Die im Krieg besiegte Prinzessin Swan, die ihr ganzes Leben lang unbarmherzig schikaniert und von ihrer Stiefmutter und ihrer Schwester verkrüppelt wurde, wird als Preis für seinen Sieg zur Braut des Königs der Bestien - Sturmfront - geschickt. Swan dachte, dass die wilde Bestie sie fressen würde. Sie wird zerkaut werden, bis nur noch Knochen in ihr übrig sind. Aber was, wenn Gale sie stattdessen als Heilmittel für seine ständige Brunst haben will? Dies ist die Geschichte einer verkrüppelten und ängstlichen Prinzessin und eines Bestienkönigs, der dazu bestimmt ist, sich in ein hirnloses Tier zu verwandeln, und der verzweifelt nach seiner Schicksalsgefährtin sucht, um seinen Fluch zu heilen. - Anmerkung des Autors: Dieser Roman ist ein Werwolf-Roman, da der ML ein Alpha ist, bevor er der König der Bestien wird. Er enthält viele R-18 Szenen, die nur für ein reifes Publikum geeignet sind. Schwache bis starke weibliche Hauptrolle x anhänglicher, aber dunkler männlicher Hauptrolle. - Instagram: @foreverpupa
[Completed] Nine years ago, Soo Xinyi fell in love with the heir of Han Corporations, Han Zhiyuan. He was everything she ever wanted in her life. Unfortunately, it was a one-sided love as Zhiyuan already had someone else in his heart. But two years later, due to a series of strange circumstances, she was forced to marry Zhiyuan by his grandfather, Han Huizhong. Thus from Soo Xinyi, she became Han Xinyi. Xinyi had hopes that things would slowly get better one day, but she was wrong. Fate played a cruel game with her and in an instant, her heart was crushed forever. But what will happen when Zhiyuan's past love re-enter their lives? Will she be a threat to their marriage? And when a best friend turned enemy returns with her, every buried secret will bubble to the surface once again! "I love you. I love you so much that I cannot bear to hurt you. And because I cannot hurt you, I chose to bear that pain myself." - Han Xinyi. Sometimes, it's not about spending your life with the one you love, but with the one who loves you… **Cover is designed by artist Vatarison. Insta - vatarison.art** ----------- Discord - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow me on Insta - enthu_reader7Nacida en una de las familias más ricas del país, la verdadera identidad de Layla Rosenzweig es arrebatada en el momento de su nacimiento por la amante de su padre. Se ve forzada a vivir como la hija ilegítima de la familia Rosenzweig. Todos la tratan como una extraña en su propia casa. "Esto es mío. Eso es mío. De hecho, todo es mío", le dijo su media hermana a Layla. Todo lo que pertenecía a Layla se le da a su media hermana, incluido su novio. Luego, se ve obligada a casarse con el tío despiadado de su exnovio, Lucius De Salvo, el hombre más aterrador del país. Lucius De Salvo es conocido por su implacable manera de conseguir lo que quiere. Su nombre es suficiente para aterrorizar a las personas. Se dice que es un hombre desprovisto de emociones. Encuentra placer en el dolor y la miseria de las personas. Le encanta atormentar a aquellos que entran en su radar. Pero, ¿por qué es tan amable con Layla? ¿O es solo una pretensión? "¿Estás lista para la noche de bodas, querida?" Lucius preguntó. "Te he deseado durante mucho tiempo." "¿Qué?" Layla estaba sorprendida. "¿Por qué lo harías?" "Porque eres Layla Rosenzweig. La mujer que me gusta." Con eso, la capturó en un beso apasionado.
