tftc. what a fight scene. tense, risky and a trial of his next movements
tftc. there it is, the time it took for the northrenders to receive word was quite fast, unless there's been a sizable time lapse. let's see how he talks his way out of this and enlists her
tftc. interesting, where is Aszer? Considering he split their forces up, is he using the prince to actually fight his battle for him instead?
tftc. also yrsa, she would be less likely to be a problem but treading carefully is imperative. she's honestly the bigger concern if she finds Aric to be anything but positive. also, figured aszer would do that, still showing Aric why he will depose him
tftc. hope he doesn't lose sight of things and remain careful. he's already seen the king can be quite conniving and crafty
Rebirth System: Blood and Ash
Fantasy · Faded_Ink