She see the things like in the real world. That's why she finds difficult at first recognize the face of cartoon characters.
Yet, the fact that she was reading a book within the world of a cartoon intrigued her. Books had often been better than their adaptations—perhaps she would find something worthwhile here.
TV · Frowfy
Thanks for the *comment* lol
Thank you for the chapter. The entire logic of this world is all messed up lol
I will explore Connir?e's POV right in the next chap :3. And thank you as always.
I was very busy in real life till some time ago to the point that even my main story was affected. I will come back as soon as I accumulate a secure margin of at least 5 chapters there
I approve
She never expected to break down in the middle of the day. This moment would likely be burned into her personal history as one of the darkest, most humiliating events.
TV · Frowfy
Now you said it thsi becomes really weird XD. She can read perfectly is just that the phenomena book had triggered her curiosity in the past and she was avoiding it. An irrational trauma, but in terms of capabilities, she can do anything.
'Wait—didn't I have amnesia? I can just say I learned it somehow…'
TV · Frowfy
Oh my gah
Actions have consequences
Steven Universe: Broken Peridot.
TV · Frowfy