Synopsis #R-18 (Mature Content - No Rape) "If the beast inside you could be healed, I will heal it with my love," ~~~~ "What secrets are you holding, Delilah?" The Elder prince stepped forward. "S-secrets? W-what secrets? I am not hiding anything," Delilah whispered, her heart drumming against her chest as she tried her best to hide what was going on. The man in front of her smirked before he gripped her throat and pulled her close, loving the sound of her fast-beating heart. "Is that so? Do I make you nervous?" "A little," Delilah admitted. The smirk on the prince's face widened. "Good. Only I am allowed to make you nervous, just like only you are allowed to touch and have this kind of effect on me," The prince rubbed her lips with his thumb before leaning closer, their breaths coming sharp as he gazed into her eyes. "The moment you allow another man to make you feel anything, he will end up dead, and you, you my sweetheart will end up naked under me while I punish you for even looking at others," Zephyr whispered before he crashed his lips on hers, undressing her gently. ~~~~~~ On the mission to find the hidden secrets of the most powerful ancient wolves, Katherine Moon, the leader of the special task force, found herself in a fatal situation. Betrayed by her own organization, she closed her eyes with just one wish, the wish to find out why they betrayed her as she took her last breath. Bestowed by mercy from the heavens, Katherine finds herself reincarnated in the body of a petite girl, Delilah Rosewood. Delilah Rosewood, who had entered the royal palace as the cousin of the Alpha's daughter, committed suicide after being rejected by the commander of the royal army. Katherine had never thought she would get the chance to get her answers in this lifetime, but now that life has given her this opportunity, she must secure it. However, there were some problems with her plans. "Well, I am the problem that will lead you to a better life!" Her system shouted. First, she got a system to monitor her life. Task#12- Prepare a sweet dish for the prince. Reward#- 10 points in strength. Second, the system wanted her to seduce the future alpha king if she wanted to make this body stronger. If being reincarnated in a weak body wasn't enough, the body didn't even have a wolf. "Aaaaaa! Fuck my life!" Katherine groaned. "This isn't your life. You must help Delilah reach her destiny," the system's voice came again, making her groan. "If you want to become stronger, you must seduce the future alpha king," The system said again. What Katherine didn't know was that the man in the hidden palace already had his eyes on her. "Sir, is that lady the only one you can touch?" His subordinate asked. Zephyr's eyes shone brightly. "Yes, and I want that girl to be mine," Zephyr said. "But sir, it looks like after being rejected by the commander, she has made your brother her next target," Jacob whispered. "It's a statement, Jacob. That girl is mine. Full stop." Zephyr licked his lower lip as he looked at the girl dancing on the ground after eating a freshly picked cherry Katherine, unaware of the elder prince's intentions, gets ready to bear it all and live her new life with new tasks, but what happens when she finds out the system she was living with was fake? A fake system? It's bearable… Right? But what about the powers who have started to go haywire inside her? And why do Gypsies keep visiting her in both her lives? Just who was this Delilah Rosewood? Disclaimer- There might be scenes with high violence, stalking, dark romance, goth, gore, blood, details graphic visuals of deaths and murders. The first 50 chapters might look a bit dull because of world-building, but if you decide to stay after that, I promise to make this journey worthwhile. ~~~~~~ You can follow me on Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj Or join my discord (Link only given in DM)
A kind girl falls in love with a vicious killer. Unhinged Yuri story set in Seoul. ------ “Like a prey waiting with a trap, I missed my predator. I missed her touch in the places I’ve never been touched. I wanted to hear her sing the songs that I’ve never heard.” ------ As the blood dripped off the knife she held firmly in her pale hand, I saw my reflection in the cold blade that had just taken the life of a man. I dreamed of magical moments like this every day. Something - someone to come and free me from the suffocating monotony of normalcy. She stormed into my life brandishing death, and in the moment of madness, my heart fluttered. Then she came to my place, uninvited. I treated her wounds and fed her. She slept on my couch like a cat. We started our lives together. Death bound us like the knot of tie I fixed for her as she left for work - to kill, kill, and to kill again. I spent countless nights sitting in darkness, on my couch hugging my knees, gripped with worry and excitement. I prayed for her safe return home, but I did not pray for the souls she’d be sending to hell. But she always returned, like a stray cat coming for food in the back alley behind a restaurant. I was the cook who put out the food for her, stroked her, and gave her shelter. A stray cat. A great feline predator. She was mine and mine alone. Together we laughed, alone I cried. Together we laughed, alone I cried. But I think we also loved. I think. ------ This is a dark and twisted psychological slice-of-life romantic comedy with a sprinkle of inspiration from the noir genre. If that doesn’t make sense, it’s because it doesn’t.
