``` (Conteúdo Adulto) Fugindo do casamento que tanto temia com o Príncipe da Coroa, Aed Ruad, a Princesa Anastásia acabou se tornando a prisioneira do homem mais perigoso do Lore, o Príncipe Ileus. Ela conhece um segredo que deseja negociar com ele, mas o preço é alto. E Ileus… Ele a deseja e algo mais. Mergulhe no mundo sombrio e misterioso de Anastásia e Ileus, enquanto lutam contra a sedução, o poder, a ganância e uma atração enlouquecedora. Anastásia conseguirá se libertar dele? Ileus alcançará seu propósito? Junte-se a eles para sentir isso! Outros romances desta série incluem: Confissões Selvagens: Adrianna e o Alfa (Concluído) O Príncipe Alfa da Crescente Prateada (Concluído) A capa me pertence. Foi encomendada. Artista da capa: Micehellwd ```
Dari melarikan diri demi keselamatan dan mendaftar di sebuah sekolah yang penuh dengan psikopat… menjadi klaim oleh seorang pangeran alpha yang gila? Yeah, kamu lebih baik mati saja. • . • Hidup Jules sempurna seperti gambar sampai seluruh keluarganya tiba-tiba dibunuh, dengan dia sebagai satu-satunya yang selamat. Seorang penyelamat muncul karena dia masih dalam bahaya besar, dan itu membuat Jules mengambil identitas baru dan menjadi orang yang benar-benar berbeda dalam semalam— dan mendaftar di Karnival, sekolah all-boys bergengsi untuk semua makhluk supernatural. Di Karnival, monster-monster bersembunyi di lorong-lorong gelap dan yang kuat memangsa yang lemah. Kamu harus menjadi predator atau mangsa... dan dari satu tatapan pada Jules— seorang anak terlalu cantik untuk kebaikannya sendiri, dengan tubuh langsing dan mungil, sudah jelas dia akan dimangsa hidup-hidup oleh para predator. Muncullah Blaze, serigala yang membuat setiap predator di sekolah merinding, Alpha yang sangat ganteng yang seberbahaya dan segila rumor yang dikatakan. Dia melirik Jules dan memutuskan di sana dan saat itu bahwa Jules adalah miliknya. *** Saya bergeser mundur, mata semakin melebar saat mata saya tertuju pada senyum di sisi bibirnya. Blaze tidak pernah tersenyum, dan kapan pun dia melakukannya, itu tidak pernah berarti apa-apa yang baik. Detak jantungku mempercepat saat aku mundur lebih jauh lagi, napas tersengal-sengal berhenti saat dia mulai mendekatkan jarak di antara kami. Dalam sekejap, punggungku terdorong ke dinding dingin dan saat itulah aku tersadar di dada bahwa aku terpojok dan terperangkap, seperti mangsa sebenarnya... oleh Blaze, ketika aku pikir hidupku tidak bisa menjadi lebih buruk. Dia menjulang di atas saya dengan mudah, memancarkan dominasi begitu besar dan saya harus mendongakkan kepala ke belakang agar bisa menatap matanya yang gelap, dan napasku tercekat saat mata kami bertemu. Diadakannya kepala dan mata saya segera tertutup saat saya menahan napas, menunggu dia menyerang. Saya telah mendengar semua rumor mengerikan, tanpa henti tentang dia. Dia adalah Pangeran Alpha yang kehadirannya orang sepertiku tidak seharusnya berada di dalamnya. Ketika saya merasakan ujung hidung dinginnya meluncur di sepanjang leher saya, mulut saya terbuka melepaskan desah kaget. Dia menarik napas panjang, terdengar dan saya merasakan gemetar merayap turun tulang punggung saya saat saya menjadi semakin kaku, kebingungan memenuhi pikiran saya. Apa yang terjadi? Mengapa dia melakukan ini tiba-tiba? Astaga... dia memang alpha yang gila seperti yang semua orang katakan! *** BUKU INI DINILAI 18+! Ini berisi konten dewasa seperti: - Perundungan. - Penggunaan narkoba. - Smut [banyak sekali.] - Kekerasan. - Harem [bukan antara karakter utama.] Jadi… berhati-hatilah, Anda telah diperingatkan! *Saya tidak memiliki hak atas sampulnya!
