😩🤝 Btw I got a Server for my novel (I'm the author) so If you want to join the just respond to me. There are other reader and in general other information about oob, like the manhwa I'm working rn :)
Yeah xD. I've read it but only after someone told me what reference I did when I wrote this story
Well it all happens way too fast and Cham is his best friend
“Cham!” Elliot exclaimed, dumbfounded and on the verge of rushing to his friend, nearly dropping his Colt 1911, but Ren quickly halted him with a firm grip. “Get a grip, Elliot! You can’t save him; you need to shoot now!” With tears in his eyes, Elliot steadied himself, gripping his weapon tightly, the veins in his arms prominent as he clenched his teeth. Ren pressed down the safety lever on the upper left side of Elliot's Colt 1911 with one hand while doing the same on his Beretta 92FS with the other.
Horror · Bloody__Potato
Is this actually a Lotm reference😭 (I'm the author)
Then darkness. Deeper than the blackness of night, so profound that he couldn’t even see his hand in front of his face. A void. In an instant, it was filled—images flashing too quickly to comprehend. Fire. Churches. Eyes—one, three, seven, eleven. Blood—red, blue, green, orange, yellow, violet, brown, black, white, gold. A black-haired man with red, pupil-less eyes, his skin torn and bleeding from every gash, impaled by a black sword through his chest. Angels. Demons. Gods. A woman, also black-haired, searching desperately. Colossal beings shackled and chained. More eyes, empty of pupils. Masks. Violet deserts. Black mountains. Syringes—countless syringes. A blonde man with red eyes, his skin peeling as a torrent of blood—golden, red, every color—poured from his eyes, ears, and mouth. Maggots swarming his body, devouring him from within.
Horror · Bloody__Potato
you should have:)
How It All Began
Horror · Bloody__Potato
They varied, each more obscure than the last, often leaving him guessing at their meanings. But the one he had a week ago… that one was different. It had been a vision so vivid, so catastrophic, that it left him drenched in cold sweat and wracked with pain for days. Normally, his visions were less intense—more like flashes of mundane tragedies: a child breaking an arm at a playground, a student bullied in a bathroom. He would experience the sensations, the dull ache of the fracture or the chilling splash of water dumped over a head, and then, a week later, the event would happen exactly as he had seen it.
Horror · Bloody__Potato
shit is on fire
Great first Ch
Well on other sites I can add sth like this is assisted AI content (only grammar assisted). I did it on Royal Road for example. Also I'm sry that my english isn't the best (I'm 17 and from Germany) I'm trying my best to proofread my Ch's and correct them, and I admit that the start isn't the best from the writing. However, I got better over the time:)
ty bro
Origins of Blood
Horror · Bloody__Potato