you are right! Thank you for pointing it out.
He took her hand, his grip warm and steady as she trembled. "I won't ever turn away from you again. If you need someone—anyone—I'll be there. Please, lean on me if you want to."
Anime & Comics · kreakerss
the tree is alive?
Asher's muscles screamed in protest as he remained frozen, his powers straining to stir another distant branch. Each second felt like an eternity as the messenger continued its rampage, clawing and howling at the empty air.
Anime & Comics · kreakerss
depends, I cam back for xmas for 2 days before going back
Merry chirstmas!!
Merry Christmas
I just come home spontaneously from a redisential college
u'll see
We'll see tmrw, I jst got a break from college
it's a glitch
My dumb life in Shadow Slave
Anime & Comics · kreakerss