'I will find you in any lifetime.' –––– Her silvery moon-locks were in delicate braids to reveal her fresh, radiant face. Her bright icy blue eyes watched everyone and everything fondly, sinlessly. She was a beauty that calms the nervous heart. That’s what everyone remembers of Princess Alora Linwood Roosevelt. Then who is the one who returned to the palace in the name of the princess? She had fiery long hair that looked like the flames of hell and her eyes were like a ball of fire that could reduce one to ashes. She looked like an evil witch they heard of. How could it not create chaos in the nation? She became prey to the royals and their politics, the nobles, and their influence, and commoners and their protest with her life on the line. Will she challenge the centuries-old tradition and find her love? Or will she lose her life? –––– P.S: Slow Burn, Slow Romance. This is an original story. Thank you ^_^ for giving it a try. DISCORD: Munchkin_2#7368 Story DISCORD: https://discord.gg/QhhXXWq Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/munchkin_2 Instagram: auth_munchkin Linktree: https://linktr.ee/munchkin
This is the story of Princess Ingrid of Ásjáheimr and Grand Commander Caym Fairburne of Sylvania Empire. ×××××××× [ R18: Mature content. ] The tradition of royal captivity started during the rule of the Second Emperor Ludwig in the Sylvania Empire, where descendants from various kingdoms were brought as 'symbols of peace'. The royal captives lived in an isolated palace provided with material luxury but devoid of freedom and future, like beautiful birds in locked in a jeweled cage. Ingrid is the First Princess of Ásjáheimr and the last royal captive of the Sylvania Empire. Having endured childhood abuse without receiving any help to heal her traumas, Ingrid has succumbed to depression. She lacks the desire to explore beyond her known life, cherishing her fragile peace as a royal captive over the thought of freedom. But how long can she stay this way? When Ingrid met Caym Fairburne, the Grand Commander of the Imperial Army of Sylvania, her little world have started to change. As they navigate the dangerous landscape of rebellion, war, power struggles, and mysterious divine interventions, Ingrid finds herself captivated by the Grand Commander who stands as strong as a fortress yet as warm as the sun. "I am a royal captive," Ingrid whispered, lowering her gaze. "You've already mentioned that, Your Highness," Caym remarked. Ingrid lifted her head once more. "Tell me, what is it that you're doing now?" she asked. "You are the Grand Commander. You shouldn't be entangling yourself with me, let alone be having this conversation with me." Caym tilted his head. "I suppose that's true. But as I said, I also don't know what I'm doing right now," he admitted. Ingrid observed Caym's dark hair, its strands capturing the ethereal glow of the moonlight. His amber eyes, with an intensity that mirrored the flames, held a gaze that seemed to penetrate the shadows. A chiseled jawline framed his face, adding a rugged yet commanding quality. His brows arched above those penetrating eyes, creating an expression that Ingrid could not read. "Grand Commander, you've suddenly become quite handsome in my eyes," Ingrid remarked. "Don't you realize how precarious this is?" Caym remained silent for a few moments. "I believe I understand the peril in that," he finally said, his deep amber gaze locked on Ingrid. War looms on the horizon, love blooms amidst chaos, and political intrigue threatens to tear them apart. Their fates entwined, Caym and Ingrid must navigate treacherous waters, their encounter shaping the destiny of nations. ××××××××××× Extra tags: #dotingML #brokenFL #psychological #detailedworldbuilding #severalkingdoms #schemes #powerstruggles #divinebeings #complexplot #weaktostrong #matureDe fugir pela sua segurança e se matricular em uma escola cheia de psicopatas... a ser reivindicado por um príncipe alfa perturbado? É, você está melhor morto. • . • A vida de Jules era perfeita até que sua família inteira foi assassinada de repente, sendo ele o único sobrevivente. Um salvador apareceu porque ele ainda estava em grande perigo, e isso levou Jules a assumir uma nova identidade e se tornar uma pessoa completamente diferente da noite para o dia — e se matricular na Carnivals, uma prestigiada escola só para meninos e para todos os seres sobrenaturais. Na Carnivals, monstros espreitam os corredores escuros e os fortes predam os fracos. Ou você se torna um predador ou uma presa... e por uma olhada em Jules — um garoto bonito demais para seu próprio bem, com um corpo esbelto e pequeno, era óbvio que ele seria devorado vivo pelos predadores. Aqui vem Blaze, um lobo que faz os predadores da escola tremerem, um Alfa insanamente atraente que era tão perigoso e perturbado quanto os rumores afirmavam. Ele deu uma olhada em Jules e decidiu ali mesmo que Jules pertencia a ele. *** Eu me afastei para trás, olhos arregalando ainda mais enquanto focava no sorriso que se formava no canto de seus lábios. Blaze nunca sorria, e quando o fazia, nunca significava nada bom. Meu coração acelerou enquanto eu recuava ainda mais, respiração entrecortando ao parar enquanto ele começava a diminuir a distância entre nós. Em pouco tempo, minhas costas estavam coladas à parede fria e foi então que me atingiu bem no peito que eu estava encurralado e aprisionado, como uma presa de verdade... por ninguém menos que Blaze, quando eu pensei que minha vida não poderia piorar. Ele se impôs sobre mim sem esforço, emanando tanta dominância que tive que inclinar a cabeça para trás para conseguir encarar seus olhos escuros, e minha respiração falhou quando nossos olhos se encontraram. Ele se inclinou e meus olhos se fecharam de imediato enquanto eu prendia a respiração, esperando que ele atacasse. Eu já tinha ouvido todos os rumores horríveis e intermináveis sobre ele. Ele era um Príncipe Alfa cuja presença alguém como eu jamais deveria estar. Quando senti a ponta de seu nariz frio deslizar pelo comprimento da minha garganta, minha boca se abriu para soltar um grito de surpresa. Ele inspirou profundamente, um som audível, e senti um arrepio percorrer minha espinha à medida que ficava ainda mais rígido, confusão turvando minha mente. O que estava acontecendo? Por que ele estava fazendo isso do nada? Meu Deus... ele realmente era um alfa perturbado como todos dizem! *** ESTE LIVRO É AVALIADO PARA MAIORES DE 18! Contém conteúdo maduro como: - Bullying. - Uso de drogas. - Conteúdo erótico [muito disso.] - Violência. - Harém [não entre os personagens principais.] Então... prossiga com cautela, você foi avisado! *Eu não possuo os direitos da capa!
