I will when I have something to write, got writers block on that story
My little Pony Equestria Girls. With a gender bender Sunset Shimmer
Nope as she's not from the One Piece world, not that she needs it.
He's not that smart, if he was he wouldn't had kept Harry in the dark of so many things that he could had used when he needed it.
1 – Being a badass old person happens a lot in fiction but few times do they ever show what aging would really do. Sure some old people still have sharp minds but others minds grow dull as do their bodies.
Anime e quadrinhos · madhat886
Yeah, I did but this was years ago before it was finish.
Thanks for the review, this story I wrote years ago and after discovering this website, I decided to post it here. The whole story is a deconstruction of the normal Naruto story where he loves and wants to be apart of a village and culture that wants nothing to do with him and never done anything to earn it. Also interesting note, I created the guardians the robot guards long before I learn about Dishonored 2 having robot soldiers. I did a simpsons thing where I correctly guess what would show up in something before it happen.
yes she can but I'm not doing zombies as that just leads to a zombie world
And yes it even means lame monsters, like Hot Stuff the little devil counts as horror.
Worm: Horror Master
Outros · madhat886