this is getting to be a quite perilous situation ! I'm at the edge of my seat! can hardly wait to read the next chapter ! I absolutely LOVE this novel !! :-)
what a nice date ! ;-)
I am really enjoying the start of your story. I like how you have introduced the various characters, and rivalry with the Princess. :-)
I really like this story! I hope the bees succeed in their mission. I hate murder hornets & wasps ! ;-[
I think I like this story already ! :-)
cool rewards. ;-)
cool battle plan !
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
I like the main character already, she is kind & caring despite the heavy burdens she has borne so far. Her inner strength and humanity are great qualities to have. :-)
I'm really enjoying your story, and this ARC. I'm curious if Xiya is going to come in time to affect things??? maybe someone else??
Stop Hypnotizing Me, Antagonist Princess!
Urban · Fish-flavored cheese