I never expected my life to change so drastically. One moment, I was a woman with dreams, deeply in love with a man I thought I’d spend my life with. The next, I was betrayed and heartbroken, walking in on him cheating without a hint of remorse. That night, overwhelmed with pain and too much alcohol, I made a reckless decision, a one-night stand with a stranger who, to my shock, turned out to be my new boss. Arec, the vice president of Denco Groups, was desperate. To secure his future as CEO, he needed a wife, and in a twist of fate, he offered me a contract marriage. It sounded absurd, but his desperation mirrored my own need to escape the wreckage of my life. It was supposed to be simple: no emotions, no strings attached. A business arrangement, nothing more. I thought I could handle it, that I could keep my heart out of it. I was wrong. What started as a deal quickly spiraled into something far more complicated. As our fake marriage blurred into real feelings, the world around us began to close in. Disapproving family, old enemies, buried secrets, scheming rivals, and even an attempt on my life threatened to tear us apart. This is my story, a journey of heartbreak, unexpected love, and a fight to protect what we built together. In a world filled with lies and deceit, can a marriage born out of necessity become something real? --- Warning: This book contains mature themes. Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/NJJKETf4Nachdem sie an ihrem Hochzeitstag von ihrem Verlobten und ihrem Cousin betrogen wurde, schwört Zara, wiedergeboren mit Erinnerungen an vergangene Fehler, ihr Schicksal neu zu schreiben. Impulsiv heiratet sie einen Fremden, um sich ihren Ex vom Leib zu halten, nicht ahnend, dass Snow alles andere als ein einfacher Callboy ist. Snow Zephyr, ein wohlhabender CEO und Alpha des Ivory Crescent Packs, braucht eine Vertragsfrau, um seinen Vater zu besänftigen und seine Position zu sichern. Als eine kühne, entschlossene Frau ihm eine Vernunftehe vorschlägt, stimmt Snow zu, nicht ahnend, welches Chaos sie in sein Leben bringen wird. Zaras trotzige Entscheidung provoziert den Zorn ihrer Eltern, was dazu führt, dass sie aus der Firma geworfen wird und gezwungen ist, woanders Arbeit zu finden. Sie findet einen Job bei Aurora Conglomerate Inc. und muss feststellen, dass ihr neuer Chef Snow ist, der Mann, den sie geheiratet hat - und der Onkel ihres Ex. Die Funken fliegen, als ihre gegenseitige Anziehung inmitten der dunklen Geheimnisse seiner Familie und der drohenden Gefahren wächst. Zaras Stärke und Unabhängigkeit ziehen Snow in ihren Bann, der in ihr die potenzielle Luna sieht, die sein Rudel braucht. Gemeinsam stellen sie sich rachsüchtigen Ex-Geliebten, Entführungskomplotten und tödlichen Rivalitäten. Als Zaras Kräfte erwachen, muss sie sich mit den Gründen für die Enteignung durch ihre Familie, den versteckten Klauseln in ihrem Ehevertrag und ihrer endgültigen Rolle in Snows Welt auseinandersetzen. Als sich ihre Vernunftehe zu einer echten Partnerschaft vertieft, taucht eine neue Herausforderung in Form einer Schicksalsgefährtin auf. Wird Zara gegen die Gefahren ankämpfen, die sie erwarten, oder sich ihrer wahren Bestimmung stellen? **AUSZUG** "Ich... wollte nicht zu spät zur Arbeit kommen. Du schienst beschäftigt zu sein, also dachte ich, ich fange schon mal an." Snow hob eine Augenbraue. "Wirklich? Oder liegt es daran, dass dich die letzte Nacht so sehr mitgenommen hat, dass du meine Nähe nicht ertragen konntest?" "Schmeichle dir nicht selbst, Snow. Du hast mich nicht im Geringsten beeinflusst." Er schmunzelte und trat näher heran. "Ist das so?" Seine Finger strichen über mein Kinn und hoben mein Gesicht an. Mein Puls beschleunigte sich. "Wir sind bei der Arbeit", schnauzte ich und schlug seine Hand weg. "Das ist nicht professionell." "Du bist meine Frau", murmelte er. "Du hast mir immer zu gehorchen." Ich verkniff mir eine Erwiderung, ein Hauch von Rebellion flammte in mir auf. Langsam trat ich näher und ließ meine Finger über seine Brust streifen. Sein Grinsen schwankte für eine Sekunde, als sein Wolf reagierte und Snow sich auf die Lippen biss. "Vorsichtig, Boss", säuselte ich verführerisch. "Tu diesen Lippen nicht weh. Ich bin sicher, viele Mädchen würden sie gerne küssen." Snow beugte sich hinunter, seine Lippen streiften mein Ohr. "Und du? Willst du unbedingt mal probieren?" Überrumpelt zögerte ich, dann gewann ich meine Fassung wieder, als ich ihm in die Augen sah. "Im Gegensatz zu anderen Mädchen habe ich einen starken Widerstand gegen..." Ich konnte nicht zu Ende sprechen, als Snows Lippen mit einem heftigen Kuss auf meine trafen, der mir den Atem raubte. *************** REIFER INHALT Ich nehme am Viral Book Call Contest teil. Unterstützen Sie mich bitte!