Xiu Wanxue se réveilla et découvrit qu'elle était renée. Cette fois, elle apprit qu'elle n'était qu'une personne insignifiante dans ce monde où existaient la fille et les fils de la destinée. Repensant à tous les événements tragiques qui s'étaient produits dans sa vie antérieure, elle soupira amèrement. Pas étonnant ; ils la détestaient tant, même si elle n'avait rien fait de mal, si ce n'est désirer obtenir 'leur' soin et amour. Pas étonnant ; ils aimaient tous 'elle' tellement. Il s'avéra que Xiu Wanxia, sa sœur jumelle, était la fille de la destinée, entourée d'opportunités défiant le ciel, d'hommes extraordinaires et de partenaires bêtes puissants. Le ciel et la terre lui accordèrent une chance de repartir à zéro, elle ne ferait plus les mêmes erreurs et ne se méprendrait plus sur les gens. Elle sera seulement gentille avec ceux qui la traitent avec gentillesse et punira ceux qui blessent ses proches. Le vieux bracelet qu'elle portait au poignet était en fait un espace portable avec un petit monde à l'intérieur où elle pouvait tout planter. Apprendre l'alchimie, dessiner des runes, contracter des bêtes, explorer les trésors... beaucoup d'autres choses excitantes vont se passer ici. A travers le sang et le dur labeur, elle entama son voyage vers l'immortalité et s’éleva au-delà du ciel pour trouver sa liberté et défier son destin de la vie dernière. Cependant, quelque chose clochait. Que se passerait-il, quand elle découvrirait que tout était complètement différent de ce qu'il semblait être ? Quand les secrets commenceraient lentement à transparaître, tout s'avéra être si....... Ce livre participe au Webnovel Spirity Award 2024. NOTE : Ce livre est un roman de harem inversé, la fin est absolument un harem inversé. Couverture de : Générateur IA de Webnovel Image du personnage : Pinterest, le crédit revient à tous les propriétaires originaux Les citations de chaque personnage ne sont pas de moi. Je les ai recherchées sur un site web. Le crédit revient aux propriétaires de ces citations. Mon nom d'utilisateur DISCORD : littlecarrot6510 https://discord.gg/8tn2JkKs Mon Instagram : Littlecarrot006__ #HaremInverséFL #Renaissance #EspacePortable #Figurant #Romance #PartenairesBêtes #Aventures #RomanceNoire #MondeImmortel #Xianxia #IntriguesTordues #Combat #RomanDétaillé #PasséMystérieux #MémoireDeVieAntérieure #RomanAvecMorale #Inspiration
Hace años, cuando era solo una niña, Rosa huyó con sus dos amigos Alejandro y Matías, justo cuando estaban a punto de ser marcados como esclavos y vendidos para trabajar en un burdel. La desgracia cayó sobre el grupo cuando Matías quedó atrapado y para salvarlos, Rosa se sacrificó distrayendo al hijo del dueño del burdel, Graham, quien los perseguía. Rosa hizo que sus amigos prometieran que a cambio de su sacrificio, volverían para liberarla. Con el paso de los años y la reunión con sus amigos, descubrió que no todas las promesas se mantendrían. Atrapada en un burdel con un hombre que desea convertirla en su mujer, Rosa comienza una relación inesperada con Zayne Hamilton, un general de otro reino. Zayne se ofrece a comprarla de Graham y abre el camino para que su sacrificio no sea olvidado.
``` Estrella es una chica que no ha conocido otro mundo. Ha estado cautiva por su familia extendida desde que su madre murió cuando ella tenía dos años, ¿o su madre fue asesinada? Se acerca la fecha de su decimoctavo cumpleaños y si no se aleja pronto de sus captores, tendrá que casarse con un hombre al que desprecia. Artem es un joven nuevo Alfa que estaba disgustado por las acciones de los Alfas anteriores. Queriendo reformar su manada y proteger a los débiles, tomó el control por la fuerza. Ahora, está rescatando a aquellos que han sido golpeados, abusados y descuidados. Durante una de sus misiones de rescate, Artem descubre a la joven Estrella. La chica está aterrorizada de su familia, del mundo exterior que no conoce y de él. Entonces, ¿cómo va a decirle que ella es su compañera destinada y futura Luna de su manada? ¿Puede Artem lograr que Estrella confíe en él cuando se le ha dicho que nadie se preocupa por los lobos débiles, especialmente el Alfa? ¿Puede convencerla de que el mundo no es como le han hecho creer? —Haré lo que sea para salvarte, Estrella. Lo que sea para protegerte. Por favor, tienes que confiar en mí. ¿Puede Estrella superar su miedo y confiar en este hombre al que nunca antes ha conocido? ¿Y su familia simplemente se cruzará de brazos y la dejará ser llevada lejos de ellos? ¿Qué altibajos esperan a nuestro Alfa y su compañera en esta montaña rusa de historia? ***ADVERTENCIAS*** Violencia Gráfica Idioma Fuerte Contenido Sexual Contenido para Adultos/Maduro Abuso Encarcelamiento Intento de Violación SÍGUEME Y CUÉNTAME QUÉ PIENSAS https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 ```
