Hi, could you please tell me which coins you use and what their value is?
"Apparently, the governors in question managed to detract a fair amount of coin from their respective regions before their powers were reduced. If the first month's pattern coming from our new governors is extrapolated for the entire year, the loss to the royal coffers would total at least 5,000 silverii," she said, shaking her head,
War · Allevatore_dicapre
From the Ashes Begin Anew
Yes, in the year 1500 there were already banks and commerce was already very common. We have the Medici who were of common origin and became nobles after commerce and their banking.
After that Vanessa left the study and Cain went to reviewing the documents of the clan lucifer and the business it had in the human world and he had one thing to say the money that the clan gained through the human world was ridiculous and he had to manage all of that because he was the heir. All of this was previously managed by the house of Lucifuge but now that there are heirs to the house of lucifer Gerhard just appeared on my 13th birthday and dumped all this paper in my study and called it a birthday gift.
Anime & Comics · Vegeta_Kakarot
Um galeão também é o equivalente a 17 sicles de prata e 493 nuques de bronze. Só para ter uma ideia do custo de vida do reino mágico, o livro Quadribol Através dos Séculos custa 14 sicles e 3 nuques. Assim sendo 20 galeoes vale muito dinheiro para o mundo bruxo
"And seeing your reaction and the condition you were in the last time you never lived a life worth 20 gold coins a month," commented Sharptooth.
Book&Literature · Graviele
se voce leu o livro a maldiçao estava no anel e nao na pedra o diretor foi amaldiçoado quando colocou o anel no dedo , a pedra em si nao tem maldiçao nenhuma
The first was an octagonal stone black in colour. In front of Harry's surprised eyes, the stone flew towards his chest and a golden coloured case appeared out of nowhere. The stone was perfectly enclosed in the case and the case hung on Harry's neck from a golden thread.
Book&Literature · Graviele
there is a mistake they then started making weapons after melkor was freed not before melkor taught how to make weapons
Their days were filled with training, for even as children, they were expected to master the skills of the Eldar—strength of body as well as mind. They practiced with swords and bows in the palace courtyards, the clash of steel and the twang of bowstrings echoing through the halls. Though Fëanor's passion often made him the more aggressive in combat, Alcaron's calm precision and quiet focus made him his brother's equal, and their sparring matches were often watched with interest by the warriors of the Noldor, who marveled at the skill of the young princes.
Echoes of the Hidden Light in the Great Song
Book&Literature · Skulduggery82