Waking up from a coma was the least of Serena’s worries when she finds out she’s married! She can’t remember who she is. Her parents are plotting to kill her. What does a young woman do in such a situation? She traps her handsome rich husband ofcourse! Serena will not let him go until she uncovers the truth. Aiden Hawk married for convenience. Blackmailed by his grandmother, he came up with the perfect plan. Marry a woman on her deathbed and play the role of her grieving lover. When she passes away, he would be free to do as he pleased! But to everyone's surprise, she came back alive! What’s more, she’s sticking to him like glue! Will their accidental marriage work out or will they be separared for ever? *Picture credits: Queenfrieza Snippet: Her eyes widened in shock when he walked over to lock the hospital room door with a click. "What are you doing?" she asked shakily. She did not like the look on his face. He raised a brow and smirked, raising the corner of his mouth. "What do you think I'm doing?" "Why… why did you lock the door?" "My wife...You've woken up after so long. Of course, I have to spend some time with you undisturbed..." Serena watched him as he walked towards her, his presence seemingly filling the room. Her heart almost threatened to leap out of her chest...She wanted to jump off the bed but her legs were useless and she had no strength...4.93
“Help me, please,” Bella pleaded, grasping his hands. His dark eyes, devoid of warmth, pierced through hers with an unsettling coldness. "Why should I mess with those goons to help you?" he asked callously. “I’ll do anything you say,” she said without thinking, desperate. “Just save me from them.” He demanded something that Bella had never anticipated even in her dreams. A contract marriage! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bella Dawn was already in distress to pay her step father’s debts. To add her misery, her mother was diagnosed with liver disease and needed immediate transplant. Where would she get that much money? Then, like a cruel twist of fate, she accidentally encountered a handsome man, Theodore Reid, the enigmatic CEO of Ace Group. Rumors said that he was a ruthless businessman with a heart as cold as ice. Yet, to Bella, he was kind, rescuing her from the clutches of those who sought to exploit her. She was grateful to him until he demanded something weird, shattering her pervious assumptions. He wanted to marry her. No He wanted a contract marriage. In exchange, he would take care of her mother's treatment and compensate her generously at the end of their arrangement. For Theodore, it was a solution born out of necessity, a means to appease his grandfather's demands for an heir while he searched for the one who had once saved him, his angel. Bella’s appearance reminded him of his savior. So, he offered her a contract marriage. It was a temporary solution to his grandfather’s demand to get an heir until he found his angel. With no other options left, Bella reluctantly agreed to the terms of the contract. But little did she know it would test her resolve and resilience like never before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Remember one thing, never fall in love with me,” he said, cold and dangerous. Bella gulped, nervous. “What if I do?” A sliver of defiance, a foolish question escaped her lips. She was already attracted to his handsome appearance. He squeezed her jaw and hissed, “You will regret it.” “What if you started liking me?” she dared to ask. He leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. "No chance," he scoffed. "You're not my type." Bella’s heart sank. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can check my other books. Accidentally Married to Mr. Billionaire - Completed The Billionaire's Sick Wife - Completed Temptation of Billionaire's Secret Lover: A tale of love and revenge - Completed. My Ex-Husband Begged Me To Take Him Back - Ongoing, daily updated.Aunque solo era un matrimonio por conveniencia, Amelie Ashford era la esposa perfecta en todos los aspectos. Era inteligente, obediente y bien respetada. Era amable con todos y devota de su esposo. Y estaba perfectamente contenta de pasar el resto de su vida así, aunque constantemente la acosaran con la idea de quedar embarazada. Eso fue hasta que su esposo entró en su casa con una amante a su lado y eventualmente exigió el divorcio. —Muy bien —dijo Amelie con calma—, te divorciaré. Los ojos de Ricardo brillaron al escuchar a su esposa pronunciar esas palabras. Sin embargo, para su sorpresa, ella no había terminado. —Pero no te sorprendas cuando recibas una invitación a mi próxima boda. Para sorpresa de todos, Amelie de hecho se casó de nuevo, ¡y con un hombre más joven y, como resultó, más rico! Y se aseguró de que su exmarido se diera cuenta de lo que significaba perder el apoyo de una mujer como ella. _____ —Me criaron para ser la esposa perfecta de la clase alta, educada para sobresalir y permanecer alerta. Todo lo que sabía era cómo fingir una sonrisa, leer y trabajar duro para asegurarme de que nadie se atreviera a menospreciar a mi familia. Pero al final, eso fue exactamente lo que me hizo aburrida y sosa. Entonces, ¿por qué cuando mi marido decidió divorciarme, Liam se enamoró de mí en su lugar? Importante: FL no es una Mary Sue. El divorcio ocurre en la segunda parte de la novela así que cuídate la presión arterial.
On their second-year wedding anniversary, Emily stood before her husband clutching a positive pregnancy test. But her world shattered when Alexander Stratton, the cold-blooded billionaire whose heart seemed impenetrable, uttered the words that would change everything: 'I want a divorce.' In the aftermath of Alex's callous declaration, Emily vanished from his life without a trace. Yet, unexpectedly, Alex's heart stirred with a newfound urgency to find her, his once-dismissive attitude replaced by an insatiable quest to locate the woman he had unknowingly driven away. Months turned into a relentless pursuit. Then, one fateful day, amidst the bustling city streets, Alex's determined search led him to a heart-stopping encounter: Emily, with a child at her side. 'Whose child is this?' Alex's voice reverberated with a mixture of disbelief and longing as he confronted the unexpected sight before him...
[Mature Content.] ** [COMPLETED.] ** Winter’s second marriage was nothing like the fairytale of her first. She spent the past two years being intimidated and abused by her evil mother-in-law, Camilla. She endured it all for the sake of her second husband, Sebastian. But she was finally pushed to her breaking point when she found out that Sebastian cheated on her and seized all of her assets accumulated from her previous marriage. Winter was left with nothing but a baby in her womb. - “You have taken everything from me, Sebastian Saenz. So I will take this baby with me to the grave. He doesn’t deserve to be born unloved by his scum father,” Winter said before she jumped from the balcony and plunged to her death. - She thought she’d end up in the afterlife with her first late husband. But she found herself back in the past, two years earlier when she had just finished her wedding reception with Sebastian Saenz. Thus, equipped with the knowledge of her misfortune that would happen two years from now on, she vowed to protect herself and everything that her first husband left for her from the hands of her greedy second husband and mother-in-law. But what would happen if Sebastian also returned back in time to beg for her forgiveness. Would she give him a second chance? Or would she destroy him just like how he destroyed her in their previous life? - “What should I do so you will forgive me, Winter?” Sebastian asked as he was on his knees. “You are the only one I have, so please…” Winter stood coldly, staring down at the man who ruined her in the previous life, “Then I will take everything from you, Sebastian. I want you to know the anguish I felt in my last moment.” ** All pictures are commissioned Contact me on Instagram: @foreverpupa ** Check out my other books! - Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil Brother (Completed) - He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband (Completed) - She Becomes A Hot Sensation After A Scandalous Affair (Completed)4.4
Falling in love with my imposter sister's fiance wasn't the plan. After finding out that she was exchanged at birth and was the real daughter of the Moore family, Eliana was expecting a turn in her life, but nothing changed except that she lived in a big house and could now eat good food. Her parents still ignored her and everything good was first given to Amber, their imposter daughter. She was twelve when she met him, when he saved her from drowning, and when she found out that he already had a betrothed. It was already known that the eldest son of the Sanders family was betrothed to the eldest daughter of the Moore family since birth. She knew this, and it was only natural that she accepted this, but the more they crossed paths, the more she wanted him and the more she wanted more for herself. Eliana was ready to do anything to achieve all her dark desires, even if it made her a villain. After all, there is a saying that goes 'Villians are not born, they are made."4.37
