"You have access to the most powerful wish-granting force in the universe," he said slowly, voice tight, "and you... want to cook?"
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
You know to much
The book also hadn't mentioned the demon prince's age anywhere in the book as far as I could recall, and when you think of a final antagonist, "teenager" doesn't really come to mind.
Fantasy · avbutt
Yep now I’m pretty confident that she hates him
She hated his lack of shame. She hated how he could say whatever he wanted without consequence. She hated that no matter what insults or barbs she threw, he never reacted the way she expected. She hated the way he smiled. She hated how he could be so open. She hated his presence.
Anime & Comics · Zacky_Bilnadzary
On that note, that was… quite the experience for me, eating enough food to feed an entire rugby team, in one sitting, as a kid… no idea where all that food went, and honestly, it felt like it was one of those things it was best not to question.
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
Ocean of blood?
『Now that I think about it, doesn't the ocean look darker the deeper you go...? Does that mean there's an ocean of blood if you dive deep enough?』
Anime & Comics · Zacky_Bilnadzary
Random meme time. this is how I feel when I like my comment
This arc dies in its budding phase.
Anime & Comics · Manofculture_5978
Don’t you dare disrespect my Woat Misogi kumagawa like that (Worst of all time)
"Nah. Just transferred schools. Figured I shouldn't look like the King of Losers on my first day."
Anime & Comics · Manofculture_5978
Misogi is like Tom from Tom and Jerry, you always want Tom to win yet you know that he will never catch Jerry.
You are my special
"You're my… special," he whispered. His expression softened into something that might have passed for sorrow if it didn't feel so utterly wrong.
Highschool DxD : Actually Satan
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj