Hi, I don't know if I'll add the other Mean Girls characters besides Regina for now. Regarding Veronica, I won't focus on her anymore. And as for video games, Andrew won't create or develop that many video games, at most Flappy Bird plus one more... Since his main goal is to be a professional football player, he doesn't have time to focus on developing that many video games.
"I'll try to get Jenna and her mother to leave Shadyside… It's a shame Tuesday is going to end up like this," Elias replied with a regretful expression. He didn't like Jenna's sister, but he knew she was an innocent normie who would end up as food for his vampire cousins.
Fernsehen · Nathe07
Nothing at the moment, in the future I don't know 👀
I recently watched the seasons of Invincible. I hadn't watched them before. I thought about writing, but I have to do some research on the power scale if I add powers from other universes. In the case of being Mark's twin brother I would have to see how he could be more powerful.
It's a choice I delegate to Leonard and Howard who are trusted friends and video game enthusiasts.
Modern Family: New Life
Fernsehen · Nathe07