Odelia Grace, a beautiful and smart woman, a secretary of a big company, had to give up the career she had at a young age for a marriage with the CEO of another company, Vincent Percy. The marriage was filled with love and support for each other for 4 years. However, they did not have a child. Vincent's family became furious, and continued to demand and pressure Odelia. A beautiful marriage turned into a nightmare because of their abuse. "You barren woman! My son is jinxed because of you, he shouldn't have married you in the first place!" snapped her mother-in-law. Until one day, Odelia was kicked out of her own house and went to a hotel for the night. She accidentally met a man who was drunk. Unintentionally, there was a hot night between the two of them. And after that night, Odelia finally realized that she was not barren and that she was carrying a baby. The baby of her ex-husband's enemy, Sean Osbert.4.66
Zhao Ling, a forensics investigator, lost her life in a fire explosion while inspecting a crime scene. Her soul was transmigrated into the body of an oppressed lady who also lost her life in another fire incident, at the same moment in time, leaving a deep scar on her face. With a new body, but a familiar name, this is the epic journey of a concubine, who has a second chance at life, and her dealings with an oppressed life, an arranged marriage, and the deadly mysteries of this new world? Welcome to The Concubine, an epic fantasy/historical romance novel.4.77
[Warning: Mature Content R18+] BLURB “ Greetings your majesties, my name is Cedric Charon” The new slave took his time before he bowed his head and lowered his eyes in obedience. It was the uttermost impudence that we had ever seen from a slave. Yet, he was a startlingly beautiful specimen with all muscle and perfect edges, but the eyes were the most startling thing about him. They were molten gold and like the boy's skin, they seemed to shine in the sunlight. I felt my whole existence questioned by the slave and I pushed my power to smell him and for sure the scent of ambrosia that we had earlier scented came from him. " Brother, am I dreaming or is that human slave blood calling to us? A human slave!!!" Silas who sat on my right hand gasped in uttered shock. "My beast wants me to rush over and sink my fangs into him. He is a human slave for fucking sake" Talon muttered from the left side of the seat. " Mate," I spoke up. " That is what my beast roared and declared the minute he stepped foward and introduced himself" I whispered. Sith and Talon's eyes widened and they both looked at me with shock, dread, and disbelief at the realization of the fact that I had uttered the word " Mate". ******** Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon Sith were born in a pair of three and had lived for centuries ruling the Sith Glassy Mountains. They fed on the blood of the Elisera slaves who came to work in Sith castle where they all resided. Under the pact named Paktum between the humans and the Vampires, the young men would be employed to work in the castle for the Vampires while their families would be provided with gold that would take care of their needs. Hence, they co-existed as the Paktum Pact maintained peace between the two races. That is until Cedric Charon enters the Blood Mountains and the Vampire Lords realize that their intended mate is a human slave and more sore with the blood of a witch. Cedric is everything the Sith Mountain coven forbids, a human, a witch, and a rebel. Cedric is not ready to be imprinted by the vampires who have enslaved his people in the mountains to feed on their blood, while Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon are disgusted that their mate is a human slave with the blood of a witch. It gets complicated when they find out that Cedric is a blood rose. His existence makes the Vampires question all the teachings the coven has taught them regarding humans. Their relationship becomes more complicated once they discover that Cedric is also part of the resistance that wants the Paktum Pact broken and the human slaves set free. Will their mating bond survive or will it completely break them?4.73
