"!!!" Tomoya had a mental attack.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
Roger in One Piece doing One Peace
To some extent, its impact will be no less than the public execution of One-Piece Roger.
Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
You sounds like you're always on the edge
Imu naturally witnessed the end of the current generation of the 'Pirate King', it can be said that he was in a very good mood and drank two more glasses of the delicious sweet red wine from him.
Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
Shouldn't it be Pirate King instead of One Piece ...... also I'm surprised the news actually use Gol D instead of Gold
[One Piece Gol D. Roger was arrested by the Navy!]
Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
He said the line
"Since you dare to come to Mariejois, you are courting death."
Anime & Comics · Cloud_Of_Dreams
Shouldn't you be happy that YOUR SUBORDINATES are competent
"Tsk, you five old men really have sharp minds."
Anime & Comics · Cloud_Of_Dreams
You're still alive?
Cannonball and Nukes are different in scale on so many levels
Nah, some authors just didn't like leaving it at coincidence or luck so they usually make Sirzechs the one who arranged things to seems like accidental found. Not necessarily out of hate but out of disbelief she's that lucky
Although in some fanfics where the author hated Rias created a plot where Sirzechs was pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
The end of the protagonist Tomoya
Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods