambassador of various high-end products, torturing him slowly with the presence of disgusting women every day in his mansion. Hey.. who doesn't feel uncomfortable with the presence of other women in his household even though he doesn't like his own husband? More precisely, she hates the handsome man who is destined to follow her life's journey now. “You think I would be attracted to a lowly woman like you? Do not dream!" It was always the word that swirled in his mind when feelings started to flow from his heart. Then what should he do to get rid of that bastard's words that had already led too deep into his memory? the setting, time, or the similarity of the name is purely the author's accident... that's all and enjoy :V4.66
Warning: Smut and explicit content on some chapters Synopsis: Lu Meili just wanted to have a family without the restrictions of her home planet where the background of your husband dictated your value. Her solution? Have a baby of her own and she didn’t care who the father of her child was as long as he didn’t want to take responsibility. Her plan was simple. Long Cheng was the perfect donor and she would pay whatever he demanded him to give what she needed, then let him go. However, there’s a catch, a snag in her perfect plan, Long Chen didn’t plan to let her go… On Long Cheng end, he woke up to find himself tied up like a beast and pressed into service as a donor breeder for Lu Meili. It should have been the best day of his life really when your mate wants you to have her child. But if no strings attached? (Evil Smirk) ** Author's note: Update Schedule: will do my best to update once daily due to college internship. Commitment: Will drop none of my novels. If I am MIA for some time, I shall return! *** Please Buy me a Coffee -- https://ko-fi.com/denthoughts Message me at discord: https://discord.gg/Azanwkh *** Book cover by: Sacredwisp Editing status: Ongoing