Reached that point by now too
He still had the voices in his mind.
Fantasy · ohcocanuts
Good alcohol is very precious but still no need to fangirl over it mate
"Alcohol is similar to life. It is art, ART! That is why we need to treat it as precious and cherish it!"
Fantasy · ohcocanuts
It certainly is
"Alcohol is art."
Fantasy · ohcocanuts
Back from the dead after 2 years here we go again
"Cale-nim, do you think the path to the Wind Island will be difficult? Is there really a need for only one person to go?"
Fantasy · ohcocanuts
Second hand embarrassment is kicking hard
Nick was left with only a singlet outlining his bony figure and blue briefs on. At this point, he didn't even want to bother using his hands to cover the small bulge protruding from his blue briefs, however, he wasn't that shameless.
Fantasy · MrLollip0p
Ohh okay, thanks mate
Dude it's just a beer don't be so dramatic... in Germany we drink beer legally at 14 lmao
Nick suppressed a rising irritation and politely responded as he slid back the $50 bill, "You mean no one underage and still in high school carries IDs around. I'm sorry, but I can't take the risk. I could get fired."
Fantasy · MrLollip0p
So his "stage name" is Nick I guess?
That's crazy
While he had borrowed from his neighbors, he rented the cars and hired the bodyguards, all for an act to make his mother, Sara, truly believe he was successful.
Fantasy · MrLollip0p
One week later. Cale still had not come out of the island.
Trash Of The Count’s Family
Fantasy · ohcocanuts