Love knows no boundaries, no age limits. It only knows how to bring two hearts together... Yasmin Wiley, 19, a smart but clumsy woman, was happy with her life. She dreamed about being a famous designer. Her life turned upside down when she was forced to marry her sister's groom because her sister ran away on the wedding day. Declan Wilson, a 27-year-old billionaire, was so preoccupied with the business that he had no time for romance. His lack of interest in women even led to the rumor that he was gay. He would not marry, but he had to accept defeat under the pressure of his father. But the bride got changed on the wedding day. Life was not easy for them. Yet they got close and comfortable with each other slowly. Then things got ugly when certain misunderstandings worsened their differences. There were brawls, ego clashes, and doubts. No make-up sessions were enough to mend their severed relationship. Will Yasmin and Declan be able to put aside their differences and rekindle their love for one another? Or does fate have something in store for them that will keep them apart forever? =========== You can check my other books. The Billionaire's Sick Wife - Completed Temptation of Billionaire's Secret Lover: A tale of love and revenge - Completed. The Contract Bride of Mr. Reid - Ongoing, daily updated. My Ex-Husband Begged Me To Take Him Back - Ongoing, daily updated.Después de ser traicionada por su prometido y su prima en el día de su boda, Zara, renacida con recuerdos de errores pasados, jura reescribir su destino. Impulsivamente, se casa con un extraño para mantener a su ex a distancia, sin darse cuenta de que Snow está lejos de ser un simple acompañante. Snow Zephyr, un rico CEO y alfa de la Manada de la Media Luna de Marfil, necesita una esposa de conveniencia para apaciguar a su padre y asegurar su posición. Cuando una mujer audaz y decidida le propone un matrimonio por conveniencia, Snow acepta, sin ser consciente del caos que ella traerá a su vida. La elección desafiante de Zara provoca la furia de sus padres, llevando a que la expulsen de la empresa y la obliguen a buscar trabajo en otro lado. Consigue un empleo en Aurora Conglomerate Inc., solo para descubrir que su nuevo jefe es Snow, el hombre con quien se casó, y el tío de su ex. Las chispas vuelan a medida que crece su atracción mutua en medio de la oscuridad de los secretos familiares de él y las amenazas inminentes. La fuerza e independencia de Zara cautivan a Snow, quien comienza a verla como la futura Luna que su manada necesita. Juntos, enfrentan ex amantes vengativos, tramas de secuestro y rivalidades mortales. A medida que los poderes de Zara despiertan, debe enfrentar las razones detrás del desprecio de su familia, las cláusulas ocultas en su contrato matrimonial y su papel definitivo en el mundo de Snow. Cuando su matrimonio por conveniencia se profundiza en una verdadera asociación, surge un nuevo desafío en la forma de una compañera del destino. ¿Luchará Zara contra los peligros que la esperan o abrazará su verdadero destino?
Aurora Grey thought she could win her husband, Lucas Rossi's heart, even if it took years. For three long years, she endured his coldness, hoping that one day he would see her as more than just a convenient substitute. But when she reads the headlines announcing Lucas’s return to the city with his ex-girlfriend, Julia Mayhem, the truth hits her like a dagger—she never had a place in his heart. Lucas's affection had always belonged to Julia, and now that she’s back, Aurora knows her time is up. No longer willing to be the woman in the shadows, Aurora takes control of her fate. With a sharp resolve, she demands a divorce, choosing to reclaim her dignity rather than watch the man she loves cherish someone else. But Lucas Rossi isn’t a man who easily lets go of what he considers his. The moment Aurora steps out of his life, he realizes just how deeply she had entwined herself in his heart. Driven by a need to reclaim what he’s lost, Lucas tracks her down, determined to make her see that she belongs with him—and no one else.4.82
Forced to become the concubine of King Alistair, Princess Sierra left her home kingdom behind. But she's no princess! Sierra is the adopted daughter of a general, a knightess by training. She was threatened and forcefully given a false title in order to take the place of the real princess. Despite all the odds, the King still falls hopelessly in love with her. What will happen when her identity is revealed? Will their love prevail? Awesome beautiful cover is a commissioned piece from Sapphrix on Instagram! Huge thanks to her for doing the cover and bringing my lovely characters to life! I really appreciate it!