“Why don’t you just admit that I am a better version of you, and you are repulsed by it? Do I make you anxious, Elma?" Unable to live together, the Wistold couple filed for divorce but received the opposite of what they had hoped for. Instead of the peaceful divorce they were expecting, the court suddenly decreed that they had 180 days to sort out their marriage. Stating that if they failed to reconcile before the end of the 180 days, their divorce suit would be processed, and they could go their separate ways. But Elma was unable to live with her husband for another day, so Elma Wistold decided to take matters into her own hands. Why get stuck with a man that she didn’t love when she could just find a replacement? To pursue her love and happiness, Elma found a substitute, a lookalike who was not only desperate but was also determined to fulfill her duties. Sarah was just a low-class girl trying to make her family happy when a proposal was brought to her; all she had to do was become Elma Wistold for some time. Left with no other choice but to accept the offer, Sarah moves into the Wistold home, ready to be a mother to Elma’s kids and a wife to Anthony Wistold. She was the complete opposite of Elma and did everything contrary to what Elma would do. But what would happen when Anthony started getting attracted to Sarah? Wanting to make things work between him and his estranged wife, he was ready to spoil her rotten with everything that he owned. What will happen to Sarah when she starts getting greedy for a family that was never hers from the beginning? What will happen when Anthony solves the mystery of why and how his new wife changed all of a sudden? Will he be able to accept the truth when it finally comes out, considering the fact that he was getting comfortable with his estranged wife? Most importantly, what will the three of them do if Elma returns to her old life? What will be the fate of the three? Stay tuned for more. ** “Being Elma Wistold is tougher than walking on flames, you got to be tough and pretend you are a queen” “Here is one concept I realised today, our life is a novel and I am not the heroine. Elma is like an anti-heroine, she became tough and selfish because life made her that way” “And I am selfless because my parents raised me that way, I think she is the better version of this twins. She is the heroine and I am just a supporting character, she got it all and I crave for everything which is hers” “So who better to tell the story than me? The supporting character” A tear dropped on the page, will I ever get what I crave for?
Due to a small plate of snacks, Shangguan Rei, the prettiest lady official in Qin Empire's Imperial Palace who was going to marry the youngest brother of the Emperor, exiled by her beloved Empire that she devoted her full royalty to. On that snowy night, as her bare delicate feet stepped on that bone-piercingly cold snow, her last bit of naivety and innocence were stripped away along with her will to live. With the heavy shackles on her feet, she was the only one who knows that she was falsely accused but does it even matter now? However, just as Shangguan Rei was about to give up on her desire to live, she met him, that man, that godlike man from another dimension, who she wasn't supposed to have a chance to meet in her life. And the red thread of fate has another plan for her... *The story background of this story is purely an alternative reality/history and has absolutely nothing to do with real history. And the Qin Empire is not the Qin Empire we all know. I merely use the ancient monarchy system of some ancient empire as a reference. **No NSFW, no smut. Don't read if you are looking for NSFW content.5
