Ah, so he didn't get Aisha then? Quite a shame without another Spirit companion.
Did Mashiro appear later in this Novel?
Did i miss something? I thought this takes place in the 90's where Japanese economic crisis and Titanic movie release, why there's Twitter did he fund it?
I'm not usually interested with romance in a novel especially a harem one, but this one is a bit to fast or forced in my opinion.
Damn, the Mc is a disgusting prick can you at least filter some of this from the original?
Did this Author even do research for his source? Not sure he is even a Chinese probably just a wannabe with how limited his work is, anyway for the translation it's pretty good.
Wth did I miss a page!? Where's the interactions with Natsuki?
Though they're a Federation not something with an Emperor?
From the first few chapters is pretty good, but here we go again travel to another world that is of course Dxd and start collecting all the female like a hoe, I mean why most Wn always go to Dxd!?
Damnable cliffhanger we need Moar!!!!
Its a world of blending with group chat ( Rewrite )
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