This woman is really cool, will this be the first planet she dominates?
This is being satisfying, thanks for the chapter 🙇
Thank you for the chapter/Christmas gift, It's very good , I'm always happy when I read it this story. 🙇😃👍
A chasina will happen, and one of the most deserved muarararararara.
lol they are already down there, they and the devotees are purging the evil lol 🤣
The story is getting more and more interesting, she is preparing beautifully to enjoy the dish of revenge. Rule the world, my dear.
eita caralho
I'm loving this story and its translation lol 😂
Yes he has
I was intending to try another attempt at making lemon tea but using something else as the sweetener since I still don't have honey.
What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?
Sci-fi · Draekai