Eighteen years old Arabella "Ara" Ravalli was devastated when she did not catch the last ferry in going to the Island, she is on her way home because of an emergency. Tyler "Ty" Edgebright is on his way to the Perfect Blue Island Resort And Spa. He was on the harbor when he saw a beautiful young woman crying, and he cannot stop himself from admiring her angelic face since her beauty fascinated him. It shocked Ara when the famous"Island's Heartbreaker" Tyler, the hot and handsome son of the Business Tycoon who owned the five-star resort on the Island, offered her a free ride on his yacht in going home to the Island. Ara's boyfriend betrayed her with the person she trusted the most. His deception made her so lost and broken-hearted. ======= Excerpt: "I am not allowed to fall in love with you, right?" Arabella asked Tyler. "Yes." He replied. "What will happen if I will fall for you?" She asked. "Then, it is time we need to break up." He replied. Ara realized Ty's condition is a bit weird, but she grabbed it for she knew he is the only one who can help her mend her broken heart. But as they get to know each other, Ara realized she became more in love with Ty than her ex. Then one day Tyler breaks Arabella's heart when she finds out Tyler's greatest lie. It drove her to leave the Island with a promise that she would never set foot on the place where her heart had been shattered. But one incident caused Ara to return home to the Island, and she is compelled to face her ex-boyfriend, who is now the hot CEO of the Perfect Blue Island Resort. Tyler meets Ara again, she became more beautiful and gorgeous, but she came to be so cold towards him. Ty realized he wanted to win back Arabella's heart. But how can Ty change Ara's heart that turned harder than a stone, and colder than ice? Can Ara give herself a chance to trust and fall in love again with the same person who crushed her heart? ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you to all readers! Please support my other books entitled: Princess Malia's Secret Falling In Love With Miracle My Friend's Arrogant Brother Loving Madeline The Powerful Dragon Witch The CEO's Perfect Mistake You Can't Buy My Love4.74
Liam Drelavine lived her life to the fullest. She went to high school with flying colors. She graduated college as a summa cum laude. She was hired at the biggest company in the country. She worked and was promoted as the CEO. She got beauty, brain, wealth, and fame. What else could she wish for in her life? She was happy and contented. She did her best until she died of old age. She knew well she used her life without any regrets. That's why she was shocked when the guardian of the dead lead her to the gates of regrets! I should be in the gate of reincarnation! Why here?! "You cannot reincarnate with so many regrets in your heart. You need to find and fulfill it in these countless worlds. Until you find it, you will not be reincarnated." So like that, she was thrown into the mini-worlds to find out what she regretted to fulfill it. ************ A certain fellow Daoist: You d*mn woman! Don't let me catch you or else! Liam: Or else what? Are you going to use my nemesis against me? Translation for the new readers: Nemesis = Aphrodisiac Our MC had been victimized by her nemesis a couple of times, resulting from a particular Daoist's virginity at risk. Angry Fellow Daoist: You dare mentioned that to my face! Liam: It's not like you didn't enjoy it. Adios! She ran the gate to enter the next world. ****** This is my original story, and English is not my first language. So pardon me for any grammatical errors. Everything in this book is from my own brain world. So, if you don't want to think crazy like me, don't plagiarize! Trust me, you don't want to copy my brain that always loading. XD And yeah, I have my first book, check out To Love You Again--ongoing."Why are you wearing cow head mask? Lilith asks you this question the third time." Amon groaned, tipping his head up. It made the snout of his mask point at the sky, making Lilith giggle as she found the view funny. "It's weird. Lilith thinks you're ugly that's why you're hiding your face." Hearing this, Amon couldn't help but look at her through his mask. If only he wasn't wearing it, Lilith would see how he arched a brow at her statement as he didn't like what she said. "You said it's rude for people to be ignored. Aren't you being rude for making such a remark?" "Oh!" Lilith gasped, making her cuter as she immediately touched her mouth with both of her hands in an attempt to shut herself up. The little girl spoke again, her voice heard even though she talked softly. "Lilith didn't mean to... Lilith is sorry. But Lilith was honest. Doesn't that make Lilith a good girl?" *** Amon, the Grim Reaper, appeared in the mortal realm to fulfill his job in collecting the souls of the dead. However, an unusual event occurred when he was about to collect one dying pregnant woman's soul. She was giving birth right before she died, making Amon panic and worry as her dying wish was for him to save her child! With the Grim Reaper actually a softie and is willing to take care of the infant despite the rule of their job to not interfere in mortal affairs, what lies ahead for Death and his now-growing human, Lilith? *** "Why do you wear that?" "19 years have passed—" Amon started, "—and this is still what you want to ask about?" "Well, yes." Lilith grinned. --- WARNING: Some chapters of this story contain mature R-18 content. FUN FACT: The world here is connected to "The Soul Eater's Possession" story's world, but this can also be a stand-alone book. COVER ARTIST: Haryu WSA ENTRY 2022 Update Schedule: 1 chapter every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 6PM GMT+8. Want to further show your support? Send me a ko-fi~! ^^ Link: https://ko-fi.com/mysticamy
Gabriella Alexa Dinata is a 22-year-old girl who never imagined that her decision to sell herself to pay for her brother's treatment would result in her getting married to the handsome man who bought her. The man, a 25-year-old CEO of European descent named Jayson Melvin Orlando, married Alexa without love and for no apparent reason, which left her feeling curious about the sudden marriage. As time goes by, Alexa realizes that the impromptu marriage has sparked a love in her heart for Melvin. However, she wonders if Melvin can ever love her in return. What makes it difficult for him to love Alexa, and yet still marry her even being very possessive and reluctant to let her go? Instead of being left curious, join Alexa on her journey as she discovers what lies she ad in this unexpected marriage. please,support my other books. CEO's Crazy Obsession 99 Days Trapped in the body of the Royal Prince's Wife revenge Marriage: Love slave for the devil husband Story by Me Art by Pinterest4.1
Skylar never imagined her wedding night would come with a contract and tasks that include falling in love on a deadline. Bound by an ancient pact, Skylar’s world tilted when she was forced to marry Alec, a cold-hearted Alpha. On her wedding night, she was offered a contract by him. He gave her two options: either accept the given condition, fulfill the tasks written there within a year or get REJECTED and leave the pack like she never existed. Knowing the second option will bring doom to her entire bloodline, she accepts the contract. Now, she has to deal with not only those ridiculous tasks but also the twisted world of Alpha Alec, his dark desires, and secrets. ~ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cxFdZVW82K Follow me on Instagram: author_ilma FB Page: Author I.R. For more: linktr.ee/ilm.arh4.83
Madeline knew he was the alpha of the werewolves, but… __ In Alaric, soulmates are bonded by a red string. Some people chose to go against their preordained fates, some chose to embrace it. However, when Madeline discovers she’s bonded to no, not a human, but the alpha of the pack she happened to stumble upon… Does she unintentionally fall for the devilish Alpha Xavier or does she decide her own path? __ EXCERPT: "Step forward," he ordered, his steely gaze landing on her. Madeline swallowed as a chill went down her spine. "You don't belong here," he snarled, making Madeline want to run despite her intuition which told her not to. Making a face, he narrowed his eyes and spat, "You're a human." Wide-eyed, Madeline stared back at him, her eyes meeting him before she felt something tighten around her pinky. Her heart tightened and began pounding faster than it did before. It flickered, but it was clear what it was. Everyone stared between them, back and forth in confusion. Whatever it was, it could only be seen by Madeline and Xavier. 'With a stranger? Are you kidding me?' He growled. Her heart raced, she was thinking the same thing. __ This book's cover is made by @vatarison.art (check him out on IG)![Warning: Mature Content] Note: BL/HAREM/POLY/R18/Adventure Davy recently became curious about an adult VR game, purchased and tried one. Unfortunately, due to some system malfunction, he found himself trapped in the virtual world and he could only get out after he finished the mission assigned to him. The problem was... this mission was something he had not anticipated when he downloaded this game. The Mission: Conquer The Three Supremes of Chaos Just how could Davy complete it? Would he need to defeat them all? System: No, Your Highness. You need to make love with all of them.
Nineteen-year-old Winona Bravegard hid in a cave of Dasos for seven years because she was both wanted by the Mage King and the Dragon King because of her precious heart that can turn anyone into an immortal. Her mother shielded her from the Dragon King's wrath. At the same time, her father offered his life for her when she unintentionally used her superpower during the dragon kingdom's yearly tournament. The Dragon King kept her mother in Dracousia Kingdom's tower as bait for Winona. Kaiden Drakonar is the Crown Prince of the Dracousia Kingdom, he is the most powerful dragon ever born that surpassed the power of his forefathers, but his father will only turn over his crown to his son if he captures the Dragon Witch. She is the menace to their kingdom because she is the real heir of the dragon world, and she possessed the superpower of the four elements because of her dragon and witch blood that runs on her veins. ”Son, you need to deliver to me the heart of the Dragon Witch, and that is the only way I can proclaim you as the new king of the Dragon Realm.” He set on a journey to find the Dragon Witch, and he disguised himself as an ordinary human hunter who passed by on the forest of Dasos, where he meets a beautiful young maiden, Winona, under the name of Ana, and he fell in love with her. Winona didn’t know she was in love with the person hunting for her heart, while Kaiden didn’t realize she fell in love with the Dragon Witch. She got an opportunity to save her mother when the Dragon King passed a decree calling all-female dragon shifter to join the competition to be chosen as the Crown Princess of the Dragon Realm because the king wants to find the perfect mate for Prince Kaiden. But entering this tournament is more complicated than she thought. What will happen to their love story once she finds out that Kaiden is the Crown Prince of the Dragon World? Can she forgive him for aiming for her actual beating heart as an offering to the Dragon King who killed her father? Can Kaiden kill Winona once he learns she is the Dragon Witch and offers her heart to his father, or is he willing to betray his father and fight beside Winona? As the battle between the two kingdoms intensified, which side will Winona choose? Will she use her superpower to side with the mages who abandoned her witch mother, or is she going to choose the kingdom of his father and reign as the new Queen and forget that once upon a time, she fell in love? (Warning: Has mature content on the later part of the story.)Keeley, uma simples mulher comum, acerta o jackpot. [Não, ela não ganhou na loteria!] Pelo menos é o que ela pensa quando se casa com o solteirão mais cobiçado de Nova York: Aaron, um magnata do coração frio e rico. Ela quer mostrar ao mundo que merece seu lugar e se esforça muito para se encaixar em seu mundo. Um belo dia, Aaron entrega a ela um documento pedindo que ela assine. Um papel de divórcio... "Ela está grávida e eu preciso assumir a responsabilidade." Essa é a última coisa que passa por sua mente antes de dar o último suspiro. Keeley morre, vítima de "atropelamento e fuga". [Fim da história. Não!] Por alguma razão inexplicável, ela acorda como sua versão mais jovem. Uma garota do ensino médio, na época em que conhece seu marido infiel. Lembrando-se de sua vida com Aaron antes de morrer, ela promete a si mesma que fará tudo ao seu alcance para evitá-lo a todo custo. Será que ela conseguirá manter sua promessa quando Aaron também tem seus próprios planos, especificamente para ela? Ou ela repetirá a história e se apaixonará por ele mais uma vez... Por que não viajar comigo e descobrir a verdade por trás da história deles?
An extravagant wedding was taking place in South Korea, the eldest son of the Song family was getting married to the youngest daughter of the Lee family. “We are all gathered today to witness the marriage of Song Ji Hun and Lee Aera. I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law of…” "Wow, what a beautiful view!" A breathtakingly beautiful woman, exclaimed loudly interrupting the ceremony. Every guest present there turned their attention towards the magnificent, beautiful voice when they saw her, their eyes widened in shock as if they were looking at a ghost. The woman they all believed to be dead, was now standing right in front of their eyes. She enjoyed their reactions after finally reaching the bride and the groom, the woman first looked at the bride and smiled, "Hey baby sis, are you that desperate for marriage that you would even marry a SECOND-HAND MAN?" Then the woman looked at the groom, and sweetly greeted him, "Hey Husband, long time no see" ... Lee Kiaraa and Lee Aera, are biological sisters but their relationship was so strained, they were worse than step-sisters. In a big conspiracy, which was unknown to Kiaraa, both her parents were killed. When she decided to dig deeper about it, there were attempts to take her life too. Left with no choice and forced by the circumstance, Lee Kiaraa fakes her death to secretly find her parents’ killer. Due to the sudden wedding announcement between her husband and her sister, Kiaraa’s plans are changed and she comes out of her hiding to reveal herself. ... WPC 199 - Gold Prize PS: This cover does not belong to me