He has ample time, my ass... the author literally wasted 1,000 years of training so he can go to canon.
Poor Nozel and Dorothy... to see your parents doing the 'deed', there is nothing more traumatic. I hope they recover from this (especially Nozel as he literally was there for his conception)!
And for once, I do believe that abomination. Still, when will a part of his soul be placed in sleep? And what will happen to the 2 parts when the other one we know comes back? I think that this dream will most likely end with the 2 Sebastians merging back into one being.
Olala! Just 2 more chapters and we can come back to the present!
I can bearly wait for Aciers reaction after they get out of the memories... I hope she doesn't go completely berserk and doesn't go on a rampage... Although I might prefer that over the heartbreak she will experience.
Lol! So that's how Pikachu came to be! It makes so much sense!
... well, what can you expect from pirates? This is the reality of the pirates from the world of One Piece, over 99% of them are worse then garbage. And in this world, I don't think we can apply the old saying: 'One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.'.
Typical Chinese MC behaviour... I hope Diana finds out and breaks up with him. Although considering this is a Chinese novel, that most likely won't happen. And since it is a Chinese novel, he will most likely also have a harem...
In the cramped confines of the airplane lavatory, she managed to pull off so many tricks.
Anime & Comics · XElenea
Again, typical Chinese protagonist that seeks to be the center of attention .
"Anyway, I still have plenty of time to prepare, so I'll focus on the now and leave the future for later..." Minato murmured to himself, trying to reorient himself after the torrent of thoughts and concerns about the future.
Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
It's a good story, pretty short, only 194 chapters, but worth a shot. Original title: 盘龙:穿越棘背铁甲龙. Also, for those that find themselves in this situation again looking for the original source, just go and use Google Translate and translate the text from English to simplified Chinese.
Coiling Dragon: Reborn As The Armored Razorback Wyrm
Book&Literature · DeadOverlord666