Hello! Author here! This book is based on teenagers trying to take control over their fate, with their newfound abilities. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Your cover got me on the hook: so cool! Your synopsis intrigued me: I'm curious! Your first chapter sat me down: I think I'm gonna love this book! Keep it up AuthoRed! I'm a big fan of your first book. Please up another chapter as soon as possible!
This book is awesome, ignoring the fact that there are a few grammatical errors here and there. The book has the potential to reach greater height if, and only if, our author doesn't drop this book later on. Ride on author!
Sorry for not replying sooner. AuthoRed
It's a three hole Ski mask. His lips are exposed.🎭
"Why the smile? Did I do something funny?"
Games · AuthoRed
Chapter twenty and I'm loving the book so far. I don't usually read romance book, but this one was worth the while. Keep it up author 👍 Don't disappoint me by dropping this book later on.
Lemme guess... Childhood lover, or bestie
Nice book! I love this 💫.......................................................................................................................................................................
Author here! I believe this book has so much potential and would be ranking somewhere at the top soon. Don't hesitate to give a feedback on how you're loving this book so far.
You have no idea how hard it is on me right now I've been stressed lately
Jayden replied with a melancholic tone, and summoned his machete and glock19 pistol.
The Merc System.
Games · AuthoRed